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Part I

Hayata, (Compo. Formos.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 18 (8): 27 1904;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/31390#page/875/mode/1up
Matsum. & Hayata, (Enum. Pl. Form.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 22:206 (1906);https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/31485#page/216/mode/1up
Hayata, (Fl. Mont. Formos.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 25(19): 139 1908;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/31386#page/545/mode/1up
Hayata, (Mat. Fl. Form.) J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 30(Art. 1): 158 (1911).;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/121156#page/174/mode/1up
Hayata, Gen. Ind. Fl. Formos. 37. 1917;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/42574#page/55/mode/1up
Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 8: 61. 1919.;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16162#page/75/mode/1up
Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos. 2: Pl. 8 1912.;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16461#page/127/mode/1up
Forbes & Hemsl. in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 23: 434 (1888);https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/8379#page/437/mode/1up
Yamamoto, J. Soc. Trop. Agr. 8: 347-359 1936
Yamamoto, J. Soc. Trop. Agr. 8: 264-284 1936
Yamamoto, J. Soc. Trop. Agr. 9: 84-98 1937
Yamamoto, Suppl. Icon. Pl. Formos. 4: 25 1927;https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebooks/SupplIconPlFormos/4/25

Redonda-Martinez, Rosario;Flora del bajío y de regiones adyacentes;Fascículo 194 COMPOSITAE TRIBU INULEAE
Humbert, H.;Flore de Madagascar et des Comores,189 FAMILLE COMPOSÉES (COMPOSITAE)
Compositae newsletter;Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Sweden). Dept. of Phanerogamic Botany. 1975-2012
Baker, Joannes Gilbertus;Flora Brasiliensis;COOMPOSITAE;I. VERNONIACEAE, 1873 H. EUPATORIACEAE 1876
Beauverd, Gustave;Contribution à l'étude des COMPOSÉES ASIATIQUES
Beauverd, Gustave;2. Les espèces du genre Ainsliaea
Beauverd, G.;Nouvelles especes eurasiatiques du genre Leontopodium
  1. Beauverd, Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève ser.2 2: 207-256 1910;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/5521344#page/637/mode/1up
  2. Beauverd, Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève ser.2 3: 253-260 1911;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/27563#page/265/mode/1up
  3. Beauverd, Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève ser.2 4: 12-40 1909;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/27563#page/404/mode/1up
  4. Beauverd, Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève ser.2 6: 142-148 1914;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/31902011#page/510/mode/1up
Beauverd, G.;Contribution à l'étude des composées
Lessing, Christian Friedrich;Synopsis generum compositarum earumque dispositionis novae tentamen, monographis multarum Capensium interjectis
Lessing, Fr.;De Synanthereis herbarii Regii Berolinensis;Dissertatio secunda. Nassauvieae;Disserlatio tertia. Mutisieae;Ejusdem Cotitinuatlo
Lessing, Fr.;Synanthereae Rich.
Small, James;The pollen-presentation mechanism in the Compositae
Small, James;Anomalies in the ovary of Senecio vulgaris, L.
Hu, Shiu-Ying;Statistics of Compositae in Relation to the Flora of China
Clarke, Charles Baron;Compositae indicae descriptae et secus genera Benthamii ordinatae
  • Benth, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 13: 335-577 1873https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/180436#page/339/mode/1up
BeniIham, George;Notes on the Classification, History, and Geographical Distribution of Compositæ
MUKHERJEE, SOBHAJV K. & BERTIL NORDENSTAM Diversity of carpopodial structure in the Asteraceae and its taxonomic significance
Mukherjee, Sobhan Kr & Nordenstam, Bertil;Diversity of trichomes from mature cypselas surface of some taxa from the basal tribes of Compositae
Moore, Albert Hanford;Revision of the genus Spilanthes
Sundberg, Scott D.;New combinations in North American Symphyotrichum subgenus Astropolium (Asteraceae: Astereae)
Fosberg, F. Raymond and Marie- Helene Sachet;Flora of Micronesia, 4: Caprifoliaceae-Compositae
Ortiz, Santiago;A Phylogenetic Analysis of Dicoma Cass. and Related Genera (Asteraceae: Cichorioideae: Mutisieae) Based on Morphological and Anatomic Characters
Orchard, A E;The Wollastonia/Melanthera/Wedelia generic complex (Asteraceae: Ecliptinae), with particular reference to Australia and Malesia
Klatt F. W.;Sur quelques Composées des colonies françaises.
Klatt, F. W.;Determinationes et Descriptiones Compositarum. novarum ex herbario eel. Drs. C. Haskarl
Bean, Anthony Russell;Pappus morphology and terminology in Australian and New Zealand thistles (Asteraceae, tribe Cardueae)
Bean, Anthony Russell;Reinstatement and revision of Sphaeromorphaea DC. and Ethuliopsis F.Muell. (Asteraceae: Plucheinae)
Bean, Anthony Russell;Three new species of Pluchea Cass. (Asteraceae: Inuleae-Plucheinae) from northern Australia
Bean, Anthony Russell;Two new species of Pluchea Cass. (Asteraceae: Plucheinae) from Queensland, Australia
Gray, Asa;Notes upon a Portion of Dr. Seemann's recent Collection of Dried Plants gathered in the Feejee Islands
Synopsis generum compositarum earumque dispositionis novae tentamen, monographis multarum Capensium interjectis
Pruski, J. F.;Compositae of the Guayana Highland---XI. Tuberculocarpus gen. nov. and some other Ecliptinae (Heliantheae)
