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  1. Rhododendron abietifolium Sleumer
  2. Rhododendron acuminatum Hook. f.
  3. Rhododendron adenogynum Diels
  4. Rhododendron adenopodum Franch.
  5. Rhododendron adinophyllum Merr.
  6. Rhododendron aequabile J. J. Sm.
  7. Rhododendron aff. occidentale (Torr. & A.Gray) A. Gray hybrid
  8. Rhododendron agastum Balf. f. & W. W. Sm.
  9. Rhododendron albrechtii Maxim.
  10. Rhododendron amagianum (Makino) Makino ex H. Hara
  11. Rhododendron annae Franch.
  12. Rhododendron anthosphaerum Diels
  13. Rhododendron araiophyllum Balf. f. & W. W. Sm.
  14. Rhododendron araiophyllum Balf. f. & W. W. Sm. subsp. lapidosum (T. L. Ming) M. Y. Fang
  15. Rhododendron arboreum Sm.
  16. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. var. album Wall.
  17. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. var. cinnamomeum (Wall. ex G. Don) Lindl.
  18. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. subsp. cinnamomeum (Lindl.) Tagg var. roseum Lindl.
  19. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. var. roseum Lindl.
  20. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. subsp. cinnamomeum (Lindley) Tagg
  21. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. subsp. delavayi (Franch.) D. F. Chamb.
  22. Rhododendron aff. arboreum Sm. hybrid
  23. Rhododendron arboreum Sm.
  24. Rhododendron argyrophyllum Franch.
  25. Rhododendron arizelum Balf. f. & Forrest
  26. Rhododendron augustinii Hemsl.
  27. Rhododendron auriculatum Hemsl.
  28. Rhododendron baconii Argent, A. L. Lamb & Phillipps
  29. Rhododendron bagobonum H. F. Copel.
  30. Rhododendron barbatum Wall. ex G. Don
  31. Rhododendron borneense (J. J. Sm.) Argent, A. L. Lamb & Phillipps
  32. Rhododendron borneense ssp. villosum
  33. Rhododendron brachycarpum D. Don ex G. Don
  34. Rhododendron bureavii Franch.
  35. Rhododendron burmanicum Hutch.
  36. Rhododendron burtii P. Woods
  37. Rhododendron buxifolium H. Low ex Hook. f.
  38. Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr.
  39. Rhododendron calophytum Franch.
  40. Rhododendron calophytum Franch. var. jinfuense Fang & W. K. Hu
  41. Rhododendron calophytum Franch. var. openshawianum (Rehder & E. H. Wilson) D. F. Chamb.
  42. Rhododendron campanulatum D. Don
  43. Rhododendron campanulatum D. Don subsp. aeruginosum (Hook. f.) D.F. Chamb.
  44. Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook. f.
