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莎草科 Cyperaceae

薹屬 Carex

 雖然目前薹屬是分為Carex、 Kreczetoviczia、Psillophora、 Vignea and Vigneastra等5亞屬,前其還是採用中國植物誌的分類架構重製,等查到新資料再來修正。


薹草亞屬Subgen. Carex

黑穗薹草組 Sect. 11. Atratae

米柱薹草組 Sect. 12. Glaucaeformes Ohwi

玉簪薹草組 Sect. 13. Montanae

黃囊薹草組 Sect. 14. Lamprochlaenae Drejer 糙果薹草組 Sect. 15. Trachychlaenae Drejer

異囊薹草組 Sect. 16. Anomalae

隱穗薹草組 Sect. 17. Cryptostachyae

匏囊薹草組 Sect. 18. Lageniformes

灰帽薹草組 Sect. 19. Mitratae

根穗薹草組 Sect. 20. Radicales (Kukenth.) Nelmes 指狀薹草組 Sect. 21. Digitatae Fries 白鱗薹草組 Sect. 22. Albae Aschers. et Graebner. 濕生薹草組 Sect. 23. Limosae Tuckerm. 少花薹草組 Sect. 24. Paniceae Tuckerm. 寬葉薹草組 Sect. 25. Siderostictae Franch.

美穗薹草組 Sect. 26. Decorae

凍原薹草組 Sect. 27. Frigidae

黑色薹草亞組Subsect. Fuliginosae

鏽色薹草亞組 Subsect. Ferrugineae

細稈薹草組 Sect. 28. Capillares Aschers. et Graebn.

膜囊薹草組 Sect. 29. Hymenochlaenae

瘦果薹草組 Sect. 30. Debiles

密花薹草組 Sect. 31. Confertiflorae

柔果薹草組 Sect. 32. Molliculae

離穗薹草組 Sect. 33. Secalinae O. F. Lang

菱形果薹草組 Sect. 34. Rhomboidales

疏花薹草組 Sect. 35. Laxiflorae

似莎薹草組 Sect. 36. Pseudo-cypereae Tuckerm. 脹囊薹草組 Sect. 37. Physocarpae Drejer

沼生薹草組 Sect. 38. Paludosae

硬毛果薹草組 Sect. 39. Occlusae

薹草組 Sect. 40. Carex 急尖薹草組 Sect. 41. Acutae Fries 溪水薹草組 Sect. 42. Forficulae Franch. ex Raymond

帚狀薹草組 Sect. 43. Praelongae

隱果薹草組 Sect. 44. Temneris (Rafin.) V. Krecz. 圖們薹草組 Sect. 45. Tuminenses Y. L. Chang et Y. L. Yang

細柄薹草組 Sect. 46. Gracilis

尖苞薹草組 Sect. 47. Orthocerates Koch 石薹草組 Sect. 48. Rupestres Tuckerm.

單穗薹草組 Sect. 49. Rarae

短喙薹草組 Sect. 50. Grallatoriae

根足薹草組 Sect. 51. Rhizopodae Ohwi 頭穗薹草組 Sect. 52. Capituligerae Kukenth 異株薹草組 Sect. 53. Dioicae (Tuckerm.) Pax

複序薹草亞屬 Subgen. Indocarex

日本薹草組 Sect. 1. Japonicae

秀麗薹草組 Sect. 2. Mundae

漿果薹草組 Sect. 3. Baccantes

多穗薹草組 Sect. 4. Polystachyae Tuckerm.

印度薹草組 Sect. 5. Indicae

菰葉薹草組 Sect. 6. Euprepes Nelmes et Airy-Shaw

花葶薹草組 Sect. 7. Hemiscaposae

蘖枝薹草組 Sect. 8. Surculosae Raymond 寶興薹草組 Sect. 9. Hypolytroides Nelmes 粗糙薹草組 Sect. 10. Scabrellae Kukenth.

二柱薹草亞屬Subgen. Vignea

類稗薹草組 Sect. 54. Echinochloaemorphae Y. L. Chang ex S. Y. Liang 高節薹草組 Sect. 55. Thomsonianae Y. L. Chang ex S. Y. Liang

多花薹草組 Sect. 56. Phleoideae

圓錐薹草組 Sect. 57. Paniculatae (Carey) Christ 海綿基薹草組 Sect. 58. Vulpinae (Carey) Christ 二柱薹草組 Sect. 59. Holarrhenae (Doell) Pax 烈味薹草組 Sect. 60. Foetidae Tuckerm. ex Kukenth. 囊果薹草組 Sect. 61. Physodeae Christ ex Kukenth 二籽薹草組 Sect. 62. Dispermae Ohwi

篩草組 Sect. 63. Macrocephalae

穹隆薹草組 Sect. 64. Gibbae Kukenth.

藪薹草組 Sect. 65. Remotae

草莎薹組 Sect. 66. Cyperoideae Koch. 高稈薹草組 Sect. 67. Planatae Akiyama 星穗薹草組 Sect. 68. Stellulatae (Kunth) Christ. 白山薹草組 Sect. 69. Canescentes (Fries) Christ
