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錦葵科 Malvaceae

金午時花屬 Sida



Sida acuta


Calyx glabrous; Staminal tube sparsely hirsute; Schizocarp nearly globose; Mericarps (4-)6(-9), glabrous, with 2 awns.

Sida alnifolia

Calyx stellate tomentose; Staminal tube hairy; Schizocarp subglobose; Mericarps 6–8, hairy, apex with 2 awns

Sida chinensis

Calyx densely stellate tomentose; Staminal tube hairy; Schizocarp globose; Mericarps 7-8; without awns.

Sida cordata

葉短於5 cm;葉基心形;花梗長於15 mm;花序小,花疏生;心皮5;成熟心皮無刺。

Calyx sparsely pilose with long hairs; Staminal tube glabrous or sparsely pilose; Schizocarp nearly globose; Mericarps 5; not awned.

Sida cordifolia


Calyx stellate pilose and hairs; Staminal tube hirsute; Mericarps 10; apex 2-awned.

Sida javensis

Calyx sparsely pilose with long hairs; Staminal tube glabrous; Schizocarp globose; Mericarps 5, 2 awns.

Sida mysorensis

葉長於5 cm;葉基心形;花梗短於12 mm;花序大,花密生;心皮5;成熟心皮無刺。

Herbs erect; pedicel 2–6(–15) mm; live plants sticky, with inconspicuous glandular hairs as well as stellate and/or simple hairs; Calyx adaxially with long simple hairs at least along veins; mericarps smooth, thin-walled, not dehiscent.

Sida repens

短柄爪哇金午時花 Sida repens Dombey ex Cav.

Sida rhombifolia


Leaves spiral; leaf blade base cuneate to minutely rounded; Petiole 3–5(–8) mm; stipules equal; Flowers usually solitary, axillary or subterminal, sometimes on racemelike axillary shoots; calyx hairy; Calyx adaxially stellate pubescent or glabrous, sometimeswith ciliate margins; mericarps smooth, vertically grooved or reticulately wrinkled, sometimes dehiscent; Calyx stellate pubescent; filament tube glabrous; mericarps 7–10; Mericarps with awns; mericarps often with apex ± puberulent.
恆春金午時花 Sida rhombifolia L. subsp. insularis (Hatusima) Hatusima


Sida rhombifolia var. maderensis

It is an unresolved name

Sida spinosa

刺金午時花 Sida spinosa L.