Cronquist, Arthur;Notes on the Compositae of the northeastern United States. II. Heliantheae and Helenieae
Stehlé, Henri;Notes taxinomiques et écologiques sur des Composées nouvelles ou rares des Antilles Françaises
Woodson, Robert E. Jr., Robert W. Schery and Collaborators;FLORA OF PANAMA;Family 184. COMPOSITAE
Karis, Per Ola, Kallersjo, Mari & Bremer, Kåre;Phylogenetic Analysis of the Cichorioideae (Asteraceae), with Emphasis on the Mutisieae
Bremer, Kåre & Humphries, C. J.;Generic monograph of the Asteraceae-Anthemideae
Lauener, L. A.;Catalogue of the names published by Hector Léveillé IX [Compositae]
Nuttall, Thomas;Descriptions of new Species and Genera of Plants in the natural Order of the Composite, collected in a Tour across the Continent to the Pacific, a Residence in Oregon, and a Visit to the Sandwich Islands and Upper California, during the years 1834 and 1835,
Thompson, Ian R.;A taxonomic treatment of tribe Anthemideae (Asteraceae) in Australia
Thompson, Ian R.;A taxonomic treatment of tribe Lactuceae (Asteraceae) in Australia
Stehlé, Henri;Notes taxinomiques et écologiques sur des Composées nouvelles ou rares des Antilles françaises (28e contribution-suite)
Zander, Richard;Die Milchsafthaare der Cichoriaceen
Hilliard, O. M.;Flora of Southern Africa : the Republic of South Africa, Basutoland, Swaziland and South West Africa;VOLUME 33 ASTERACEAE (Compositae) PART 7 INULEAE Fascicle 2 GNAPHALIINAE (First part)
Cadet, Thérésien;Contribution à l'étude des Composées de la Réunion. I. — Les Inulées
Freire, Susana E., Sancho, Gisela, Urtubey, Estrella, Bayón, Néstor D., Katinas, Liliana, Giuliano, Daniel A., Gutiérrez, Diego Germán, Sáenz, Alcides A, Iharlegui, Laura, Monti, Claudia & Delucchi, Gustavo;Catalogue of Asteraceae of Chacoan Plain, Argentina
Grierson, Andrew John Charles;A new species of Anaphalis (Compositae) from Mexico
Grierson, Andrew John Charles;The identity of Gnaphalium indicum Linn.
Franchet, M. A.;Les Mulisiacées du Yun-Nan
Franchet, Adrien;Observations Sur Le Groupe Des Leontopodium
Daruwalla, A. R.;Cytological investigations on the Asteraceae-genus Blumea and related genera Laggera and Nanothamnus
Razaq, Zeenat A., Vahidy, Ahsan A. & Ali, Syed Irtifaq;Chromosome Numbers in Compositae from Pakistan
Lander, Nicholas;Actites, a new Genus of Compositae from Australia
Sherff, Earl Edward 1925 New or Otherwise Noteworthy Compositae. II
Sherff, Edward Earl;THE GENUS BIDENS II
Sherff, Earl Edward;Studies in the Genus Bidens. IV
Sherff, Earl Edward;Studies in the Genus Bidens. V
Sherff, Earl Edward;Some new or otherwise noteworthy Mexican Coreopsideae (genera Heterosperma Cav. and Bidens L.) and a note on Xylosma hawaiiense Seem
Sherff, Earl Edward;Additions to our knowledge of the American and Hawaiian floras
Smith, Lyman B. & Ayensu, Edward S.;A revision of American Velloziaceae
Cuatrecasas, José & Robinson, Harold Ernest;The generic limits of Pluchea and Tessania (Inuleae, Asteraceae)
Cuatrecasas, José;Contributions to the flora of South America: Studies on Andean Compositae, I. Studies in South American plants, II
Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried;Genera et species asterearum. Recensuit, descriptionibus et animadversionibus illustravit
Jones, A. G. & Lowry, Porter Prescott;Types and selected historic specimens of Aster s.l. (Asteraceae) in the Herbarium, Laboratoire de Phanérogamic, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (P)
Jones, Samuel B.;The genera of Vernonieae (Compositae) in the southeastern United States
De Carondelet, M. l'abbe J. Squivet;L'Aster squamatus Spreng. en France
Gu, Hong-Ya & Hoch, Peter C.;Systematics of Kalimeris (Asteraceae: Astereae)
Cronquist, Arthur;The Separation of Erigeron from Conyza
Thompson, Ian R.;A taxonomic treatment of tribe Senecioneae (Asteraceae) in Australia
Belcher, Robert O.;A Revision of the Genus Erechtites (Compositae), with Inquiries into Senecio and Arrhenechthites
Kirkman, L.;Taxonomic revision of Centratherum and Phyllocephalum (Compositae: Vernonieae)
Blake, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 26: 227-263 1940;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/383112#page/281/mode/1up
Blake, Sidney Fay;Notes on the systematic position of Clibadium, with descriptions of some new species
Blake, Sidney Fay;The identity of the genus Adventina Raf
Stuessy, Tod F. & Liu, Ho-Yih;Anatomy of the pericarp of Clibadium, Desmanthodium and Ichthyothere (Compositae, Heliantheae) and systematic implications
Schulz, Otto E.;Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Clibadium
Schultz, Carl Heinrich, Bipontinus;Bemerkungen zu der Tribus der Cynareen Less. DC. prodr. VI. 449,
Schultz-Bipontinus, Carl Heinrich;Plantac Kegelianae Surinamenses,Compositae
Schultz, Carl Heinrich, Bipontinus;Bestimmung von Compositen, welche von Fortune in China gesammelt und von Hohenackor ausgegeben wurden
Schultz, Karl Heinrich;Ueber die Gattung Eleuteranthera Poiteau (Kegelia Sz. Bip.).
Orchard, A. E.;The Wollastonia/Melanthera/Wedelia generic complex (Asteraceae: Ecliptinae), with particular reference to Australia and Malesia
Cuatrecasas, José & Robinson, Harold Ernest;Thelechitonia Cuatrecasas, an older name for Complaya Strother (Ecliptinae-Heliantheae-Asteraceae)
Parks, James C.;A revision of North American and Caribbean Melanthera (Compositae)
Dar, Gh Hassan and Nordenstam, Bertil;Asteraceae in the Flora of Sind Valley, Kashmir Himalaya, India
Petermann, Wilhelm Ludwig;Deutschlands Flora: mit Abbildungen sämmtlicher Gattungen auf 100 Tafeln ... Leipzig