  45. Rhododendron campylogynum Franch.
  46. Rhododendron canadense (L.) Torr.
  47. Rhododendron catacosmum Balf. f. ex Tagg
  48. Rhododendron championiae Hook.
  49. Rhododendron charitopes Balf. f. & Farrer
  50. Rhododendron ciliicalyx Franch.
  51. Rhododendron cinnabarinum Hook. f. subsp. xanthocodon (Hutch.) Cullen
  52. Rhododendron cinnabarinum Hook. f.
  53. Rhododendron commonae F. Först.
  54. Rhododendron commutatum Sleumer
  55. Rhododendron concinnum Hemsl.
  56. Rhododendron coriaceum Franch.
  57. Rhododendron crassifolium Stapf
  58. Rhododendron cuneifolium Stapf
  59. Rhododendron cuneifolium Stapf var. microcarpum Argent, A. Lamb & Phillipps
  60. Rhododendron cyanocarpum (Franch.) Franch. ex W. W. Sm.
  61. Rhododendron dauricum L.
  62. Rhododendron dauricum L. var. ciliatum (Nakai) E.H. Wilson
  63. Rhododendron davidii Franch.
  64. Rhododendron davidsonianum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
  65. Rhododendron decorum Franch.
  66. Rhododendron decorum Franch. subsp. cordatum W. K. Hu
  67. Rhododendron decorum Franch. subsp. diaprepes (Balf. f. & W. W. Sm.) T. L. Ming
  68. Rhododendron degronianum Carrière
  69. Rhododendron degronianum Carrière var. amagianum (T. Yamaz.) T. Yamaz.
  70. Rhododendron degronianum Carrière subsp. heptamerum (Maxim.) H. Hara var. hondoense (Nakai) H. Hara
  71. Rhododendron degronianum Carrière subsp. heptamerum (Maxim.) H. Hara
  72. Rhododendron delavayi Franch.
  73. Rhododendron delavayi Franch. var. peramoenum (Balf. f. & Forrest) T. L. Ming
  74. Rhododendron denudatum H. Lév.
  75. Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
  76. Rhododendron dilatatum Miq. var. decandrum Makino
  77. Rhododendron dilatatum Miq. decandrum Makino albiflorum Hatus.
  78. Rhododendron duclouxii H. Lév.
  79. Rhododendron durionifolium Becc.
  80. Rhododendron durionifolium ssp. sabahense
  81. Rhododendron edanoi ssp. pneumonanthum
  82. Rhododendron edgeworthii Hook. f.
  83. Rhododendron eriocarpum Nakai
  84. Rhododendron ericoides H. Low ex Hook. f.
  85. Rhododendron excellens Hemsl. & E. H. Wilson
  86. Rhododendron exuberans (Sleumer) Argent
  87. Rhododendron falconeri Hook. f. subsp. eximium (Nutt.) D. F. Chamb.
  88. Rhododendron falconeri Hook. f.
  89. Rhododendron fallacinum Sleumer
  90. Rhododendron farrerae Sweet
  91. Rhododendron flavidum Franch.
  92. Rhododendron flavidum hybrid
  93. Rhododendron floccigerum Franch.
  94. Rhododendron formosum Wall. var. inaequale C. B. Clarke
  95. Rhododendron formosum Wall.
  96. Rhododendron fortunei Lindl.
  97. Rhododendron fulvum Balf. f. & W. W. Sm.
  98. Rhododendron fuyuanense Zeng H. Yang
  99. Rhododendron galactinum Balf. f. ex Tagg
  100. Rhododendron glanduliferum Franch.
  101. Rhododendron grande Wight
  102. Rhododendron groenlandicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd
  103. Rhododendron hancockii Hemsl.
  104. Rhododendron henryi Hance
  105. Rhododendron himantodes Sleumer
  106. Rhododendron hodgsonii Hook. f.
  107. Rhododendron hongkongense Hutch.
  108. Rhododendron horlickianum Davidian
  109. Rhododendron hyperythrum Hayata
  110. Rhododendron hypoleucum (Kom.) Harmaja
  111. Rhododendron inaequale (C. B. Clarke) Hutch.
  112. Rhododendron inaequale Hutch.
  113. Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet
  114. Rhododendron inundatum Sleumer
  115. Rhododendron irroratum Franch. subsp. pogonostylum (Balf. f. & W. W. Sm.) D. F. Chamb.
  116. Rhododendron irroratum Franch.
  117. Rhododendron japonoheptamerum Kitam.
  118. Rhododendron japonoheptamerum Kitam. var. okiense T. Yamaz.
  119. Rhododendron japonicum (A. Gray) Suringar
  120. Rhododendron japonicum C. K. Schneid.
  121. Rhododendron javanicum Benn./Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn.
  122. Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn. subp. brookeanum (H. Low ex Lindl.) Argent
  123. Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn. subp. cladotrichum (Sleumer} Argent
  124. Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn. subp. cockburnii Argent, A. Lamb & Phillipps
  125. Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn. subp. gracile Argent, A. Lamb & Phillipps
  126. Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn. ssp. javanicum
  127. Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn. subp. kinabaluense (Argent, A. Lamb & Phillipps) Argent
