4. 叶片倒卵形、倒卵状椭圆形或椭圆形,较大,长(1-) 2-6厘米,宽0.5-3厘米;叶柄长4毫米以上。(6)
6. 叶片较小,长1-3.5厘米,宽5-15毫米;果柄长4-6毫米,果的宿存柱头厚盘状;分核长圆状椭圆形,背部平滑,具条纹而无沟。假黃楊 Ilex crenata
6. 叶片较大,长2-7厘米,宽1-3厘米;果梗长8毫米以上;分核背部具皱纹或微凸起的条纹。(7)
7. 叶柄长7-10毫米,叶片的侧脉两面不明显;果柄长8-12毫米,果直径7-8毫米,宿存柱头薄盘状,分核卵状椭圆形,背面具微凸起的5条纵条纹。 倒卵叶冬胃
点叶冬青系 Ser. 1. Stigmatophorae (Loes.) S. Y. Hu
Key 2 (Ilex sect. Paltoria (Ruiz & Pavon) Maximowicz)
1 Leaf blade abaxially punctate; pyrenes 4, 3-5 mm in diam., abaxially usually smooth, striate, not sulcate (2)
2 (1) Branchlets usually zigzag; male cymes 1-3-flowered, rarely more flowered; pedicels equaling or slightly longer than peduncles; rudimentary ovary pyramidal. 金平氏冬青 Ilex triflora var. kanehirai 38 I. triflora
Branchlets straight; male cymes 1-7-flowered, more than 1-flowered cymes with pedicels shorter than peduncles; rudimentary ovary subglobose or conical (3)
3 Flowers 4-merous; leaf blade usually obovate or elliptic, rarely obovate-elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 0.5-7 × 0.4-3 cm; male cymes fasciculate on current year’s branchlets or solitary (4)
4 Leaf blade obovate, elliptic, obovate-elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, 1-7 × 0.5-3 cm, petiole usually longer than 4 mm (6)
6 (4) Leaf blade 1-3.5 × 0.5-1.5 cm; fruiting pedicel 4-6 mm; persistent stigma thickly discoid; pyrenes oblong-ellipsoidal, abaxially smooth, striate, not sulcate. 假黃楊 Ilex crenata 42 I. crenata
Leaf blade 2-7 × 1-3 cm; fruiting pedicel longer than 7 mm; pyrenes abaxially convex, striate, and slightly rugose or smooth and 5-striate (7)
7 (6) Petioles 4-6 mm, lateral veins evident on both surfaces of leaves; fruit 9-11 mm in diam., persistent stigma discoid-mammilliform; pyrenes ellipsoidal, abaxially convex, striate, and slightly rugose. 43 I. viridis
7 Petioles 5-10 mm, lateral veins indistinct on both surfaces of leaves; fruit 7-8 mm in diam., persistent stigma thinly discoid; pyrenes ovoid-ellipsoidal, abaxially smooth, 5-striate. 倒卵葉冬青 Ilex maximowicziana 44 I. maximowicziana
13. Ilex maximowicziana Loes. 倒卵葉冬青(金平氏冬青)
A small evergreen tree; young branchlets pubescent. Leaves obovate or oblong, 3-5 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm broad, the apex rounded, the margins crenulate, the veins inconspicuous on both surfaces; petioles 6-7 mm long. Flowers 1-3 in axillary cymes. Drupe globose, 8-10 mm across; fruiting pedicels 5-10 mm long.
The Ryukyus. Taiwan, in broad-leaved forests in northern and southern parts of the island.
PINGTUNG: Hengchun, Kanehira s. n. 1916 (Type of I. crenata var. kanehirai Yamamoto), Sasaki 15252 (Type of I. kanehirai var. glabra Kanehira); Lilongshan, Chiang 210 (Type of I. lilongshanensis Chiang).
