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7. Lindernia hyssopioides (L.) Haines, Bot. Bihar et Orissa 4: 635. 1922. 尖果母草

Annual glabrous herbs, stems erect or ascending, to 10 cm tall, simple or branched. Leaves sessile, oblong to lanceolate, 5-15 mm long, 1-4 mm wide, palmately 3-nerved, sometimes uninerved, apex acute, base cuneate, margins entire or 1- or 2-dentate. Flowers solitary, axillary, upper ones in more or less terminal leafy racemes; pedicel longer than subtending leaves, 5-20 mm long, frequently pendent in fruit. Calyx cleft nearly to base, 3-4 mm long; lobes linear-lanceolate, glabrous. Corolla pale blue or pale purple, 7-11 mm long. Stamens 4; anterior pair staminodes, linear, apex clavate, posterior pair fertile, included. Capsule ovoid-ellipsoid, much longer than the persistent calyx, 5-7 mm long.

India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Java, and southern China. Taiwan, in moist paddy fields.

TAOYUAN: Tachuang, Huang & Huang 13527.

8. Lindernia mollis (Benth.) Wettst., Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV. 3B. 79. 1891. 見風黃

Annual glabrous herbs, stems prostrate or decumbent, to 50 cm tall, branches pilose. Leaves petiolate to subsessile, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 15-40 mm long, 8-30 mm wide, pinnately nerved, apex acute to obtuse, base cuneate to truncate, margins crenate-serrate, pilose; petioles 5-13 mm long. Flowers solitary or in 2-6-flowered clusters, axillary or terminal; pedicels shorter than subtending leaves, 10-25 mm long. Calyx cleft nearly to base, 3-7 mm long; lobes linear-lanceolate, pilose. Corolla white to pale violet, 6-10 mm long. Stamens 4, all fertile, anterior filaments each geniculate near base. Capsule ellipsoid, shorter than the persistent calyx, 2.5-5 mm long.

India, Myanmar, Indochina, Java, and S. China. Taiwan, in marshy ground at low elevations in the south.

KASOHSIUNG: Kangshan, Simada 140. PINGTUNG: Pingtung, Matuda s. n. 1915.

9. Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borbas, Bekesm Fl. 80. 1881; Li, Fl. Taiwan 4: 571. 1978. 陌上草

Annual glabrous herbs, stems erect or ascending, up to 20 cm high, simple or branched,. Leaves sessile, ovate-oblong to elliptic, 7-25 mm long, 3-12 mm wide, palmately 3-5-nerved, apex acute to obtuse, base cuneate, margins entire, glabrous. Flowers solitary and axillary, not forming terminal racemes, pedicels longer than the subtending leaves, 10-28 mm long. Calyx cleft to near the base, 2.5-4 mm long; lobes linear-lanceolate, glabrous. Corolla white or pale pink, 4-6 mm long. Stamens 4, all fertile, included; anterior filaments each with a linear spur near the base. Capsule ellipsoid, subequaling or slightly longer than the persistent calyx, 3-4.5 mm long.

Tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World. Taiwan, in wet areas near bodies of water.

TAIPEI: Shintin, Simada 904C.

10. Lindernia pusilla (Willd.) Boldingh, Zahl. Landoustr. Java 165. 1916. 見風紅

Annual herbs, stems erect or ascending, to 15 cm tall, simple to much branched, branches pilose. Leaves sessile, widely ovate to widely elliptic, 5-30 mm long, 4-18 mm wide, pinnately nerved, apex acute, base obtuse to cordate, margins shallowly crenate-serrate, pubescent above, pilose below. Flowers 1-4 in leaf axils; pedicel longer than subtending leaves, 6-40 mm long. Calyx cleft nearly to base, 3-4 mm long; lobes lanceolate, hispid. Corolla white or pale purple, 6-10 mm long. Stamens 4, all fertile; anterior filaments each with clavate spur near the base. Capsule subglobose, shorter than the persistent calyx, 2-4 mm in diameter.

India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Indochina, southern China, Malesia, and Papua New Guinea. Taiwan, in moist meadows, roadsides and swampy areas at low elevations.

ILAN: Nanao, Huang & Huang 13369. PINGTUNG: Kaoshu, Kao 10195. TAITUNG: Lanyu, Kao 10816. HUALIEN: Hungyeh, Huang & Huang 14123.