Koidzumi Gen'ichi;Ligularia in Japan
Hand.-Mazz., Heinrich; Systematische Mongraphie der Leontopodium
  1. Sherff, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. 16: 1-346 1937;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/19728#page/7/mode/1up
  2. Sherff, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. 16: 347-709 1937;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/19720#page/9/mode/1up
Sherff, Earl Edward;The genus Bidens Part
Holmes, Walter C. & McDaniel, Sidney T.;NOTES ON MIKANIA COMPOSITAE
Holmes, Walter C. & McDaniel, Sidney T.;Notes on Mikania (Compositae) - V
Jones, Samuel Boscom;Flora of Peru: Family Compositae: Part I. Tribe Vernonieae
Holmes, Walter C. & MacDaniel, Sidney.;Flora of Peru: Family compositae part III, genus Mikania - tribe Eupatorieae
Humbert, Jean-Henri;Contributions à l'étude de la flore de Madagascar et des Comores (Fascicule 1)
Nakai, Takenoshin;Synopsis Specierum Koreanarum Generis Saussureae.
Gleason, Henry Allan VERNONIEAE
Lee, E.;Observations on the seedling anatomy of certain Sympetalae. II. Compositae
Sabine, Joseph;On the Generic and Specific Characters of the Chrysanthemum Indicum of Linnæus, and of the Plants called Chinese Chrysanthemums
De Ramatuelle, Thomas d'Audibert;Description de la Camomille a grandes fleurs, Lue a I'academie des sciences
Heiser, Charles Bixler;The North American sunflowers (Helianthus)
Heiser, Charles Bixler & Smith, D. M.;Species crosses in Helianthus [Compositae]. II. Polyploid species
Nutall, Thomas;Descriptions of new Species and Genera of Plants in the natural Order of the Compositae, collected in a Tour across the Continent to the Pacific, a Residence in Oregon, and a Visit to the Sandwich Islands and Upper California, during the Years 1834 and 1835

