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Aristolochiaceae Reference

  1. Huang S. F. and T.C. Huang. 1995 Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (21) The Genus Asarum L.(Aristolochiaceae) Taiwania 40(2): 91-120.
  2. Lu, Chang-Tse, Chien-Wen Chen, Jenn-Che Wang 2009 Asarum yaeyamense Hatusima (Aristolochiaceae) newly found from northern Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Forestry Science 24(3): 149-157
  3. Lu, Chang-Tse and Jenn-Che Wang 2009 Three new species of Asarum (section Heterotropa) from Taiwan Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 50: 229-240
  4. Lu, Chang-Tse, Wen-Liang Chiou, Shu-Chuan Liu and Jenn-Che Wang 2010 Asarum satsumense F. Maekawa (Aristolochiaceae), a Newly Recorded Species in Taiwan Taiwania 55(4): 396-410
  5. Lu, Chang-Tse, Wen-Liang Chiou and Jenn-Che Wang 2013 Asarum pubitessellatum, sp. nov. (sect. Heterotropa, Aristolochiaceae) from Taiwan based on morphological and palynological evidence Bot. Stud. 54:28
  6. Lu, Chang-Tse, Jenn-Che Wang 2014 Aristolochia yujungiana (Aristolochiaceae): A New Species from Taiwan Taiwan J For Sci 29(4): 291-299
  7. Watanabe, Kana, Tadashi Kajita and Jin Murata 2006. Chloroplast DNA variation and geographical structure of the Aristolochia kaempferi group (Aristolochiaceae). American Journal of Botany 93(3): 442–453.
  8. Watanabe, Kana, Tetsuo Ohi-Toma and Jin Murata 2008 Multiple hybridization in the Aristolochia kaempferi group (Aristolochiaceae): evidence from reproductive isolation and molecular phylogeny American Journal of Botany 95(7) 885-896

  1. 米秋雯、杨春澍 1991 中国细辛属花粉形态研究 植物分类学报 29(2): 164-171
  2. 马金双、诚静容 1989 中国马兜铃属新分类群 植物分类学报 27(4): 293-297
  3. 马金双 1989 东亚和南亚马兜铃属的修订 植物分类学报 27(5) 321-364
  4. 马金双 1990 马兜铃科的地理分布及其系统 植物分类学报 28(5) 345-355
  5. 黃思霖,曾美珍,黃介宏,呂車鳳 2007 以核內的內轉錄區間序列探討台灣馬兜鈴屬之親緣關係 特有生物研究 9(2) 19-27