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Commelinaceae reference

  1. Chao, Chien-Ti, Yu-Lan Huang, Si-Qian Liu, Yen-Hsueh Tseng 2014 Gibasis pellucida (Martens & Galeotti) D.R. Hunt (Commelinaceae), A Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan Quarterly Journal of Forest Research 36(2):77-84
  2. Chen, Po-Hao, An-Ching Chung, Chih-Chiang Wang and Sheng-Zehn Yang 2020 Commelina erecta L. (Commelinaceae), a newly naturalized species in Taiwan TW J. of Biodivers 22 (2): 151-158
  3. Nandikar, M. D. and R. V. Gurav 2014 A taxonomic account of Amischotolype (Commelinaceae) and notes on the occurrence of Porandra in India Journal of Threatened Taxa 6(5): 5774–5780
  4. Duistermaat, Helena 2012 A taxonomic revision of Amischotolype (Commelinaceae) in Asia Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 64(1): 51–131
  5. Gajurel, Jyoti Prasad and Krishna Kumar Shrestha 2009 Taxonomy of the genus Commelina Plum. ex L. (Commelinaceae) in Nepal Botanica Orientalis Journal of Plant Science 6: 25-31
  6. Hara, Hiroshi 1984 Comments on the East Asiatic plants (14) J. Jap. Bot. 59 (6): 171-184
  7. Hassemer, Gustavo, Luís A. Funez, João Paulo R. Ferreira and Lidyanne Y. S. Aona 2017 The correct typification of Tradescantia crassula (Commelinaceae) PhytoKeys 80: 121-127
  8. Koidzumi, Geniti 1939 Contributiones ad Cognitionem Florae Asiae Orientalis Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 8 (3): 188-194
  9. Lee, Chung-Kun, Shizuka Fuse, Minoru N. Tamura 2017 Biosystematic Studies on Commelinaceae (Commelinales) I. Phylogenetic Analysis of Commelina in Eastern and Southeastern Asia Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 68 (3): 193–198
  10. Matsumura, J. 1898 Notes on Some Liu-kiu Plants. (Continued from vol. XI. p. 78.) Bot. Mag. Tokyo 12: 1-3
  11. Pellegrini, Marco Octávio de Oliveira and Rafaela Campostrini Forzza 2017 Synopsis of Commelina L. (Commelinaceae) in the state of Rio de Janeiro, reveals a new white-flowered species endemic to Brazil PhytoKeys 78: 59–81
  12. Pellegrini, Marco O. O., Rafaela C. Forzza and Cassia M. Sakuragui 2017 Novelties in Brazilian Tradescantia L. (Commelinaceae) PhytoKeys 80: 1-31
  13. Peng, Ching-I, Yo-Jiun Chen, and Jenn-Che Wang 2000 Notes on Commelinaceae of Taiwan: Cyanotis and Belosynapsis, and the rediscovery of Murdannia edulis Biol. Bull. NTNU 35(2) 77-93
  14. Su, Mong-Huai and Gustavo Hassemer 2019 Tradescantia crassula (Commelinaceae) naturalised outside the Americas: first records of the species in Taiwan Iheringia Serie Botanica 74:e2019014
  15. Tseng, Yen-Hsueh, Chien-Ti Chao, Chih-Chiang Wang and Sy-Chian Liu 2010 Callisia repens (Jacq.) L. (Commelinaceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan. Quarterly Journal of Forest Research 32(4) 1-6
  16. Wang, Chiu-Mei and Chih-Hsiung Chen. 2008. Callisia fragrans (Lindl.) Woodson (Commelinaceae), a recently naturalized plant in Taiwan. Quarterly Journal of Chinese Forestry 41: 431-435.

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  5. 杨德奎、康照莉 2003 饭包草的染色体数目和核型分析 山东师范大学学报(自然科学版) 18(3) 72-73