Part I-iii

Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel de;Extrait d'un troisième Mémoire de M. Henri Cassini, sur les Synanthérées
Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel de;Apercu des Genres nouveaux formés par M. Henri Cassini dans la famille des Synanthérées
Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel de;Apercu des Genres nouveaux formés
Cassini, Henri;Observations sur le style et le stigmate des synanthérées
Cassini, H.;Suite du sixième mémoire sur la famille des Synanthérées, contenant les caractères des tribus
Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln;The Mikanias of northern and western South America
Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln;Records preliminary to a general treatment of the Eupatorieae III
  • B.L.Rob., Contr. Gray Herb. 73: 3-30 1924
Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln;Records preliininarv to a general Treatmenof the Eupatorieae IV
Robinson, B. L.;Records preliminary to a general treatment of the Eupatorieae
Robinson, B. L.;The Variability of two wide-ranging Species of Mikania
Robinson, B. L.;Mikania scandens and its near Relatives
Rollins, Reed Clark;The Guayule rubber plant and its relatives
D'Arcy, William G.;A name change in Pseudoconyza (Compositae-Inulae)
D'Arcy, William G.;New names and species of neotropical plants: Compositae
Hind, David John Nicholas & Jeffrey, Charles;A checklist of the Compositae of Vol. IV of Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth's Nova Genera et Species Plantarum
Johnson, Miles F.;A Monograph of the Genus Ageratum L. (Compositae-Eupatorieae)
Canne-Hilliker, Judith M.;A revision of the genus Galinsoga (Compositae: Heliantheae)
Canne-Hilliker, Judith M.;Cytological and morphological observations in Galinsoga and related genera (Asteraceae)
Brown, Robert;Some Observations on the natural Family of Plants called Composite.
  • Babc. & Stebbins, Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 484: 1937;Google Book
Babcock,Ernest Brown & George Ledyard Stebbins 1937 The genus Youngia Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 484: 1-106
  1. Caius, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 41: 607-645 1940;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/47819427#page/277/mode/1up
  2. Caius, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 41: 838-873 1940;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/47819427#page/606/mode/1up
Grashoff, Jerold Lee & Beaman, John H.;Studies in Eupatorium (Compositae) I. Revision of Eupatorium bellidifolium and allied species
Klatt, F.W.;Compositae Hildebraiidtianae in Madagascaria centrali collectae.
Zollinger, Heinrich; Observationes phytographicae (Compositae). — gelehrte aivstalten und vereiive
Villarreal-Quintanilla, J. A.;Flora de Veracruz Asteraceae Tribu Lactuceae Fascículo Instituto de Ecología, Xalapa. ISSN: 0187-425X
Linnaniemi, Walter M.;SPEZIELLER TEIL Embryophyta siphonogama Dicotyledoneae Fam. Compositae
  • Filatova, Pl. Central Asia (Grubov) 14: 2007;Google Book
Grubov, V. I.;Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia; 14: Compositae (Anthemideae)
Aniotsbéhère, Jean-Claude;Deux espèce nouvelles pour la Gironde Soliva pterosperma (Juss.) Less. [= S. sessilis auct] et Briza maxima L et autres raretés
Dillon, Michael Owen;Flora of Peru: Family Compositae: Part II. Tribe Anthemideae
Dillon, Michael & Sagastegui Alva, Abundio;Sinopsis de los géneros de Gnaphaliinae (Asteraceae–Inuleae) de Sudamérica
Dillon, Michael Owen & Alva, Abundio Sagastegui;Flora of Peru: Family Asteraceae: Part V. Tribe Inulae
Hieronymus, G.;Plantae Lehmannianae praesertim in Columbia et Ecuador collectae, additis quibusdam ab aliis collectoribus ex iisdem regionibus allatis determinatae et descriptae Compositae II
Hieronymus, G.;Gompositae;Aloysius Sodiro, S. J. : Plantae ecuadorenses;
Dar, Gh. Hassan and Bertil Nordenstam;Asteraceae in the Flora of Sind Valley, Kashmir Himalaya, India

Part. II

Novorum Actorum Academiae Caesareae Leopoldinae-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum ... Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher. Breslau [Wrocław], Bonn. 20-26 1845-1858
Novorum actorum Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum. 27-35 1860-1871
Syll. Pl. Ratisb./Sylloge plantarum novarum itemque minus cognitarum : a praestantissimis botanicis adhuc viventibus collecta et a Societate regia botanica Ratisbonensi edita
Winkl., Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 14(1): 65–66. 1895.;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/15847136#page/80/mode/1up
Trudy Imperatorskago S.-Peterburgskago botanicheskago sada.Acta Horti Petropolitani

