葉狹長橢圓形或狹倒卵形,下表面光滑或疏被蛛網狀毛;花盤光滑無毛;果卵形 S. glauca
葉狹橢圓形或狹卵形,稀狹倒卵形,下表面密被褐色蛛絲狀毛;花盤被疏柔毛或光滑;果圓錐形或狹卵形 11. S. grandis
10. Symplocos glauca (Thunb.) Koidz. 山羊耳
Small evergreen trees; bark brown, smooth. Twigs brown, terete, the pith often lamellated; young twigs thick, red-brown, glabrous or rusty tomentose, ridged below petioles. Terminal buds ovoid to narrowly ovoid, glabrescent to rusty tomentose, apex acuminate, 3-8 mm long. Leaves: blades coriaceous, narrowly oblong, narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovate, 8-15(-18) cm long, (1.5-)2-4 cm wide; apex acuminate, caudate or sometimes acute; base cuneate; margin recurved, entire or often distally with glandular teeth; both surfaces glabrous or sparsely cobwebby hairy, especially on midrib; lower surface densely papillose; midrib impressed on upper surface, very prominent on lower surface; nerves 8-13 pairs, prominent on both surfaces, rarely impressed on upper surface; petioles glabrescent to rusty tomentose, lengthwise deeply grooved when dry, 8-20 mm long. Inflorescence a contracted spike, from axils of leaves and/or on twigs, up to 1 cm long, the axis rusty tomentose; bracts orbicular, widely ovate or widely obovate, 2-3 mm long, apex rounded; bracteoles 2, ovate to oblong, 1.5-2 mm long, apex obtuse to rounded; both persistent, adaxially glabrous, abaxially rusty tomentose. Flowers: calyx tube glabrous, 0.5-0.8 mm high; calyx limb 1.5-2 mm long; calyx lobes, elliptic to oblong, 1-1.5 mm long, apex rounded to obtuse, outside tomentose; corolla white, 4-5.5 mm long, deeply 5-lobed, lobes elliptic; corolla tube about 1 mm long; stamens indistinctly pentadelphous, 35-55; disk annular, short cylindric or pulvinate, glabrous; style glabrous, 4-5.5 mm long; ovary 3-locular with 4 ovules in each locule. Fruits bluish black, (obliquely) ovoid, 12-19 mm by 6-8 mm; calyx lobes caducous or partly persistent; stones (obliquely) ovoid, shallowly grooved lengthwise or rather smooth, 10-17 mm by 5-7 mm; mesocarp thin; endocarp woody; seeds 1, straight with straight embryo.
Distributed in Japan (including the Ryukyus), Taiwan, S. China and Indo-china; in Taiwan 100-2,200 m altitude.
TAIPEI: Kelung, Faurie 312; Sozan, Kimura s. n.; Sinten, Odashima 17773; Tamsuy, Oldham 295; Shiratsuku, Shinko, Kawakami & Mori 1320; Pihu, Kuo 6654; Yuanshan, Huang 2367; Urai, Sasaki 189; Nuannuan, Kuo 5833; Wuliaochien, Peng 8697. TAOYUAN: Hsiahu-Kueishan, Leu 1062. HSINCHU: Luchuangtashan, Fukuyama 3380. TAICHUNG: Hassensan, Iida et al. s. n. NANTOU: Riyue Tan, Kimura & Hurusawa s. n.; Meifeng, Ohashi et al. 12488; Lienhuachih, Yu et al. s. n., Mori s. n.; Puli, Taniguchi s. n.; In silvis pedum montis Baran ad Nichigetsutan, Kudo & Sasaki 15166. CHIAYI: Alishan, Yamamoto & Mori s. n., Sasaki s. n. KAOHSIUNG: Sanping, Huang 497; Tashulinshan, 1400 m, Simizu s. n. PINGTUNG: Mutan Hsiang, Hsuhai 200 m, Wang 1435; Tahanshan, Yang 2703. TAITUNG: Tahanshan, Yang 2510; Chinshuiying, Yamamoto & Mori 713, Yang 23778.
光顶山矾组 Sect. Lodhra G. Don.
羊舌树 Symplocos glauca (Thunb.) Koidz.
11. Symplocos grandis Hand.-Mazz. 大葉灰木
Evergreen trees. Twigs terete or ridged, grayish dark brown, dark tomentose, the pith lamellated; young twigs thick, grayish brown, ridged below petioles, densely ferrugineous tomentose, with a few scales. Terminal buds ovoid, densely covered by ferrugineous tomentum. Leaves: blades coriaceous, narrowly elliptic, narrowly ovate or rarely narrowly obobvate, 8-18(-25) cm long, 2.5-6(-9) cm wide, apex abruptly acuminate or caudate, base cuneate, margin recurved, entire or distally with glandular teeth; upper surface glabrous or sparsely with cobwebby hairs especially on midrib; lower surface densely papillate, glaucous, rusty cobwebby hairy, more densely on midrib; midrib impressed above, very prominent beneath, nerves 7-10(-14) pairs meeting in an intramarginal vein near the margin; petioles cobwebby hairy or glabrescent, 7-30(-35) mm long. Inflorescence at the axils of leaves and/or on twigs, to 1 cm long, the axis rusty tomentose; bracts ovate or widely ovate, 2.5-3 mm long, apex rounded or obtuse; bracteoles 2, ovate to obovate, 1.5-2 mm long, apex rounded; both persistent, adaxially glabrous, abaxially rusty tomentose. Flowers: calyx tube glabrous, 1-1.5 mm long; limb 5-lobed, 1.5-2 mm long, the lobes valvate, ca. 1 mm long, ovate, rounded at apex, tomentose outside; corolla white to light yellow, 3.5-4 mm long, deeply 5-lobed, the tube to 1 mm long, the lobes elliptic; stamens indistinctly pentadelphous, 25-50; disk annular, glabrous or pilose; style glabrous, 4.5-5.5 mm long; ovary 3-locular. Fruits cylindrical or narrowly ovoid, crowned by persistent calyx lobes, 9-10 mm long excluding calyx limb, 4-5 mm in diameter; endocarp woody, but thin; stone smooth or shallowly lengthwise grooved; seed 1, straight with straight embryo. Distributed in Taiwan and S. China; in Taiwan reported from a small area of Nantou, 2000-2300 m altitude.
NANTOU: Meifeng, Ou et al. s. n., Wang et al. 10094, Peng 14425; Natl. Taiwan Univ. Highland Farm (Jenai), Chaw 519; Tsueifeng to Sunkang, Liu et al. 239.
This species is closely related to S. glauca (Thunb.) Koidz. By sharing papillate lower surface.
团伞组 Sect. Glomeratae Y. F. Wu
大叶山矾 Symplocos grandis Hand.-Mazz.