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4. MONOTROPA L. 錫仗花屬

Saprophytic herbs, white or reddish; stems simple; leaves alternate, scale-like. Flowers solitary or in a terminal raceme, nodding, bracteate; sepals 4, caducous; petals 5, oblong, apex dilated, often saccate at base, caducous; stamens 10 or 12, filaments filiform-subulate, anthers peltate; disc adnate to base of ovary, 10-12-toothed. Capsules 5-locular, loculicidally dehiscent, valves septate within, placentas remaining on persistent axis; seeds minute, elongate, subcylindric. Two species in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere; both in Taiwan.

1. Flowers several in a raceme ...................................................................... 1. M. hypopithys

1. Flowers solitary ...................................................................................... 2. M. uniflora

ギンリョウソウモドキ Monotropa uniflora
