1. BERCHEMIA Necker 黃鱔藤屬
Shrubs with armed, or umarmed often scandent branches. Leaves alternate, penninerved. Flowers bisexual or polygamous, fascicled, the fascicles disposed in axillary spikes or panicles, or in the axils of the leaves, or clustered at the ends of the branches; calyx 5-6-fid; petals 5, rarely 6, obovate or cucullate; disc lining the calyx-tube, the margins free; ovary sunk in the disc, but free from it, 2-celled, narrowed into the bifid style. Fruit a hard or fleshy drupe, girt at the base with the calyx-tube; stone crustaceous or woody, 2-celled, 2-seeded; seeds linear-oblong, the endosperm fleshy.
Species about 31, paleotropical; five in Taiwan.
1. Fruit with persistent calyx… 1. B. arisanensis
1. Fruit without persisten calyx.
2. Leaves 0.6-1.8 cm long… 4. B. lineata
2. Leaves more than 2 cm long.
3. Inflorescence paniculate, up to 25 cm long.
4. Leaves glabrous beneath; lateral veins 9-10 per side… 5. B. racemosa var. magna
4. Leaves velutinous beneath; lateral veins 14-17 per side… 2. B. fenchifuensis
3. Inflorescence racemose, few-branched, less than 5 cm long… 3. B. formosana
オオクマヤナギ Berchemia magna
ケナシオオクマヤナギ Berchemia magna
ウスバクマヤナギ Berchemia ohwii