Mount Jade


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Yushan Map Guide Yushan Main Peak Map

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 "Oh! We are there! Just in time for the sunrise! "Hurry"! The sunrise is here!" These are some of the common exclamations of encouragement heard at this section. After all, waking up this early is disruptive to the body's routine functioning. We can often see climbers groping in dark light at half-awaken mode and simply follow the tracks left behind by their predecessors. Those who have reached the summit never forget to shout words of encouragement to their teammates behind. Occasionally, I would flash my torchlight towards the Alishan Mountain Range in the western direction, hoping that the visitors now waiting for the sunrise at the Kuanle Pavilion in Cohesion could spot my light. Most climbers prefer to watch the sunrise at the right bronze status side where as I like to watch from the intersection of the Main, East and Yuan Peak. Here, I am sheltered from the wind and I can see Laulon River and full view of the Central Mountain Range. After that, I go along the Main Crest Line to Yuan Peak and back to Paiyun Mountain Resort.