Part III

  1. Alves, Maria & Nádia Roque 2016 Flora da Bahia: Asteraceae – Tribo Heliantheae SITIENTIBUS série Ciências Biológicas 16: 1-63
  1. Bhattacharjee, Bandana, P. Lakshminarasimharr, Sobhan Kumar Mukherjee and Avishek Bhattacharjee 2019 Chap.6 A Conspectus of the Tribe Vernonieae (Asteraceae) in India;Husain, Tariq 2019 Angiosperm Systematics: Recent Trends and Emerging Issues Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India 107-123
  1. Chepinoga, Botanica Pacifica 12: 121 2023;Chepinoga, Victor V., Alexey P. Seregin, Vyacheslav Yu. Barkalov, Alexander L. Ebel, Petr G. Efimov, Nikolai V. Friesen, Andrey A. Gontcharov, Alexey A. Kechaykin, Mikhail S. Knyazev, Alexander A. Korobkov, Elena A. Korolyuk, Petr A. Kosachev1, Alexander N. Luferov1, Denis G. Melnikov, Olga D. Nikiforova, Svetlana V. Ovzinnikova, Irina N. Schekhovstsova & Victoria I. Troshkina 2023 New combinations and new names in vascular plants of Asian Russia Botanica Pacifica 12(2): 120-133
  1. Liu, Ping-Li, Qian Wan, Yan-Ping Guo, Ji Yang, Guang-Yuan Rao 2012 Phylogeny of the Genus Chrysanthemum L.: Evidence from Single-Copy Nuclear Gene and Chloroplast DNA Sequences PLOS One. 7 (11): e48970
  1. Liu, Ying and Qin-Er Yang 2011 Hainanecio, a new genus of the Senecioneae, Asteraceae from China Botanical Studies 52: 115-120
  1. Mamgain, S. K. 1998 Diversity, Ecology and Distribution of Indian Lactuceae (Asteraceae) Taiwania 43: 140-149
  2. Mamgain, S. K. 1998 Diversity, Ecology and Distribution of Indian Lactuceae (Asteraceae) Taiwania 43: 155-164
  1. Migo, Hisao 1942 New or Noteworthy Plants from China I Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 265-270
  2. Migo, Hisao 1942 New or Noteworthy Plants from China II Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 295-303
  1. Oberprieler, Christoph, Sven Himmelreich and Robert Vogt 2007 A new subtribal classification of the tribe Anthemideae (Compositae) Willdenowia 37(1): 89–114
  2. Oberprieler, Christoph, Alisha Töpfer, Marco Dorfner, Miriam Stock & Robert Vogt 2022 An updated subtribal classification of Compositae tribe Anthemideae based on extended phylogenetic reconstructions Willdenowia 52: 117-149
  1. Raab-Straube, E. von 2003 Phylogenetic relationships in Saussurea (Compositae, Cardueae) sensu lato, inferred from morphological, ITS and trnL-trnF sequence data, with a synopsis of Himalaiella gen. nov., Lipschitziella and Frolovia Willdenowia 33: 379-402
  1. Rao, R. R., H. J. Chowdhery,P. K. Hajra,S. Kumar,P. C. Pant,B. D. Naithani, B. P. Uniyal, R. Mathus and S. K. Mamgain 1988 Florae indicae Enumeratio-Asteraceae Botanical Survey of India
  1. Sarma, Gajen Chandra and Rajib Lochan Borah 2012 Systematic survey of Asteraceae of Dibrugarh district of Assam India Indian J Plant Sci. 1:4–39
  1. Shen, Chu-Ze; Zhang, Chu-Jie; Chen, Jie; Guo, Yan-Ping 2021 Clarifying Recent Adaptive Diversification of the Chrysanthemum-Group on the Basis of an Updated Multilocus Phylogeny of Subtribe Artemisiinae (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 648026
  1. Stone, B. C. 1970 The Flora of Guam. A Manual for the Identification of the Vascular Plants of the Island Micronesica 6: 1-659
  1. Wang, Yu-Jin, Eckhard von Raab-Straube, Alfonso Susanna & Jian-Quan Liu 2013 Shangwua (Compositae), a new genus from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas TAXON 62(5): 984–996
  1. 任琛,孙景景,袁琼 2012 蟛蜞菊属和孪花菊属(菊科-向日葵族)的细胞学研究 热带亚热带植物学报 20: 107-113
  2. 林镕,石铸 1980 中国菊科春黄菊族新分类群 东北林学院植物研究室汇刊 6: 1-16
  3. 林有润 1993 菊科植物的系统分类与区系地理的初步探讨 植物研究 13(2): 151-201
  4. 侯元同,王继梅 2010 中国菊属的一些新组合 广西植物 30(6): 815-817

Koyama, Hiroshige;小山博滋

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  2. 小山博滋 1962 コウモリソウ属タイミンガサ節の検討 植物分類,地理 20: 172-175
  3. 小山博滋 1964 台湾産コモチコウモリの染色体数の報告 (Parasenecio nikomontana) 植物分類,地理 21: 28
  4. 小山博滋 1966 キオン属サワギク節について (Senecio) [1] 22: 15-20
  5. 小山博滋 1966 邦産オタカラコウとその仲間について (Ligularia) 植物分類,地理 22: 75-80
  6. 小山博滋 1978 中国産コウモリソウ属の覚え書 1 植物分類,地理 29: 65-84
  7. 小山博滋 1978 中国産コウモリソウ属の覚え書 2 植物分類,地理 29: 171-178
  8. 小山博滋 1979 中国産コウモリソウ属の覚え書 3 (Cacalia) 植物分類,地理 30: 65-83
  9. 小山博滋 1978 帰化植物チチコグサモドキとその仲間 (ハハコグサ属 Gnaphalium) 植物分類,地理 29: 129-130
  10. 小山博滋,村田源 1981 タシロヒヨドリの学名 植物分類,地理 32: 104
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  12. 小山博滋 1982 ハマグルマとオオハマグルマ (Wedelia) 植物分類,地理 33: 27
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  14. 小山博滋 1983 キク科から見た日本と北米東部の植物地理 植物分類,地理 34: 178-191
  15. 小山博滋 1984 トウヒレン属の小花の鱗片状苞葉について (Saussurea) 植物分類,地理 35: 8-14
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  17. 小山博滋 1987 クロモジ群の分類と分布 (Lindera umberllata) 植物分類,地理 38: 161-175
  1. Koyama, Hiroshige 1968 Taxonomic Studies on the Tribe Senecioneae of Eastern Asia (II) : Enumeration of the Species of Eastern Asia Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ. (ser. Biol.) 2(1): 19-60
  2. Koyama, Hiroshige 1969 Taxonomic Studies on the Tribe Senecioneae of Eastern Asia (II) : Enumeration of the Species of Eastern Asia Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ., Ser. Biol. 2(2): 137-183
  • Koyama, Hiroshige 1981 Taxonomic Studies in the Compositae of Thailand 1 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 32: 56-67
  • Koyama, Hiroshige 1983 Taxonomic Studies in the Compositae of Thailand 2 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 34: 1-9
  • Koyama, Hiroshige 1984 Taxonomic studies in the Compositae of Thailand 3 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 35: 49-58
  • Koyama, Hiroshige 1984 Taxonomic studies in the Compositae of Thailand 4 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 35: 113-125
  • Koyama, Hiroshige 1985 Taxonomic Studies in the Compositae of Thailand 5 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 36 (1-3): 59-68
  • Koyama, Hiroshige 1986 Taxonomic studies in the Compositae of Thailand 6 Acta *Phytotax. Geobot. 36: 167-172
  • Koyama, Hiroshige 1986 Taxonomic studies in the Compositae of Thailand 7 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 37: 111-116
  • Koyama, Hiroshige 1988 Taxonomic studies in the Compositae of Thailand 8 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 39: 151-163
  • Koyama, Hiroshige 1993 Taxonomic Studiesin the Compositae of Thailand 10 Vernonia Schreb. Sect. Decaneurum (DC.) Oliver Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 44: 29-34
  • Koyama, H. 2001 Adenostemma lavenia and its allies (Compositae) in Japan, China and Thailand. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 37: 159–168
  • Koyama, H. 2001 Adenostemma lavenia and its allies (Compositae) in Japan, China and Thailand. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo 37: 159–168
  • Koyama, H. 2002 Taxonomic studies in the Compositae of Thailand 14. Tribe Eupatorieae. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Ser. B. 28: 49–60

