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Part I

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Tagg, Harry F;New species and varieties of Asiatic Rhododendrons
Cowan, John Macqueen;Rhododendrons of Bhutan and Tibet collected by Ludlow and Sherriff
Cowan, John Macqueen;Some new Rhododendrons
Cullen, James & Chamberlain, David F.;A preliminary synopsis of the genus Rhododendron
Cullen, James;A preliminary synopsis of the genus Rhododendron: II
Cullen, James;A Revision of Rhododendron I: Subgenus Rhododendron sections Rhododendron & Pogonanthum
Chamberlain, David F.;A Revision of Rhododendron II: Subgenus Hymenanthes
Chamberlain, David F.;Catalogue of the names published by Hector Leveille: X
Argent, G. C. G., A. Lamb & A. Phillipps;New taxa and new combinations in Vireya rhododendrons from Sabah (Borneo)
Argent, G. C. G. & D. Brumton;Some chromosome numbers in Ericaceae
Philipson, Melva N. & Philipson, W. R.;A preliminary synopsis of the genus Rhododendron III
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小松春三, 日本産躑躅屬ニ就テ (承前)
小松春三, 日本産躑躅屬ニ就テ (承前)
Copeland, Herbert Faulkner;A Study, Anatomical and Taxonomic, of the Genera of Rhododendroideae
Jin, Xiao-Feng, Bing-yang Ding, Yue-Jiao Zhang and De-yuan Hong;A Taxonomic Revision Of Rhododendron subg. Tsutsusi sect. Brachycalyx (Ericaceae)
Franchet, Adrien;Descriptions De Quelques Espèces Ou Variétés De Rhododendron Du Yun-Nan
Nuttall, Thomas;Descriptions of and observations on some Species of Rhododendron, collected in Assam and Bootan by Thomas J. Booth
Sinclair, James;The rhododendron bud and its relation to the taxonomy of the genus
Marques, Y;Contribution à l'étude anatomique de la feuille des Rhododendron de l'Indo-Chine
Wilson, Ernest Henry;The Rhododendrons of Northeastern Asia Exclusive of those Belonging to the Subgenus Anthodendron
Wilson, Ernest Henry & Rehder, Alfred;A Monograph of Azaleas : Rhododendron subgenus Anthodendron;Publications of the Arnold Arboretum no. 9
Wilson, Ernest Henry, The Rhododendrons of Hupeh
Hemsley, W. Botting and E. H. Wilson.;CHINESE RHODODENDRONS:Determinations and Descriptions of New Species.
Planchon, J. E.;Sur l’histoire botanique et horticole des plantes dites Azalees de I'Inde
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Balfour, Isaac Bayley;Rhododendrons of the Irroratum Series.
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Rhododendron Society Notes. 1916
Watson, William;Rhododendrons & Azaleas.

Argent, G. C. G. & E. H. Hamlet;Edinburgh Vireyas - Vireya rhododendrons cultivated at the RBG Edinburgh
Palser, Barbara F., William R. Philipson & Melva N. Philipson;The ovary, ovule and megagametophyte in Rhododendron
Philipson, Melva N.;The Rhododendron nectary
Leslie, A. C.;The registration of Rhododendron cultivars
Stevens, P. F.;Malesian Vireya Rhododendrons - towards an understanding of their evolution
Philipson, William R.;Shoot morphology in Rhododendron
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  1. Xiao‐Feng Jin Bing‐Yang Ding Shui‐Hu Jin Li QianTaxonomic revision of Rhododendron mariae (Ericaceae) and related taxa Nordic Journal of Botany 27(3):186-202
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  3. Chamberlain, D.F. (1982). A revision of Rhododendron. II. Subgenus Hymenanthes. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 39:209-486.
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  • 山崎 敬 Takashi Yamazaki 1996 A revision of the genus Rhododendron in Japan, Taiwan, Korea and Sakhalin. Tokyo: Tsumura Laboratory, Japan
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Davidian, Hagop Haroutune;Rhododendrons and Camellias Year Book 1963

