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- Arisaema - efloraofindia - Google Sites;https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/a---l/ar/araceae/arisaema
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- Rediscovery of Arisaema translucens (Araceae) and notes on A. tuberculatum, two strict endemics of Nilgiris, India
- Arisaema consanguineum var. kelung-insulare (Hayata) C.C.Huang Taiwania 7: 102 1960.
- Arisaema formosanum var. bicolorifolium T.C.Huang Taiwania 27: 30 1982.
- Kew's science data Plant's world onlne
- 芹沢俊介(1981)日本産テンナンショウ属の再検討(4)ヒロハテンナンショウ群とシコクヒロハテンナンショウ群.Acta Phytotax Geobat. 32:22-30
- Murata J. 1984. An attempt at an infrageneric classification of the genus Arisaema (Araceae) J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo. Sect. III, 13: 431–482.
- Eiichiro Kinoshita Yasushi Harada 2005 Sex Change and Population Dynamics in Arisaema (Araceae) II. An Examination on the Evolutionary Stability of Sex Changing Schedule of A. serratum (Thunb.) Schott
- Sex Change and Population Dynamics in Arisaema (Araceae) I. Arisaema serratum (Thunb.) Schott1)
- 奥山雄大 (Yudai Okuyama) https://sites.google.com/site/okuyamanokenkyuupeji/home