  • Smitinand, Tem, Tatemi Shimizu, Hiroshige Koyama, Nobuyuki Fukuoka 1970 Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia I. Taxonomy and Phytogeography of Some Temperate Species in Thailand Tonan Ajia Kenkya 8: 171-186
  • Shimizu, Tatemi, Hideo Toyokuni, Hiroshige Koyama, Thawatchai Santisuk & Tem Smitinand 1981 Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia VI. Taxonomy and phytogeography of some temperate species in Thailand (2) Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 32: 37-46
  • Shimizu, Tatemi, Fumihiro Konta, Hiroshige Koyama and Mitsuko Shimzu 1984 Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia VII Taxonomy and phytogeography of some temperate species in Thailand (3) Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 35: 37-43

Kitamura, Siro;北村四郎

  1. Kitamura, Siro 1937 Compositae Japonicae Pars Prima Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Ser. B 13: 1-421
  2. Kitamura, Siro 1940 Compositae Japonicaee (Pars Secunda) Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Ser. B 15(3): 285-446
  3. Kitamura, Siro 1942 Compositae Japonicae (Pars Tertia) Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Ser. B 16: 155-292
  4. Kitamura, Siro 1955 Compositae Japonicaee (Pars Quarta) Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto. Series B. 22(1): 77-126
  5. Kitamura, Siro 1956 Compositae Japonicaee (Pars Quinta) Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto. Series B 23(1): 105-168
  6. Kitamura, Siro 1957 Compositae Japonicae (Pars Sexta) Memoirs of the College of Science, University of Kyoto. Series B 24(1): 1-79
Kitamura, Siro;Compositae Japonicae
  1. 北村四郎 1932 菊科植物雑録 I 植物分類,地理 1: 264-266 1932
  2. 北村四郎 1932 菊科植物雑録 II 植物分類,地理 3: 167-188