  128. Rhododendron javanicum (Blume) Benn. subp. moultonii (Ridl.) Argent
  129. Rhododendron jiewhoei Argent
  130. Rhododendron johnstoneanum G. Watt ex Hutch.
  131. Rhododendron kaempferi Planch.
  132. Rhododendron keiskei Miq.
  133. Rhododendron kesangiae D. G. Long & Rushforth
  134. Rhododendron konori Becc.
  135. Rhododendron lacteum Franch.
  136. Rhododendron lagopus Nakai
  137. Rhododendron lagopus Nakai var. niphophilum (Yamazaki) Yamazaki
  138. Rhododendron lambianum Argent
  139. Rhododendron lamrialianum Argent & T. J. Barkman
  140. Rhododendron lamrialianum ssp. gunsalamianum
  141. Rhododendron lamrialianum ssp. lamrialianum
  142. Rhododendron lanceolatum Ridl.
  143. Rhododendron latoucheae Franch.
  144. Rhododendron leptothrium Balf. f. & Forrest
  145. Rhododendron longiflorum Lindl.
  146. Rhododendron longiflorum var. longipetalum
  147. Rhododendron longiforum Lindl. var. subcordatum (Becc.) Argent
  148. Rhododendron lowii Hook. f.
  149. Rhododendron luteum Sweet
  150. Rhododendron macgregoriae F. Muell.
  151. Rhododendron macrosepalum Maxim. 
  152. Rhododendron maddenii Hook.f. subsp. crassum (Franch.) Cullen
  153. Rhododendron makinoi Tagg ex Nakai
  154. Rhododendron malayanum Jack
  155. Rhododendron mariesii Hemsl. & E. H. Wilson
  156. Rhododendron maxwellii Gibbs
  157. Rhododendron mayebarae Nakai & H. Hara
  158. Rhododendron meiferi
  159. Rhododendron metternichii Siebold & Zucc.
  160. Rhododendron micranthum Turcz.
  161. Rhododendron microgynum Balf. f. & Forrest
  162. Rhododendron micromalayanum Sleumer
  163. Rhododendron molle G. Don
  164. Rhododendron molle (Blume) G. Don subsp. japonicum (A. Gray) Kron
  165. Rhododendron monkonoense
  166. Rhododendron monkoboense Argent
  167. Rhododendron montroseanum Davidian
  168. Rhododendron morii Hayata
  169. Rhododendron moulmainense Hook.
  170. Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G. Don
  171. Rhododendron x mucronatum (Blume) G. Don f. shironishiki Nakai
  172. Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz.
  173. Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz. subsp. sichotense (Pojark.) A. P. Khokhr.
  174. Rhododendron multiflorum (Maxim.) Craven
  175. Rhododendron neriiflorum Franch. subsp. phaedropum (Balf. f. & Farrer) Tagg
  176. Rhododendron neriiflorum Franch.
  177. Rhododendron nervosulum Sleumer
  178. Rhododendron nervulosum
  179. Rhododendron nieuwenhuisii J. J. Sm.
  180. Rhododendron niveoflorum Argent
  181. Rhododendron niveum Hook. f.
  182. Rhododendron obtusum Hort. ex Wats.
  183. Rhododendron obtusum (Lindl.) Planch.
  184. Rhododendron obtusum (Lindl.) Planch. var. kaempferi (Planch.) E. H. Wilson f. komatsui (Nakai) H. Hara / Rhododendron kaempferi Planch. f. komatsui (Nakai) H. Hara
  185. Rhododendron obtusum (Lindl.) Planch. var. mikawanum (Makino) T. Yamaz. / Rhododendron kaempferi Planch. var. mikawanum (Makino) Makino
  186. Rhododendron ochraceum Rehder & E. H. Wilson
  187. Rhododendron oldhamii Maxim.
  188. Rhododendron orbiculatum Ridl.
  189. Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii (Franch.) D. F. Chamb.
