14. Quercus salicina Bl. 白背櫟
幼葉與小枝被淡褐色短毛。葉薄革質, 披針形、長橢圓狀披針形至長橢圓形,先 端尾狀至銳尖,基部銳尖至鈍,前半部銳鋸齒緣,上表面有光澤,下表面蠟質灰白色;葉柄長1-2.5 cm。殼斗密被灰褐色毛 ,具5-7環鱗片。
11. Cyclobalanopsis salicina (Bl.) Oerst. In Kjoeb. Vidensk. Medd. 18: 70. 1866; Liao in Quart. J. Exp. For. National Taiwan Univ. 1(1): 80. 1987. 白背櫟 Pl.38
Evergreen trees up to 30 m high, 1 m across; trunk straight; young branchlets grayish-white with light brown short hairs, later glabrous, with mumerous lenticels. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 10-15 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, thin-coriaceous, caudate to acute at apex, acute to obtuse at base, sharply serrate from middle to the apex along margins, lateral veins 8-13 pairs, lustrous above, waxy-white beneath; petioles 1-2.5 cm long, glabrous; young leaves with densely short light brown hairs, later glabrous. Staminate caktins 6-9 cm long, sprouting from base of young branchlet; peduncles brown-hairy, pendulous; staminate flowers yellow; perianth 3-4-lobed, broadly ovate; stamens 4-6. Pistillate spikes short, 3-4-flowered, sprouting from young branchlets; pistillate flowers enclosed in an involucre, 1.5 mm long, with 1 bract and 2 bracteoles, styles 3, stigmas enlarged, recurved. Cupules cup-like, grayish-brown, scales in 5-6(-7) concentric rings, with dense light grayish-brown hairs, margins serrulate; nuts broadly ellipsoid to broadly ovate-ellipsoid, 1.5-1.8 cm long, 1-1.3 cm wide, deep brown above, maturing from Nov.
Distributed in Japan, southern Korea and Taiwan. Taiwan, on ridges at 500 m in the northern and southern parts of the island.
TAIPEI: Huangtitien, Sutin, Liao 11199; Shen 363; Shang & Hung 273.
68. 小葉青岡(雲南植物志)青栲(中國樹木分類學),青椆(中國高等植物圖鑒) Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia (Blume) Oerst
產區很廣,北自陝西、河南南部,東自福建、臺灣,南至廣東、廣西,西南至四川、貴州、雲南等省區。生於海拔200-2 500米的山谷、陰坡雜木林中。越南、老撾、日本均有分佈。 木材堅硬,不易開裂,富彈性,能受壓,為枕木、車軸良好材料。
8. Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia (Bl.) Oerst. In Kjoeb. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift V. Raek. Nat. Math. Afhandl. 10: 379. 1871. 黑櫟 Pl.36
Evergreen trees; trunks straight, to 20 m high, 0.6 m across; bark blackish; young branchlets glabrous. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate to broadly ovate-oblong, 6-12 cm long, 2.5-5 cm wide, long-acute at apex, acute, obtuse to rounded at base, serrate from middle to apex, chartaceous, glabrous, green and lustrous above, grayish-white, but not waxy beneath brownish-violet to green when young, petiolate, lateral veins 11-15 pairs. Staminate catkins 6-9 cm long, axillary, pendulous, April; staminate flowers numerous, yellowish-brown; perianth 4-5-parted; stamens 4-5. Pistillate flowers 2-3 in erect spikes, axillary, enclosed in an involucre; perianth 4-5-cleft; styles 3. Cupules cup-like, scales in 6-8 concentric rings; nuts broadly ellipsoid, 1.5 cm long, 1.1 cm across, maturing from Oct.
Distributed in Japan and Taiwan. Taiwan, only at Sanhsingishan, Aoti, Ilan.
ILAN: Sanyuishan, Nakamura 036981.