3. Elaeocarpus multiflorus (Turcz.) F. Vill. 繁花薯豆
An evergreen tree. Branches stout glabrous. Leaves alternate, chartaceous, oblong, 9-12 cm long, 4-5.5 cm broad, glabrous on both surfaces, acute or shortly acuminate at the apex with short acumen, obtuse at the extremity, obtuse or rounded sometimes acute at the base, the midrib slightly elevated above, but flatish towards the apex, the lateral veins about 8 on each side of the midrib, arcuate-ascending, the veinlets prominently reticulate; petioles 2-3 cm long, glabrous, swollen at both ends. Inflorescences axillary or above the scars of the fallen leaves, racemose, with the peduncle about 3-5 cm long, sparsely ?puberulent; pedicels about 6 mm long, densely puberulent; flower-buds ovate, about 5 mm long; sepals 5, lanceolate, with densely minute-grey hairs on outside, nearly glabrous inside, 5-6 mm long, 1.8 mm broad at base; petals oblong, 6 mm long, usually 3-dented, with a cushion of long woolly hair inside at base; disc villose; usually composed of 10 glands; stamens about 20; anthers linear, 2 mm long, the outer valve produced into an awn, very minutely pubescent throughout; filaments about 1.2 mm long, villous; ovary slightly villous; style glabrous, about 1.2 mm long. Fruit ellipsoid, about 1.5 cm long, 0.8 cm across, the pedicel about 1 cm long.
The Philippines, Celebes and the Ryukyus. Taiwan found only on Is. Lanyu (Botel Tobago). TAITUNG: Is. Lanyu, Chang 5514*, Huang & Kao 5184.
The species is characterized by the petioles with swollen tops and the petals usually cut into 3, rather short segments.
Elaeocarpus multiflorus ナガバコバンモチ
20.節柄杜英 Elaeocarpus arthropus Ohwi
喬木;枝條比較粗大,幹後變灰色,無毛。葉近革質,卵狀長圓形或狹窄倒卵狀長圓形,長7-12釐米,寬3-5.5釐米,先端鈍或稍凹入,基部楔形,上下兩面均禿淨無毛,亦無腺點,側脈7-9對,在下麵突起,小脈平行,幹後在上下兩面均略突起,邊緣有疏鈍齒;葉柄長2-4釐米,無毛,上端增粗成腫節狀。總狀花序長5-6釐米,被緊貼柔毛;花柄長7-10毫米;萼片5片,披針形,長6毫米,先端尖,外面有灰白色柔毛;花瓣與萼片等長,長圓形,外面有毛,內面有長毛,頂端尖,有2-3個小齒;雄蕊多數,比花瓣短,花絲極短,有毛,花藥長2.5-3毫米,頂端有毛叢;子房被毛,花柱禿淨。花期6-7月。 產於臺灣。模式標本采自臺灣。
根據記載本種花瓣頂端有2-3個小齒,很接近日本杜英 E. japonicus Sieb. et Zucc.,只是側脈較多,花梗較長,花藥先端有毛叢而不同。