  190. Rhododendron oreodoxa Franch.
  191. Rhododendron oreotrephes W. W. Sm.
  192. Rhododendron orthocladum Balf. f. & Forrest
  193. Rhododendron ovatum (Lindl.) Planch. ex Maxim.
  194. Rhododendron pachypodum Balf. f. & W. W. Sm.
  195. Rhododendron peregrinum Tagg
  196. Rhododendron phoeniceum G. Don
  197. Rhododendron pingianum W. P. Fang
  198. Rhododendron polyanthemum Sleumer
  199. Rhododendron ponticum L.
  200. Rhododendron praestans Balf. f. & W. W. Sm.
  201. Rhododendron praetervisum Sleumer
  202. Rhododendron prunifolium (Small) Millais
  203. Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum Hayata
  204. Rhododendron pubescens Balf. f. & Forrest
  205. Rhododendron pulchrum Sweet
  206. Rhododendron pulchrum Sweet Sweet var. phoeniceum (G. Don) Rehd.
  207. Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S. Moore
  208. Rhododendron racemosum Franch.
  209. Rhododendron rarilepidotum J. J. Sm.
  210. Rhododendron renschianum Sleumer
  211. Rhododendron reticulatum D. Don ex G. Don f. albiflorum (Makino) Makino
  212. Rhododendron reticulatum D. Don ex G. Don
  213. Rhododendron retivenium Sleumer
  214. Rhododendron rex H. Lév. subsp. fictolacteum (Balf. f.) D.F. Chamb.
  215. Rhododendron rex H. Lév.
  216. Rhododendron rhodopus Sleumer
  217. Rhododendron rhombifolium R. C. Fang
  218. Rhododendron rigidum Franch.
  219. Rhododendron ripense Makino 
  220. Rhododendron rivulare Hand.-Mazz.
  221. Rhododendron roseum (Loisel.) Rehder
  222. Rhododendron rubiginosum Franch.
  223. Rhododendron rubiginosum Franch. var. leclerei (H. Lév.) R. C. Fang
  224. Rhododendron rugosum H. Low ex Hook. f.
  225. Rhododendron rugosum var. kinabaluense (merr.) Argent/Rhododendron kinabaluense Merr.
  226. Rhododendron russatum Balf. f. & Forrest
  227. Rhododendron sanctum Nakai
  228. Rhododendron sanguineum Franch.
  229. Rhododendron sanguineum Franch. var. cloiophorum (Balf. f. & Forrest) D .F. Chamb.
  230. Rhododendron sanguineum Franch. var. didymoides Tagg & Forrest
  231. Rhododendron sanguineum Franch. var. didymum (Balf. f. & Forrest) T.L. Ming
  232. Rhododendron sanguineum Franch. var. haemaleum (Balf. f. & Forrest) D. F. Chamb.
  233. Rhododendron sanguineum Franch. var. himertum (Balf. f. & Forrest) D. F. Chamb.
  234. Rhododendron scabrum G. Don
  235. Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim.
