- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan&volume=2&list=178
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan%202nd%20edit.&volume=2&list=2592
- 《中国植物志》 第23(2)卷 (1995) >> 370页 PDF >> 瘤冠麻属 Cypholophus;http://www.iplant.cn/info/Cypholophus?t=z
- FOC Vol. 5 Page 179;Cypholophus Weddell, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 4. 1: 198. 1854.;http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=109029
瘤冠麻 Cypholophus moluccanus
- 瘤冠麻 Cypholophus moluccanus (Bl.) Miq.
- 台灣植物誌 第一版 Flora of Taiwan, 1st edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan&volume=2&list=178
- 台灣植物誌 第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?book=Fl.%20Taiwan%202nd%20edit.&volume=2&list=2592
- Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統 https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/PlantInfo/species-name.php?code=310%20003%2001%200
- Cypholophus moluccanus (Bl.) Miq.; Kudo & Masam., Annual report of the Taihoku botanic garden, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial Univeristy , Formosa, Japan 2: 38. 1932. (Ann. Rep. Taihoku Bot. Gard., 台北帝國大學理農學部附屬植物園年報)
- Cypholophus moluccanus (Blume) Miq. is a synonym of Cypholophus macrocephalus (Blume) Wedd.;http://www.plantlist.org/tpl1.1/record/kew-2752487
- Cypholophus moluccanus Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 4: 305 (1869).;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/661326#page/336/mode/1up
- Urtica moluccana Blume;Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 491 1826.;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/9224#page/211/mode/1up
- Cypholophus macrocephalus Wedd., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 4, 1: 198 (1854).;https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/129796#page/202/mode/1up
- Cypholophus moluccanus (Blume) Miq.;Kaneh., Form. Tr. rev. ed.: 168 (1936);
- Cypholophus moluccanus (Blume) Miq.;T.S.Liu, Ill. Nat. Introd. Lign. Pl. Taiwan 2: 652, f. 605 (1962);
- Cypholophus moluccanus (Blume) Miq.;C.E.Chang in J. P. T. 29: 4 (1981);
- Boehmeria sidaefolia auct. non Wedd.: Matsum. & Hayata, Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum 387. 1906. (Enum. Pl. Formos., ); https://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/ebook/ebookpage.php?volume=0&book=Enum.%20Pl.%20Formos.&page=387
- Cypholophus moluccanus (Blume) Miq. コウトウマオ 標準;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=37444
- 《中国植物志》 第23(2)卷 (1995) >> 370页 PDF >> 瘤冠麻 Cypholophus moluccanus;http://www.iplant.cn/info/Cypholophus%20moluccanus?t=z
- FOC Vol. 5 Page 179;Cypholophus moluccanus (Blume) Miquel, Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi. 4: 303. 1868.;瘤冠麻;http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=242316533