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Turner, Ian Mark

  1. Turner, Gard. Bull. Singapore 46: 131-135 1994;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/43614230#page/287/mode/1up
  2. Turner, Gard. Bull. Singapore 49: 1-5 1997;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/43613282#page/9/mode/1up
Turner, Ian Mark, Tan, Hugh T. W. & Chua, K S;Additions to the Flora of Singapore
Turner, Ian Mark, Tan, Hugh T. W. & Chua, K S;;A Botanical Survey of Pulau Ubin
Turner, I.M. The Names Used for Singapore Plants Since 1900
Turner, Ian Mark;A conspectus of the families and genera of the vascular plant flora of Malaya
  1. Turner, Gard. Bull. Singapore 47, 1: 1-5 1995;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/43616220#page/9/mode/1up
  2. Turner, Gard. Bull. Singapore 47, 2: 347-655 1995;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/43660944#page/11/mode/1up
Turner, Ian Mark;A Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Malaya
Turner, Ian Mark;An Enumeration of One Hectare of Pantai Aceh Forest Reserve, Penang
Turner, Ian Mark;Nomenclatural changes for four Malayan species in Phrynium (Marantaceae), Solanun (Solanaceae). Stachyphrynium (Marantaceae) and Boesenbergia (Zingiberaceae)
Turner, Ian Mark;Notes on the flora of Malaya: New Records, Overlooked Records and some Nomenclatural Clarification
Turner, Ian Mark;The plant taxa of H.N. Ridley, 4. The primitive angiosperms (Austrobaileyales, Canellales, Chloranthales, Laurales, Magnoliales, Nymphaeales and Piperales)
Turner, Ian Mark & Cheek, Martin;Some New Eastern Gingers - a Paper by H.N. Ridley Containing Descriptions of Four Species Overlooked since their Publication in 1900
Turner, Ian Mark;Some Nomenclatural Adjustments in the Commelinaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Lauraceae, Rubiaceae, Sapotaceae, and Zingiberaceae of the Malay Peninsula
TURNER, Ian M.;The botanical legacy of Thomas Hardwicke's journey to Srinagar in 1796
Turner, Ian M. & Timothy M.A. Utteridge;Whither Polyalthia (Annonaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia? Synopses of Huberantha, Maasia, Monoon and Polyalthia s.s.
  • Turner, I. M. 2018 The importance of the plates in the Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen, Botanie for the nomenclature of South-East Asian plants. Taxon 67(3): 621–631. DOI: 10.12705/673.14
  • Turner, I. M., Y. W. Low, M. Rodda, K. M. Wong & D. J. Middleton 2018 The plant taxa of H.N. Ridley, 5. The Gentianales Gard. Bull. Singapore
  • Turner, I. M. 2019 A nomenclatural synopsis of Chassalia (Rubiaceae) in Asia Feddes Repert. 130: 396–404
  • Turner, I. M. 2023 Flora of Singapore precursors, 36: Notes on Pentaphragmataceae in Singapore Gard. Bull. Singapore 75: 49-53

Dunn, Stephen Troyte

Dunn, Stephen Troyte;Alien flora of Britain
Dunn, Stephen Troyte;Descriptions of New Chinese Plants
Dunn, Stephen Troyte;A Botanical Expedition to Central Fokien
Dunn, Stephen Troyte;New Chinese plants
Dunn, Stephen Troyte;A Supplementary List of Chinese Flowering Plants, 1904-1910
Dunn, Stephen Troyte;Flora of Kwangtung and Hongkong (China)
Dunn, Stephen Troyte;A Revision of the Genus Millettia, Wight et Arn.

Hutchinson, John

Hutchinson, John;British wild flowers
Hutchinson, J.;A Contribution to th Flora of Northern Nigeria XLVI Plants collected on the Bauchi Plateau by Mr. H. V. Lely.
Hutchinson, J., Dalziel, J.M., Keay, R.W.J., Flora of West Tropical Africa (FWTA), 2nd ed. (1954-1972)