Part II


  1. Yamazaki T. (1996). A Revision of the Genus Rhododendron in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Sakhalin. Tokyo: Tsumura Laboratory
小松春三 1918 日本産躑躅屬ニ就テ (承前) 植物学雑誌 32 (373):1-22
Maximowicz, C. J. 1871 Rhododendreae Asiae orientalis
Maximowicz., C. J.;Ein Nachtrag zu meiner Abhandlung Rhododendreae Asiae orientaîis


Hooker, J. D. VI. On the Climate and Vegetation of the Temperate and Cold Regions of East Nepal and the Sikkim Himalaya mountains


  1. Meekiong, K., R. S. Pungga, A. Ampeng, C. S. Tawan, S. Shafiq, W. Yahud. K. Yazid, A. Sapuan and E. Jovita 2014 Notes on the genus Rhododendron (Ericaceae) from the Heart of Borneo Project, Sarawak, Malaysia Folia Malaysiana 15: 59-76
Argent, George;New species and comments on Rhododendron (Ericaceae) from the island of Palawan, Philippines
Argent, G. C. G.;Vireya rhododendrons in Borneo
Mededeelingen van 's Rijks Herbarium.
Kingdon-Ward, Francis,‏ In farthest Burma : the record of an arduous journey of exploration and research through the unknown frontier territory of Burma and Tibet 1921
Beaman, John H. & Anderson, Christiane;THE SUMMIT FLORA OF MT. MURUD, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA
Lindley, John;XIV. — A Notice of some species of Rhododendron inhabiting Borneo.
  • Millais, Rhodod. 200 1917
Millais, John Guille;Rhododendrons in Which is Set Forth an Account of all Species of the Genus Rhododendron (including Azaleas) and the Various Hybrids... London

Part III

  1. Baines, R. A., D. F. Chamberlain, V. D. Nguyen and B. H. Quang 2021 Two new taxa Rhododendron (Ericaceae) from Vietnam Edinburgh J. Bot. 78-363: 1-8
  2. Basnett, Shweta and Rengaian Ganesan 2022 A Comprehensive Review on the Taxonomy, Ecology, Reproductive Biology, Economic Importance and Conservation Status of Indian Himalayan Rhododendrons Botanical Review 88:
  1. Hương, Nguyễn Thị Thanh and Nguyễn Tiến Hiệp 2013 New record of two species of Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae Juss.) for the flora of Vietnam Academia Journal of Biology 34(4): 446–451
  1. Tam, T. V., D. V. Dong, D. V. Lam, T. H. Anh, N. D. Van, D. M. Trung, T. D. Duong, K. H. Trung, N. T. Duong and T.D. Khanh 2018 Identification of Vietnamese Native Rhododendron and Enkianthus Species of Ericaceae Family Based on Ribosomal DNA Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Sequence Journal of Horticulture and Plant Research 2: 33-42

Rhododendron Reference

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  14. Cheon, Kyeong-Seong, Akira Nakatsuka, Keisuke Tasaki and Nobuo Kobayashi 2017 Long-lasting Corolla Cultivars in Japanese Azaleas: A Mutant AP3/DEF Homolog Identified in Traditional Azalea Cultivars from More Than 300 Years Ago Front Plant Sci. 8: 2239.
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  67. Milne, Richard Ian 2004 Phylogeny and biogeography of Rhododendron subsection Pontica, a group with a tertiary relict distribution Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33 (2): 329-401
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  69. Miyajima, Ikuo, Kayo Miyahara, Kenji Ureshino and Ayano Michishita 2001 Isozyme Variations of Six Evergreen Azalea Species Distributed in Kyushu, Japan J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 70 (4): 448-452

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  5. Okamoto, Akihide, Hiroshi Ikeda and Kenichi Suto 2006 Variation in Crossability among Rhododendron japonicum f. flavum Plants as Pollen Parents when Crossed with Evergreen Species, R. eriocarpum J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 75 (3): 270–272
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  15. Rana, Prabina, Madan Koirala, Dinesh R. Bhuju and Chuenchit Boonchird 2016 Population Structure of Rhododendron Campanulatum D. Don and Associated Tree Species along the Elevational Gradient of Manaslu Conservation Area, Nepal JIST 21 (1): 95-10
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