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Singapore Map

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Singapore Tour

  1. National Parks Board Singapore 2015 Singa[ore 5th National report to the convention on biologicaL diversity

Singapore Plant

  1. Boo Chih Min, Kartini Omar-Hor, Ou-Yang Chow Lin 2003 1001 Garden Plants in Singapore National Parks Board, Singapore ISBN 981-04-9268-5
  2. Turner, Ian Mark 2000 The plants of the Singapore Botanic Gardens : an annotated check-list National Parks Board, Singapore ISBN 9971-88-742-8
  3. Gardenwise 2005 The magazine of the Singapore Botanic Gardens 24
  4. Gardenwise 2010 The magazine of the Singapore Botanic Gardens 34
  5. Gardenwise 2013 The magazine of the Singapore Botanic Gardens 40
  6. Gardenwise 2017 The magazine of the Singapore Botanic Gardens 48
  7. Rain Forest in the City: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Singapore


  1. Chong, Kwek Yan, Hugh T. W. Tan & Richard T. Corlett 2009 A checklist of the total vascular plant flora of Singapore: native, naturalised and cultivated species. Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of Singapore. 1-273
  2. Giesen, Wim, Stephan Wulffraat, Max Zieren and Liesbeth Scholten 2006/07 Mangrove guidebook for southeast Asia Dharmasarn Co., Ltd.
  3. Ho, B. C., H. K. Lua, P. K. F. Leong, S. Lindsay, W. W. Seah, Bazilah Ibrahim, A. H. B. Loo, S. L. Koh, Ali Ibrahim and P. Athen 2018 New records and rediscoveries of vascular plants in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 70 (1): 33–55
  4. Hung Sherry M. X., K. Y. Chong, Alex T. K. Yee, Reuben C. J. Lim, Jolyn W. Loh, Louise Neo, W. W. Seah, S. Y. Tan and Hugh T. W. Tan 2017 The vascular plant flora and vegetation of the islands associated with Singapore's first Marine Park (III): St. John's Island NATURE IN SINGAPORE 10: 37–48
  5. Lim, Reuben C. J., Alex T. K. Yee, Xin Yi Ng and Hugh T. W. Tan1 2014 Whorled Pennywort, Hydrocotyle verticillata Thunb. (Araliaceae), a New Record of a casual aquatic macrophyte in Singapore Nature in Singapore 7: 79–91
  6. Lok, A. F. S. L. and H. T. W. Tan 2009 Tuberous, Epiphytic, Rubiaceous Myrmecophytes of Singapore Nature in Singapore 2: 231-236
  7. Low, Y. W., P. K. F. Leong, S. P. Tee, Rajesh Singh, M. L. C. Tay and K. M. Wong 2014 Margaritaria (Phyllanthaceae), a new generic record for the Singapore flora Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 66(1) 47–56
  8. Neo, L., A. T. K. Yee, K. Y. Chong & H. T. W. Tan, 2012. The vascular plant flora of abandoned plantations in Singapore I: Clementi Forest Nature in Singapore 5: 275-283.
  9. Nghiem, Le T. P., Hugh T. W. Tan and Richard T. Corlett 2015 Invasive trees in Singapore: are they a threat to native forests? Tropical Conservation Science 8 (1): 201-214
  10. Sherry M. X. Hung1, K. Y. Chong, Alex T. K. Yee, Reuben C. J. Lim1, Jolyn W. Loh1, Louise Neo, W. W. Seah, S. Y. Tan1, Aloysius X. Y. Teo1, Karenne Tun, Collin H. Y. Tong, K. S. Koh and Hugh T. W. Tan 2017 The vascular plant flora and vegetation of the islands associated with Singapore’s first Marine Park (I): The Sisters’ Islands NATURE IN SINGAPORE 10: 7–24
  11. Tan, H. T. W., Ali Bin Ibrahim, K. S. Chua, I. M. Turner, Y. C. Wee and P. T. Chew 1992 Additions to the Flora of Singapore, I Gard. Bull. Sing. 44(2)
  12. Teo, S., R. K. H. Yeo, K. Y. Chong, Y. F. Chung, L. Neo & H. T. W. Tan, 2011. The flora of Pulau Semakau: a Project Semakau checklist Nature in Singapore 4: 263-272
  13. Turner, I. M., D. J. Middleton, H. Duistermaat and J. F. Veldkamp 2019 Flora of Singapore precursors, 6: Typification of grass names relevant to the flora of Singapore Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 71 (1): 1-44
  14. Yang Shufen, Rachel L. F. Lim, Chiou-Rong Sheue & Jean W. H. Yong 2011 The current status of mangrove forests in Singapore Proceedings of NSS Conference: Nature Conservation for a Sustainable Singapore 99-120