- 第一版
1. Shoots with appressed, flattened, brownish bristle-like hairs; leaves dimorphic, the spring and summer leaves different in shape.
2. Stamens 5, sometimes 4 or 6; flowers generally pink.
3. Plants hairy; flowers terminal; fruit long, over 10 mm long.
4. Leaves comparatively long, 3-5 cm in length; filaments and style villous; anthers not apiculate 7. R. lasiostylum
4. Leaves shorter, 0.4-3 cm long; filaments glabrous or slightly pilose; style glabrous.
5. Leaves larger, 2.5-3 cm long; filaments glabrous; anthers apiculate 1.R. breviperulatum
1. Rhododendron breviperulatum Hayata 南澳杜鵑
A small shrub, many-branched, the young branches strigose, becoming glabrescent. Leaves chartaceous, petiolate, oblong or rarely ovate-oblong, 2.5-3 cm long, 1.2-1.7 cm broad, the apex obtuse, callose-apiculate at the tip, the base obtuse to short-attenuate, the margins entire, the upper surface green, scattered-hirsute to scabrid, the lower surface pale, densely furfurescent-strigose along the costa and veins, the costa raised beneath, the secondary veins about 4-5 per side; petiole 3-7 mm long, densely appressed-strigose. Flowers 3-6, terminal; pedicels about 6 mm long, densely hirsute; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes rounded, strigose; corolla reddish, about 1.5 cm long, and 2.5 cm across, deeply 5-lobed; stamens 5, the filaments unequal, nearly glabrous or sparsely pilose near the base; ovary and base of style pubescent. Capsules conical, about 1.1 cm long and 5 mm across, pubescent.
Endemic. In mountain forests at about 1,500 m along the east and northern coasts.
ILAN: Mori s. n. in 1909. TAICHUNG: Wilson 11206. NANTOU: Mori s. n. in 1909 (Type coll.).
7. Rhododendron lasiostylum Hayata 埔里杜鵑
A low shrub to 2 m; branches slender, the young branchlets covered densely with appressed scaly hairs. Leaves chartaceous, crowded at the tip or scattered along the branches, short-petiolate, oblong to oblong-lanceolate or obovate, 3-5 cm long, 1-2.5 cm broad, the apex broadly acute, apiculate, the base cuneate, the margins entire, recurved, the upper surface green, the lower pale, with appressed strigose hairs on both surfaces, the costa much raised beneath, the secondary veins about 4-5 per side; petioles 5-8 mm long, densely appressed- strigose. Flowers 2-3 together, terminal; pedicels about 5-10 mm long, densely furfurescent appressed-strigose; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes elongate-ovate, densely strigose; corolla pink, wide-funnelform, 3-3.5 cm long, deeply 5-lobed; stamens 5, the filaments slightly pilose at base; ovary and base of style pubescent.
Endemic. In forests at 500-2,650 m in the central range.
TAICHUNG: Wilson s. n. in 1918 (Type of R. sasakii Wilson), Kawakami s. n. in 1910. NANTOU: Price 843; Luantashan, Mori s. n. in 1911 (Type of R. lasiostylum Hayata); Sun Moon Lake, Kudo & Sasaki 15289. CHIAYI: Mt. Alishan, Gressitt 121, Faurie 165. TAITUNG: Sasaki 334.
映山紅組 Sect. 2. Tsutsusi Sweet
332.短鱗芽杜鵑 Rhododendron breviperulatum Hayata
特產我國臺灣台中。生於海拔約1 500米沿東海岸和北海岸的山地森林中。模式標本采自臺灣台中(南投)。
本種與台紅毛杜鵑 R. rubropilosum Hayata相近,但後者的花相當大,雄蕊7-10,花絲具長柔毛,而花藥基部無短尖頭,花柱明顯地具疏柔毛,易於區別。
映山紅組Sect. 2. Tsutsusi Sweet
281. 毛花柱杜鵑 Rhododendron lasiostylum Hayata
矮小灌木,高約1-2米;枝密集,小枝密被褐色或灰褐色扁平糙伏毛。 葉紙質,長圓形或長圓狀披針形或倒卵形,長3-4.5釐米,寬2-3釐米,先端鈍圓,具短尖頭,基部楔形,邊緣全緣,上面綠色,下面淡綠色,中脈在上面凹陷,下面凸出,兩面密被灰色至紅棕色扁平糙毛;葉柄長3-9毫米,密被灰色扁平糙伏毛。 花芽卵球形,鱗片外面沿中脊至頂端被糙伏毛,邊緣具睫毛。 繖形花序頂生,具花2-4朵;花梗長5-9毫米,密被褐色糙伏毛;花萼5裂,裂片橢圓狀長圓形,長2-3毫米,寬1毫米,外面被疏柔毛,邊緣具長睫毛;花冠漏斗形,粉紅色,長1.5-2釐米,裂片5,長圓形,不等大,長約1釐米,頂端鈍至圓形;雄蕊10,不等長,部分伸出花冠外,花絲扁平,中部以下具乳頭狀細毛,花藥長圓形,長1.5毫米,先端截形至微凹,基部不明顯的銳尖;子房卵狀圓錐形,長2毫米,密被褐色糙伏毛,花柱下垂,絲狀,長1.4釐米,中部以下被淡褐色毛。 蒴果長圓筒狀卵球形,長8毫米,直徑2.5毫米,密被糙伏毛。 花期6月。
產我國台灣中部山區。 生於海拔500-2 650米的森林中,無栽培種。 模式標本採自台灣。
未見本種模式標本,原文及專著記載本種的雄蕊是10,但李惠林在《台灣植物誌》四卷上描述雄蕊5。 作者只能根據原始文獻及專著的記載寫成。
- 別稱埔里杜鵑、毛柱杜鵑。常綠性灌木。葉長橢圓形,互生。莖頂萌發1~5朵淡紫紅色花,花冠漏斗形,雄蕊5枚。
- 族群分布:海拔400~2400m之山區,中央山脈中部的東西兩側,其中西側比較容易近距離觀察,台中、南投、嘉義、花蓮及宜蘭等地均可見其芳蹤。
- 最佳賞花地點:奧萬大國家森林遊樂區、惠蓀林場與大雪山國家森林遊樂區等地的步道邊坡。
- 最佳賞花時間:二月下旬至四月,各地花期時間不太一致,依序為惠蓀林場→奧萬大國家森林遊樂區→大雪山國家森林遊樂區,花季期間,山區的健行步道幾乎埋入花叢中。