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水絲梨 Sycopsis sinensis

  • Distylium formosanum Kanehira, Anat. Char. & Ident. Formos. Woods 106. 1921.
  • Sycopsis formosana (Kanehira) Kanehira & Hatusima, Journal of Japanese Botany 14(4): 240. fig. 1. 1938. (J. Jpn. Bot., 植物硏究雑誌)
  • Sycopsis sinensis Oliver var. formosana (Kanehira) Liu & H. Keng, Illustrations of native and introduced ligneous plants of Taiwan 1: 559. fig. 488. 1961. (Ill. Nat. Intr. Lign. Pl. Taiwan, 台灣木本植物圖誌)
  • Sycopsis sinensis Oliver var. formosana (Kanehira) Ying, Quarterly journal (Bulletin) of the experimental forest of National Taiwan University 1(2): 28. 1987. (Quart. J. Exp. For. Natl. Taiwan Univ., 國立台灣大學農學院實驗林硏究報告)
  • Sycopsis sinensis Oliver ssp. formosana (Kanehira) Ying, Cloured illustrated flora of Taiwan : Includes introduced species 3: 101. 1988. (Col. Ill. Fl. Taiwan Intr. Pl., 台灣高等植物彩色圖誌 含引進種)
  • Symplocos loii Ying, Technical Bulletin of the experimental forest of National Taiwan University 116: 550. 1975. (Tech. Bull. Exp. For. Natl. Taiwan Univ., 國立台灣大學農學院實驗林硏究報告)
  • Sycopsis loii (Ying) Ying, Quarterly journal of Chinese forestry 10(1): 130. 1977. (Quart. J. Chin. For., 中華林學季刊)

Sycopsis sinensis Oliv. subsp. formosana (Kaneh. et Hatus.) S.S.Ying;http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=35650
