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Part I

Part II

Part III

  1. Chung, Shih-Wen, Tian-Chuan Hsu 2015 Persicaria humilis (Polygonaceae) a Newly Recorded Plant in Taiwan Quarterly Journal of Forest Research 37 (3): 161-164
  1. Chantaranothai, Pranom & Prapapon Tubtimtong 2001 A new combination in Persicaria (Polygonaceae) and a new record for Thailand Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 29: 35-37
  1. Hsu, T.-W., S.-M. Ku and C.-I. Peng. 2004 Persicaria capitata (Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don) H. Gross (Polygonaceae), a newly naturalized plant in Taiwan. Taiwania 49: 183-187.
  1. Kantachot, Chortip, Pranom Chantaranothai and David A. Simsom 2010 A synopsis of the genus Persicaria (Polygonaceae) in Thailand Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 38:128-149
  1. Kong, Min-Jung & Suk-Pyo Hong 2018 Comparative achene morphology of Persicaria sect. Cephalophilon and related taxa (Polygonaceae) Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 48: 134-142
  2. Kong, Min-Jung and Suk-Pyo Hong 2018 The taxonomic consideration of floral morphology in the Persicaria sect. Cephalophilon (Polygonaceae) Korean J. Pl. Taxon 48: 185-194
  1. Li, Bo, Dengmei Fan, Shu-qing Lei, Zhi‐Yong Zhang 2013 New combinations in Persicaria (Polygonaceae: Persicarieae) for the Flora of China Phytotaxa 91: 24-26;https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.91.1.2.
  1. Ohki, Kiichi 1926 Polygonaceae of the island Iki Bot. Mag. Tokyo 40: 48-58
  2. Ohki, Kiichi 1925 Species Novae Polygonacearum Formosae Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 39 (466): 259-264
  1. Paul, Payel and Monoranjan Chowdhury 2016 Persicaria chinensis (Linnaeus) H. Gross var. hispida (Hooker f.) Kantachot (Polygonaceae): a new distributional record for West Bengal, India Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences 5,3: 260-262.
  1. Qaiser, Muhammad and Anjum Perveen 2011 Three new combinations in the genus Cephalophilon (Meisn.) Spach (Polygonaceae) Pakistan Journal of Botany 43(6): 2765-2767
  1. Soják, J. 1974 Bemerkungen zur Gattung Truellum Houtt (Polygonaceae) Preslia 46(2): 139-156
  1. Trần, Thi Phuong Anh 2024 A key to Vietnamese Polygonaceae genera, with note on extended distribution of Persicaria runcinata in Vietnam ACADEMIA JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY 46(1):109-114
  1. Yonekura, K. 2012 Notes on Polygonaceae;Japan and its adjacent regions (II) J. Jpn. Bot. 87 (3): 151-168
  1. 中井猛之進 1937 Persicaria umbellataヲつるそばノ筆名ニ用ヰル理由 植物研究雑誌 13: 50-52
