Hara, Hiroshi 原寛
- Hara, Fl. E. Himalaya 1966;https://archive.org/details/dli.pahar.3297/mode/1up
- Hara, Hiroshi;The Flora of Eastern Himalaya: Results of the Botanical Expedition to Eastern Himalaya Organized by the University of Tokyo 1960 and 1963 University of Tokyo Press
- Hara, Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo Bull. 348-352 1966;https://archive.org/details/floraofeasternhi00hara/mode/1up
- Hara, Hiroshi 1971 Flora of Eastern Himalaya second report Bull. Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo 2: 1-432
- Ohashi, Fl. E. Himalaya ed.3 1975;https://archive.org/details/dli.pahar.3464/page/n1/mode/1up
- Ohashi, Hiroshi, et. al,; The Flora of Eastern Himalaya : third report
- Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap.
- Hara, Enum. Spermatophytarum Japon
- Hara, H.;Enumeratio Spermatophytarum Japonicarum;Enumeratio Spermatophytarum Japonicarum, vel A Bibliographic Enumeration of Flowering Plants Indigenous to or Long Cultivated in Japan and its Adjacent Islands. Tokyo;原寛;日本種子植物集覧 1948-1954
- Hara, Hiroshi 1966 The Flora of Eastern Himalaya, results of the botanical expeditions to eastern Himalaya organized by the University of Tokyo. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo.
- Hara, Hiroshi 1966 The Flora of Eastern Himalaya: Results of the Botanical Expedition to Eastern Himalaya Organized by the University of Tokyo 1960 and 1963 University of Tokyo Press
- Hara, Hiroshi 1971 Flora Eastern Himalaya 2nd. Report Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo Bull. 2: 1-196 1971
- Hara, Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo Bull. 2: 1-196 1971;https://umdb.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DImages/Kankoubutsu/IBulletin/no02/no02PDFlink5.html
- Hara, Hiroshi, 1971 FLORA OF EASTERN HIMALAYA SECOND REPORT The University Museum, The University of Tokyo Bull. 2:1-432
- Ohashi, Hiroshi, et. al, 1975 The Flora of Eastern Himalaya: Systematic Enumeration of the Plants Collected; Spermatophyta Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo Bull. 8: 13-163
- Hara, H., W. T. Stearn, A. O. Chater & L. H. J. Williams 1978-82 An Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Brit. Mus. Nat Hist vol. 1-3
- Hara, Hiroshi 1934 Flora of Karuizawa XIII J. Jap. Bot. 10: 623-630
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaidô (Yezo) II Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 48: 793-813
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaidô (Yezo) IV Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 49: 4-18
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaidô (Yezo) V Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 49 (578): 69-86
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaidô (Yezo) VI Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49 (579): 115-125
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaidô (Yezo) VII Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 49 (580): 196-210
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) IX Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49 (588): 861-867
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) X Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50 (592): 187-194
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XI Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50: 247-254
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50: 301-308
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XIII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50: 363-370
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XIV Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50: 419-425
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo). XV Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50: 489-496
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo). XVI Bot. Mag. Tokyo 50 (598): 562-570
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo). XVII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51 (601) 14-21
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XX Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51 (604) 142-149
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXI Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51: 635-642
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51: 838-846
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXIII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51: 891-899
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXIV Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 1-8
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXV Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 65-73
- Hara, Hiroshi 1938 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXVI Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 121-128
- Hara, Hiroshi 1938 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXVII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 181-188
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXVIII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 227-234
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXIX Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 283-290
