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  1. Ahmad, Suheel, J. P. Singh and D. K. Verma 2015 Inventory of important fodder plants of Ladakh Himalaya Grassland resources
  1. Chundawat, Raghunandan Singh 1992 Ecological studies of snow leopard and its associated prey species in Hemis high altitude national park, Ladakh UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN Ph.D.
  1. de Bello, Francesco, Jiří Doležal, Carlo Ricotta and Jitka Klimešová 2011 Plant clonal traits, coexistence and turnover in East Ladakh, Trans-Himalaya Preslia 83: 315–327
  2. Dorjey, Konchok, Sonam Tamchos and Sanjeev Kumar 2012 Ethnobotanical observations in trans-himalayan region of Ladakh Journal of Plant Development Sciences 4 (4): 459-464
  3. Durani, P. K. , Gurcharan Singh and P. Kachroo 1975 Phytosociological studies on the vegetation of Ladakh desert Annals Aid Zone 14 (2) 75-86
  4. Dvorský, Miroslav, Jiří Doležal, F. de Bello, Jitka Klimešová and L. Klimeš 2010 Vegetation types of East Ladakh: Species and growth form composition along main environmental gradients Applied Vegetation Science 132-147
  5. Dvorský, Miroslav 2014 Ecology of alpine plants in NW Himalaya Ph.D. Thesis No. 2. University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science, School of Doctoral Studies in Biological Sciences, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 196 pp
  6. Dvorský, Miroslav, Jan Altman, Martin Kopecký, Zuzana Chlumská, Klára Řeháková, Kateřina Janatková and Jiří Doležal 2015 Vascular plants at extreme elevations in eastern Ladakh, northwest Himalayas Plant Ecology & Diversity 8(4): 1-14
  7. Gairola, Sumeet, Jyotsana Sharma and Yashbir Singh Bedi 2014 A cross-cultural analysis of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh (India) medicinal plant use Journal of Ethnopharmacology 155 925–986
  8. Hartmann, Hans A summarizing report on the phytosociological and floristical explorations (1976–1997) in Ladakh (India)
  9. Joshi, P. K., G. S. Rawat, H. Padilya and P. S. Roy 2006 Biodiversity characterization in Nubra Valley, Ladakh with special reference to plant resource conservation and bioprospecting Biodiversity and Conservation 15 4253-4270
  10. Klimeš, Leoš & Bernhard Dickoré 2005 A contribution to the vascular plant flora of Lower Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir, India) Willdenowia 35 125-153
  11. Klimešová, Jitka, Jiří Doležal, Miroslav Dvorský, Francesco de Bello and Leoš Klimeš 2010 Clonal Growth Forms in Eastern Ladakh, Western Himalayas: Classification and Habitat Preferences Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  12. Kumar, G. Phani, Raj Kumar, O. P. Chaurasia and Shashi Bala Singh 2011 Current status and potential prospects of medicinal plant sector in trans-Himalayan Ladakh [Journal of Medicinal Plants Research] 5(14): 2929-2940
  13. Namtak, Stanzin and Ramesh C Sharma 2018 Medicinal plant resources in Skuru watershed of Karakoram wildlife sanctuary and their uses in traditional medicines system of Ladakh, India Int J Complement Alt Med. 11 (5): 294‒302
  14. Pal, Murugan M., Raj. X. Janifer, Kumar G. Phani,Sunil Gupta and Shashi Bala Singh 2010 Phytofoods of Nubra valley, Ladakh –The cold desert Indian T. Traditional Knowledge 9(2) 303-308
  15. Rawat, Gopal S. and Bhupendra S. Adhikari 2005 Floristics and Distribution of Plant Communities across Moisture and Topographic Gradients in Tso Kar Basin, Changthang Plateau, Eastern Ladakh Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 37(4):539-544.
  16. Singh, Anurudh K. 2009 Probable agricultural biodiversity heritage sites in India: I. The cold-arid region of Ladakh and adjacent areas Asian Agri-History 13 (2):83-100
  17. Wagay, Nasir Aziz 2016 Ethnobotanical Observations in the Ladakh Region of Northern Jammu and Kashmir State, India Life Sciences Leaflets 80: 38-60