  1. Kitamura, Siro 1932 Compositae Novae Japonicae II Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 1: 56-60
  2. Kitamura, Siro 1932 Compositae Novae Japonicae III Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 1: 145-155
  3. Kitamura, Siro 1933 Compositae Novae Japonicae IV Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 2: 37-51
  4. Kitamura, Siro 1933 Compositae Novae Japonicae V Phytotax. Geobot. 2:118-129
  5. Kitamura, Siro 1933 Compositae Novae Japonicae VI Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 2: 171-188 1933
  6. Kitamura, Siro 1934 Compositae Novae Japonicae VII Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 3: 97-111
  7. Kitamura, Siro 1934 Compositae Novae Japonicae VIII Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 3: 128-145
  8. Kitamura, Siro 1935 Compositae Novae Japonicae IX Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4: 71-80
北村四郎;日本産新菊科植物;Compositae Novae Japonicae
  1. Kitamura, Siro 1932 An Enumeration of Compositae of Formosa I Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 1: 277-296
  2. Kitamura, Siro 1935 An Enumeration of Compositae of Formosa II Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 4: 149-157
  3. Kitamura, Siro 1937 An Enumeration of Compositae of Formosa III Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6: 79-88
  4. Kitamura, Siro 1940 An Enumeration of Compositae of Formosa IV Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 9 (1): 28-38
  5. Kitamura, Siro 1941 An Enumeration of Compositae of Formosa V Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10 15-33
Kitamura, Siro;An Enumeration of Compositae of Formosa;北村四郎;台湾産菊科植物
  • Kitamura. Siro 1934 Les Cirses de l' Asie Orientale ; Leur Classification et leur distribution Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 3: 1-15
Kitamura, Siro;Les Saussurees du Japon ; Leur Classification et leur distribution
  1. 北村四郎 1935 菊科小話集 植物研究雑誌 11: 165-170
  1. Kitamura, Siro 1936 Expositiones Plantarum Nobarum Orientali-Asiaticarum 1 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 5: 243-249
  1. Kitamura, Siro 1937 Expositiones Plantarum Novarum Orientaali-Asiaticarum 2 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7: 18-23
  2. Kitamura, Siro 1938 Expositiones Plantarum Novarum Orientaali-Asiaticarum 3 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7: 63-71
  3. Kitamura, Siro 1939 Expositiones Plantarum Novarum Orientaali-Asiaticarum 4 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 8: 75-90
  4. Kitamura, Siro 1941 Expositiones Plantarum Novarum Orientaali-Asiaticarum 6 Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10 (3): 172-192
  5. Kitamura. Siro 1942 Expositiones Plantarum Novarum Orientali-Asiaticarum VII Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 11: 120-133
  6. Kitamura, Siro 1942 Expositiones Plantarum Novarum Orientaali-Asiaticarum VIII Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 11 (4): 266-271
北村四郎;東亜産アザミの分類及び分布 (Cirsium)
  • Kitamura. Siro 1934 Les Cirses de l' Asie Orientale ; Leur Classification et leur distribution Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 3: 1-15
  1. 北村四郎 1936 本邦産しをん属ノ分類及ビ分布(其一) 植物研究雑誌 12: 529-536
  2. 北村四郎 1936 本邦産しをん属ノ分類及ビ分布 (其三) 植物研究雑誌 12: 721-729
  3. 北村四郎,村田源 1957 原色日本植物圖鑑草木編1(合辧花類)に發表した新名及び新見解 植物分類,地理 17: 5-13
  4. 北村四郎 1938 本邦產かラやはラさ族ノ分類 (其ー) 植物研究雑誌 14: 293-306
  5. 北村四郎 1938 本邦產かラやはラさ族ノ分類 (其二) 植物研究雑誌 14: 377-388
  • 北村四郎 1942 やぶれがき属 (Syneilesis Maxim.)ノ起用 植物研究雑誌 10: 699-703
  • 北村四郎 1947 中華民國産菊科植物考(其三) 植物研究雑誌 21: 51-57
  1. 北村四郎 1941 本邦産ママコナ属の分類と分布 植物分類,地理 10: 1-14
  1. 北村四郎 1943 支那産菊科植物考(其一) 植物研究雑誌 19: 337-344
  2. 北村四郎 1946 植物分類新知見 植物学雑誌 59 (695-696): 35-41
  1. 北村四郎 1949 中華産蘭草属の分類及び地理的研究 植物研究雑誌 24: 76-80
  2. 北村四郎 1943 日本菊科植物誌補遺訂正 植物分類,地理 12: 99-106
  3. 北村四郎 1961 日本菊科植物誌補遺訂正 II 植物分類,地理 19: 12-17
Kitamura. Siro;Supplementa et Emendanda ad Compositas Japonicas
  1. 北村四郎 1950 茶とツバキ 植物分類,地理 14: 56-63
  2. 北村四郎 1952 京都のツバキの古い園藝品種 植物分類,地理 14: 115-117
  3. Kitamura. Siro 1953 Tibetian Plants collected by E. Kawaguchi II Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 15: 70-77
  • 北村四郎 1962 コゴメギクとハキダメギク 植物分類,地理 20: 179
  • 北村 四郎,村田源 1962 原色日本植物図鑑草本編II(離辨花類)に発表した新名及び新見解 植物分類,地理 20: 195-208
  • 北村四郎 1964 ヒマラヤ植物雑談 : 18.ネジバナ 植物分類,地理 21: 23-24
  1. Kitamura, Siro 1968 Compositae of Southeast Asia and Himalayas I Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23: 1-19
  2. Kitamura, Siro 1968 Compositae of Southeast Asia and Himalayas II Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23: 65-81
  3. Kitamura, Siro 1968 Compositae of Southeast Asia and Himalayas III Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23: 129-152
  4. Kitamura, Siro 1968 Compositae of Southeast Asia and Himalayas IV Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 24: 1-27
  1. 北村四郎,村田源 1972 原色日本植物図鑑木本編Iに発表した新名及び新見解 植物分類,地理 25 (2-3): 33-44
  2. 北村四郎 1974 日本植物の短報 植物分類,地理 26 (1-2):1-15
  3. 北村四郎 1977 日本植物短報-2 植物分類,地理 28: 19-25
  1. 北村四郎 1987 合弁花類3種について 植物分類,地理 38: 380-382

  1. 北村四郎 1982 アジアのキク科植物 植物分類,地理 33: 190-200
  2. 北村四郎 1990 アジアのキク科植物 3 植物分類,地理 41: 77-92
  3. 北村四郎 1990 アジアのキク科植物 4 植物分類,地理 41: 169-187
  4. 北村四郎 1991 アジアのキク科植物 5 植物分類,地理 42: 45-56
  5. 北村四郎 1991 アジアのキク科植物 6 植物分類,地理 42: 141-157

  • Kitamura. Siro 1940 Compositae collected by Dr. M. Tatewaki in Manchuria and Mongolia, 1937-1939 Trans. Sapp. Nat. Hist. Soc. 16: 57-73
  • Kitamura, Siro 1941 The Kanehira-Hatusima 1940 Collection of New Guinea Plants III Compositae Bot. Mag. Tokyo 55: 341-349

Robinson, Harold Ernest;King, Robert Merrill;Brettell, R. D.

Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). I. A new species of Rhysolepis
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). II. A survey of the Mexican and Central American species of Simsia
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) III. A new species of Schistocarpha [S. steyermarkiana]
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) . IV . A new species of Schistocarpha from Panama
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Helianthae (Asteraceae), V: Two new species of Aspilia from South America
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). VI. Additions to the genus, Calea
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). VII. Notes on the genus Monactis
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). VIII. Notes on genus and species limits in the genus Viguiera
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) IX. Restoration of the genus Alloispermum
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). X. The relationship of Calea skutchii
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XI. A new genus Kingianthus
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XII. Re-establishment of the genus Smallanthus
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) XIII A new genus, Perymeniopsis
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) XIV. VALIDATION OF SUBTRIBES.
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) XV. Various new species and new combinations
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XVI. A new subtribe, Ephydrinae
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) XVII. Additions to Monactis and Kingianthus
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XVIII. A new genus Helianthopsis
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XIX. Four new species of Calea from Brasil
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) XX. Notes and new species in Clibadium
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) 21. ADDITIONS TO ALLOISPERMUM GALINSOGA AND TRIDAX
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XXII. Two new species of Calea from Brasil
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) XXIII. New Andean species of Verbesina and Viguiera
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) XXIV. A new subtribe, Lycapsinae
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae. (Asteraceae). XXV. A new species of Unxia [U. kubitzkii]
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) 26. NEW SPECIES OF ICHTHYOTHERE
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) 27. A NEW SPECIES OF CALEA FROM BRAZIL
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) 28. ADDITIONS TO CALEA AND ICHTHYOTHERE FROM BRAZIL
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XXX. A new species of Ichthyothere [I. granvillei] from Cayenne
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XXX. Four new species from Peru
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) 31. Additions To The Genus Dimerostemma
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XXXII. New species of Wedelia from Brazil
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XXXIII. New species of Aspilia from South America
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies In The Heliantheae (Asteraceae) 34. Redelimitation Of The Genus Angelphytum
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies In The Heliantheae (Asteraceae) 39. NEW SPECIES OF ASPILIA FROM BRAZIL
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) XXXX. A new species of Wulffia from Ecuador
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae) XLI. A NEW SPECIES OF ASPILIA FROM BRAZIL
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). XXXXII. New species of Clibadium, Monactis, and Verbesina from the northern Andes
Robinson H.;A revision of the tribal and subtribal limits of the Heliantheae (Asteraceae). Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Generic and subtribal classification of American Vernonieae
Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies In The Lepidaploa Complex (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) .4. The New Genus, Lessingianthus
Robinson, Harold Ernest & Brettell, R. D.;Studies in the Senecioneae (Asteraceae). IV. The genera Mesadenia, Syneilesis, Miricacalia, Koyamacalia and Sinacalia

King, Robert Merrill & Robinson, Harold Ernest;The genera of the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae);Monographs in systematic botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 22: 1987
King, Robert Merrill & Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Eupatorieae (Compositae)---XXVI. A new genus Austroeupatorium
King, Robert Merrill & Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Eupatorieae (Compositae)---XXIX. The genus Chromolaena
King, Robert Merrill & Robinson, Harold Ernest;Studies in the Eupatorieae (Asteraceae) CXXVII. Additions to the American and Pacific Adenostemmatinae: Adenostemma, Gymnocoronis, and Sciadocephala
King, Robert M., Paul C. Janaske, & David B. Lellinger;Cassini on Compositae II、III : collected from the Bulletin des sciences par la Société philomatique de Paris and arranged with a brief introduction and an index by

  • Wagner, W. L. and H. Robinson 2002 Lipochaeta and Melanthera (Asteraceae: Heliantheae subtribe Ecliptinae): establishing their natural limits and a synopsis Brittonia 53: 539-561.

Nesom, Guy L.

Pruski, John F. & Nesom, Guy L.;Gamochaeta coarctata, the correct name for Gamochaeta spicata (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae)
Nesom, Guy L.;Taxonomy of the Symphyotrichum (Aster) subulatum group and Symphyotrichum (Aster) tenuifolium (Asteraceae: Astereae)
Nesom, Guy L.;New species, new sections, and a taxonomic overview of American Pluchea (Compositae: Inuleae)
Nesom, G. L.;Taxonomic status of Gamochaeta (Asteraceae: Inuleae) and the species of the United States
Nesom, G. L.;Further definition of Conyza (Asteraceae: Astereae). Phytologia 68: 229–233.
Nesom, Guy L.;Review of the taxonomy of Aster sensu lato (Asteraceae: Astereae), emphasizing the New World species
Nesom, Guy L.;Notes on non-native Asteraceae in Texas
Nesom, Guy L.;Revised subtribal classification of Astereae (Asteraceae).