  236. Rhododendron scopulorum Hutch.
  237. Rhododendron selense Franch. subsp. dasycladum (Balf. f. & W. W. Sm.) D. F. Chamb.
  238. Rhododendron selense Franch.
  239. Rhododendron semibarbatum Maxim. 
  240. Rhododendron serpyllifolium Miq.
  241. Rhododendron siderophyllum Franch.
  242. Rhododendron simiarum Hance
  243. Rhododendron setosum D. Don
  244. Rhododendron simiarum Hance
  245. Rhododendron simsii Planch.
  246. Rhododendron sinofalconeri Balf. f.
  247. Rhododendron sinogrande Balf. f. & W. W. Sm.
  248. Rhododendron smirnowii Trautv.
  249. Rhododendron smirnowii Trautv. ex Regel
  250. Rhododendron solitarium Sleumer
  251. Rhododendron sperabile Balf. f. & Farrer var. weihsiense Tagg & Forrest
  252. Rhododendron sperabile Balf. f. & Farrer
  253. Rhododendron spiciferum Franch.
  254. Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
  255. Rhododendron stamineum Franch.
  256. Rhododendron stapfianum Hemsl. ex Prain
  257. Rhododendron stenophyllum Stapf
  258. Rhododendron stenophyllum ssp. angustifolium
  259. Rhododendron stenophyllum ssp. stenophyllum
  260. Rhododendron suaveolens
  261. Rhododendron suaveolens forma roseum
  262. Rhododendron suaveolens forma suaveolens
  263. Rhododendron sugaui Argent
  264. Rhododendron sumatranum Merr.
  265. Rhododendron taliense Franch.
  266. Rhododendron tamurae (Makino) Masam.
  267. Rhododendron tanastylum Balf.f. & Kingdon-Ward
  268. Rhododendron tashiroi Maxim.
  269. Rhododendron tatsienense Franch.
  270. Rhododendron tawadae (Ohwi) Ohwi
  271. Rhododendron × tebotan Komatsu
  272. Rhododendron thomsonii Hook. f.
  273. Rhododendron tosaense Makino 
  274. Rhododendron trichocladum Franch.
  275. Rhododendron trinerve Franch. ex H. Boissieu
  276. Rhododendron tschonoskii Maxim.
  277. Rhododendron tuhanensis
  278. Rhododendron uvariifolium Diels
  279. Rhododendron vaseyi A. Gray
  280. Rhododendron venator Tagg
  281. Rhododendron vernicosum Franch.
  282. Rhododendron vialii Delavay & Franch.
  283. Rhododendron virgatum Hook. f.
  284. Rhododendron wadanum Makino
  285. Rhododendron wallichii Hook. f.
  286. Rhododendron wardii W. W. Sm.
  287. Rhododendron weyrichii Maxim. var. psilostylum Nakai
  288. Rhododendron weyrichii Maxim. f. purpuriflorum T. Yamaz.
  289. Rhododendron weyrichii Maxim.
  290. Rhododendron yedoense Maxim. ex Regel
  291. Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (Lev.) Nakai
  292. Rhododendron yongii
  293. Rhododendron yunnanense Franch.
  294. Rhododendron zollingeri J. J. Sm.









Ericaceae Reference

  1. Argent, G. C. G. 2002 New taxa and combinations in the genus Diplycosia (Ericaceae) of Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia Gardens' Bull. Singapore 54: 217–238
  2. Bush, Catherine M., Lu Lu, Peter W. Fritsch, De-Zhu Li and Kathleen A. Kron 2009 Phylogeny of Gaultherieae (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae) Based on DNA Sequence Data from matK, ndhF, and ITS Int. J. Plant Sci. 170 (3):355–364
  3. Conlon, Tony 2010 Diplycosia Blume – A little-known genus of the Ericaceae from South-east Asia cultivated under glass at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh the Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture 8: 45-61
  4. Conlon, Tony 2015 Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don - Jewels of the East at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh The Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture 13 61-81
  5. Fagúndez, Jaime and Jesús Izco 2004 Seed morphology of Calluna salisb.(Ericaceae) Acta Botanica Malacitana 29: 215-220
  6. Fang, Rhui-cheng 1999 New Taxa of Ericaceae from China NOVON 9 (2): 162-178
  7. Fritsch, Peter W., Lihua Zhou, Lu Lu and Bruce Bartholomew 2008 The Flowering Plant Genus Gaultheria (Ericaceae) in the Gaoligong Shan, along the Border Region of China and Myanmar PROCEEDINGS OF THE CALIFORNIAACADEMY OF SCIENCES Series 4 59 (6) 147-214
  8. Fritsch, Peter W. and Victor B. Amoroso 2016 Diplycosia platyphylla (Ericaceae), a new species from Mindanao, Philippines PhytoKeys 69: 31–38
  9. Hara, Hiroshi 1961 New or noteworthy flowering plants from Eastern Himalaya (1) J. Jap. Bot. 36: 75-80
  10. Hara, Hiroshi 1965 New or noteworthy flowering plants from Eastern Himalaya (4) J. Jap. Bot. 40 (4): 97-103
  11. Hayata, B. 1906 Supplements to the Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum Bot.Mag. (Tokyo) 20 (235): 71-73
  12. Heads, Michael 2003 Ericaceae in Malesia: vicariance biogeography,terrane tectonics and ecology Telopea 10 (1): 311-449
  13. Ito, Kôji 1964 Observations on Northern Japanese Plants (6) The Journal of Geobotany 13 (1): 2-6
  14. Judd, Walter S. 1981 A monography of Lyonia (Ericaceae) J. Arn. Arb. 62 (2): 129-209
  15. Judd, Walter S. 1981 A monography of Lyonia (Ericaceae) J. Arn. Arb. 62 (3): 315-436
  16. Judd, Walter S. 1982 A Taxonomic revision of Pieris (Ericaceae) Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 63 (2): 103-144
  17. Kang, Soon Suk & Myong Gi Chung 1997 Spatial genetic structure in populations of Chimaphila japonica and Pyrola japonica (Pyrolaceae) Ann. Bot. Fennici 34(1): 15-20.
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  25. Pradhan, Prakash 2015 Potential distribution of Monotropa uniflora as a surrogate for range of Monotropoideae (Ericaceae) in South Asia BIODIVERSITA 16 (2): 109-115
  26. Sarwar, A. K. M. Golam and Hideki Takahashi 2006 Pollen Morphology of Pieris D. Don (Lyonieae, Ericaceae) and Its Taxonomic Significance J. Jpn. Bot. 81: 225-234
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  37. Wang, Yin-Huan, Lu Lu Peter W. Fritsch, Hong Wang, Yue-Hua Wang and De-Zhu Li 2015 Leaf epidermal character variation and evolution in Gaultherieae (Ericaceae) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 178: 686–710
  38. Watthana, Santi 2012 The genus Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don (Ericaceae) in Thailand THAI JOURNAL OF BOTANY 4 (1): 99-116
  39. Yamada, Akiyoshi, Daisei Kitamura, Masanobu Setoguchi, Yosuke Matsuda, Yasushi Hashimoto, Norihisa Matsushita, Masaki Fukuda 2008 Monotropastrum humile var. humile is associated with diverse ectomycorrhizal Russulaceae fungi in Japanese forests Ecological Res. 23(6): 983-993

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