19. Ilex triflora Blume var. kanehirai (Yamamoto) S. Y. Hu 金平氏冬青
A small evergreen tree; young branchlets pubescent. Leaves obovate or oblong, 3-5 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm broad, the apex rounded, the margins crenulate, the veins inconspicuous on both surfaces; petioles 6—7 mm long. Flowers 1—3 in axillary cymes. Drupe globose, 8-10 mm across; fruiting pedicels 5-10 mm long.
The species occurs in southern China; the variety is found on the island of Hainan and in Fukien Province of the mainland of China. Taiwan, in broad- leaved forests in northern and southern parts of the island.
PINGTUNG: Hengchun, Kanehira s. n. in 1916 (Type of I. crenata var. kanehirai Yamamoto), Sasaki 15252 (Type coll. of I. kanehirai var. glabra Kanehira).
倒卵叶冬青 Ilex maximowicziana Loes.
產於我國臺灣(屏東、台東);生於山地常綠闊葉林內。分佈於日本琉球群島。模式標本采自琉球群島 (Ishigaki) 。
本種與亮葉冬青Ilex viridis Champ. ex Benth.極近,惟後者的葉柄較短,長為葉片長度的1/13至1/6,側脈在葉兩面明顯,分核背部具稍隆起的皺紋。而本種的葉柄較長,為葉片長度的1/3或1/4,側脈兩面不明顯,分核背面具5條稍微突起的縱條紋,而無皺紋。
点叶冬青系 Ser. 1. Stigmatophorae (Loes.) S. Y. Hu
三花冬青 Ilex triflora Bl.
- 雄花1-3朵排成聚伞花序, 1-5聚伞花序簇生于当年生或二三年生枝的叶腋内,花序梗长约2毫米,花梗长2-3毫米,两者均被短柔毛,基部或近中部具小苞片1-2枚;花4基数,白色或淡红色;花萼盘状,直径约3毫米,被微柔毛,4深裂,裂片近圆形,具缘毛;花冠直径约5毫米,花瓣阔卵形,基部稍合生;雄蕊短于花瓣,花药椭圆形,黄色;退化子房金字塔形,顶端具短喙,分裂。雌花1-5朵簇生于当年生或二年生枝的叶腋内,总花梗几无,花梗粗壮,长4-8(-14)毫米,被微柔毛,中部或近中部具2枚卵形小苞片;花萼同雄花;花瓣阔卵形至近圆形,基部稍合生;退化雄蕊长约为花瓣的1/3,不育花药心状箭形;子房卵球形,直径约1.5毫米,柱头厚盘状,4浅裂;果球形,直径6-7毫米,成熟后黑色;果梗长13-18毫米,被微柔毛或近无毛;宿存花萼伸展,直径约4毫米,具疏缘毛;宿存柱头厚盘状;分核4,卵状椭圆形,长约6毫米,背部宽约4毫米,平滑,背部具3条纹,无沟,内果皮革质。花期5-7月,果期8-11月。
点叶冬青系 Ser. 1. Stigmatophorae (Loes.) S. Y. Hu
钝头冬青(变种) Ilex triflora Bl. var. kanehirai (Yamamoto) S. Y. Fin
产于浙江(泰顺、瑞安、丽水、龙泉、云和、遂昌、庆元、景宁、天台山)、江西(永修、武宁、资溪、黎川、石城、宁都、瑞金、会昌、寻乌、铜鼓、白鹤)、福建(长汀、上杭、宁德、祟安)、台湾(北部和南部恒春半岛)、湖南(沅陵、新晃、芷江)、广东(从化、潮安、龙门)、海南(五指山)等省;生于海拔200-1100米的山地林中、林缘或溪边灌木丛中。模式标本采自台湾 (R. Kanehira s. n.) 。
《台湾植物志》第二版将本变种并入倒卵叶冬青Ilex maximowicziana Loes., 可能是二者的叶均革质,倒卵形或长圆状椭圆形之故,但本变种之果为簇生,而倒卵叶冬青的果为单生叶腋,两者明显不同,故我们仍同意S. Y. Hu (1949)的处理。