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXX Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 341-348
- Hara, Hiroshi 1938 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXXI Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 395-402
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXXII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 455-462
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXXIII Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 509-516
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXXIV Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 559-566
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Preliminary Report on the Flora of Southern Hidaka, Hokkaido (Yezo) XXXV Bot. Mag. Tokyo 52: 615-626
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Two New Genera of Saxifragaceae in Japan Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51: 250-253
- Hara, Hiroshi 1933 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (I) J. Jap. Bot. 9: 512-522
- Hara, Hiroshi 1934 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (II) J. Jap. Bot. 10: 227-237
- Hara, Hiroshi 1934 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (III) J. Jap. Bot. 10: 586-602
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (IV) J. Jap. Bot. 11: 101-112
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (IV) J. Jap. Bot. 11: 381-390
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (VI) J. Jap. Bot.11: 509-514
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (VII) J. Jap. Bot. 11: 622-633
- Hara, Hiroshi 1935 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (VIII) J. Jap. Bot. 11: 820-830
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (IX) J. Jap. Bot. 12: 37-46
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (X) J. Jap. Bot. 12: 164-175
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (XI) J. Jap. Bot. 336-343
- Hara, Hiroshi 1936 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (XII) J. Jap. Bot. 12: 792-802
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (XIII) J. Jap. Bot. 13: 171-180
- Hara, Hiroshi 1937 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (XIV) J. Jap. Bot. 13: 600-607
- Hara, Hiroshi 1938 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (XV) J. Jap. Bot. 14: 49-56
- Hara, Hiroshi 1938 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (XVI) J. Jap. Bot. 14: 515-522
- Hara, Hiroshi 1941 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (XVII) J. Jap. Bot. 17: 18-26
- Hara, Hiroshi 1941 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientals (XVIII) J. Jap. Bot. 17: 119-129
- Hara, Hiroshi 1941 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (XIX) J. Jap. Bot. 17: 335-347
- Hara, Hiroshi 1941 Observationes ad Plantas Asiae Orientalis (XX) J. Jap. Bot. 17: 631-646
- 原寛 1937 學名餘談 (其一) / Miscellaneous Notes on the Nomenclature of Asiatic Plants (I) 植物研究雑誌 13 (1): 24-29
- 原寛 1938 學名餘談 (其三) / Miscellaneous Notes on the Nomenclature of Asiatic Plants (III) 植物研究雑誌 14: 334-340
- 原寛 1942 學名餘談 (其五) 植物学雑誌 18: 458-468
- 原寛 1938 台湾の Euphorbia 植物研究雑誌 14: 355-356
- 原寛 1939 米国さく葉室便り(其一) 植物研究雑誌 15: 313-318
- 原寛 1939 米国さく葉室便り(其二) 植物研究雑誌 15: 452-459
- 原寛 1939 米国さく葉室便り(其三) 植物研究雑誌 15 (12) 767-773
- 原寛 1940 米国さく葉室便り(其四) 植物研究雑誌 16 (3) 154-162
- 原寛 1940 米国さく葉室便り(其五) 植物研究雑誌 16 (5) 255-263
- 原寛 1942 マメカミツレとシマトキンソウ 植物研究雑誌 18: 3-5
- 原寛 1951 日本種子植物集覧第2冊より 植物研究雑誌 26 (9): 277-282
- Hara, Hiroshi 1951 Notes on Japanese Elaeocarpus J. Jap. Bot. 26: 91-95
- 原寛 1954 ツクシマムシグサ 植物研究雑誌 29: 163
- Hara, Hiroshi 1955 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (1) J. Jpn. Bot. 30 (1): 19-26
- Hara, Hiroshi 1955 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (2) J. Jpn. Bot. 30: 65-72
- Hara, Hiroshi 1955 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (3) J. Jpn. Bot. 30: 138-142
- Hara, Hiroshi 1955 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (4) Jpn. Bot. 30: 193-198
- Hara, Hiroshi 1955 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (5) J. Jpn. Bot. 30 (9): 271-278
- Hara, Hiroshi 1955 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (6) J. Jpn. Bot. 30: 321-327
- Hara, Hiroshi 1956 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (7) J. Jpn. Bot. 31: 57-63
- Hara, Hiroshi 1957 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (8) J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 134-140
- Hara, Hiroshi 1957 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (9) J. Jpn. Bot. 32: 289-293
- Hara, Hiroshi 1958 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (10) J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 49-55
- Hara, Hiroshi 1958 Critical notes on some type specimens of East-Asiatic plants in foreign herbaria (11) J. Jpn. Bot. 33: 146-152
- 欧米にある東亜植物基準標本の検討
- Hara, Hiroshi 1968 New or noteworthy flowering plants from Eastern Himalaya (6) J. Jap. Bot. 43 (2) 44-48
- 原寛 1977 東亜植物註解 (4) 植物研究雑誌 52 (9): 257-262
- 原寛 1984 東亜植物註解 (13) 植物研究雑誌 59: 33-41
- 原寛 1984 東亜植物註解 (14) 植物研究雑誌 59 (6): 171-184
- 原寛 1986 東亜植物註解 (18) 植物研究雑誌 61 (3): 65-73
- 原寛 1951 日本種子植物集覧第 2 冊より 植物研究雑誌 26: 277-282
- Hara, Hiroshi & Sachiko Kurosawa 1963 Cytotaxonomical notes on some Japanese plants (2) J. Jap. Bot. 38: 113-116