Undershrubs or herbs, erect or more or less creeping, usually densely hairy; hairs stellate or simple; stems rough; pith obvious. Leaves simple, alternate, variably lanceolate to broadly ovate, entire or 3- or (5)-lobed or partite, irregularly serrate, with basal serrations usually glandular, 3- or 5-palminerved, petiolate, stipulate; stipules 2, usually large and persistent, rarely fugacious. Inflorescence cymose, usually axillary, sometimes terminal, generally consisting of numerous aggregate dichasia, peduncled, bracteolate; buds oblong; flowers pedicellate, hermaphroditic, actinomorphic, generally 5-merous, rarely 4- or 6-merous; sepals valvate, with apical appendages, usually pubescent without, glabrous within; petals sometimes absent, free, imbricate, shorter than sepals, usually ciliate at base, glandless; gonophore short, sometimes obsolete, bearing 5 manifest glands opposite the petals; glands sometimes united into a full ring or sometimes absent; a ciliate membranaceous urceole usually crowning the apex of gonophore and surrounding base of stamens; stamens (8-)10(-12); filaments free, surrounding ovary; anthers 2-thecate, introrse, more or less dorsifixed, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary superior, sessile on gonophore or infrequently borne on a very short gynophore, ellipsoid to orbicular, covered with many short, straight to recurved and hyaline spinules, 2- to 5-loculate, cells 2-ovulate; style filiforrm, the stigma entire or shortly 2- to 5-lobed. Fruit capsular, mostly sessile on slightly accrescent gonophore, covered with many tubercles, bristles or spines; spines elongating from the pericarp, glabrous or pilose, generally with hyaline, straight or hooked tips; fruit indehiscent or loculicidally dehiscent, (2-)3-5-locular or falsely 6-10-locular, the cells 2-seeded, infrequently 1-seeded and occasionally 1-celled with 1 seed by abortion; seeds pendulous, compressed-ovoid to pyriform, albuminous; embryo straight; cotyledons flat, foliaceous.
1. Spines of fruit hooked at tip.
2. Spines of fruit glabrous… 1. T. bartramia
2. Spines of fruit pilosulose or pilose.
3. Leaves broadly ovate, slightly 3-lobed, not tailed at apex, spines of fruit pilosulose, nearly glabrous… 3. T. semitriloba
3. Leaves elliptic-ovate, rarely or not lobed, tailed at apex spines of fruit obviously pilose… 2. T. pilosa
1. Spines of fruit straight at tip… 4. T. tomentosa
1. 果實上的棘刺尖端彎曲。
2. 下部的葉卵形至橢圓形,先端尾尖;果刺之毛平展……2. T. pilosa
2. 下部的葉寬卵形或寬菱狀卵形,先端漸尖或突漸尖;果刺之毛反捲或無毛。
3. 果實上的刺無毛;下部的葉寬菱狀卵形或寬卵形…1. T. bartramia
3. 果實上的刺有反捲毛;下部的葉寬卵形……………3. T. semitriloba
1. 果實上的棘刺尖端直……………………………………4. T. tomentosa
- カジノハラセンソウ Triumfetta bartramia
- ラセンソウ Triumfetta japonica
- ハテルマカズラ Triumfetta procumbens
- ケナシハテルマカズラ Triumfetta procumbens var. repens
- コンペイトウグサ Triumfetta repens
- カジノハラセンソウ Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq.
- カジノハラセンソウ|自然 |粟国アーカイブス
- カジノハラセンソウ - FC2
- カジノハラセンソウ(アオイ科) - FC2
- 見慣れない花が・・・(中) カジノハラセンソウ - 奄美自然観察記
- すでに実だけになっていた カジノハラセンソウ - 奄美自然観察記
- ラセンソウ(羅氈草) : 草花と自然Blog
3刺直,长5-7毫米。 毛刺蒴麻 Triumfetta cana Bl.
3刺有弯勾,长8-10毫米。 长勾刺蒴麻 Triumfetta pilosa Roth
4叶细小,宽不超过1.5厘米,下面被单毛。 粗齿刺蒴麻 Triumfetta grandidens Hance
5叶基部阔楔形或圆形,先端尖锐,下面被星状柔毛。 刺蒴麻 Triumfetta rhomboidea Jack.
5叶基部心形,先端圆钝,下面被黄褐色厚茸毛。铺地刺蒴麻 Triumfetta procumbens Forst. f.
单毛刺蒴麻 Triumfetta annua L.