1. Shoots glabrous or pubescent, the hairs not rigid; leaves all similar, not dimorphic.
2. Leaves glandular on the under surface; stamens 10; shoot and petiole glabrous.
3. Epiphytic plants; leaves obovate, 4-5 cm long; glabrous, punctate ......6. R. kawakamii
3. Terrestrial plants; leaves oblong-ovate, 8-10 cm long, lepidote but with punctations...... 4. R. hyperythrum
2. Leaves glabrous or tomentose beneath, not glandular; stamens 10-20; shoots tomentose to glabrescent.
3. Shoots glabrescent; leaves encrusted with fine pale gray indumentum on the lower surface.......3. R. formosanum
3. Shoots and leaves tomentose or glabrescent; leaves not encrusted with pale indumentum.
4. Leaves thickly to thinly coriaceous, lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, about 10 cm long, or rarely 5-7 cm, about twice as long as broad.
5. Leaves thickly coriaceous; flowers white, many-umbellate; plants of the highest peaks.
6. Leaves about 10 cm long; petioles 1.2-2.5 cm long.......10. R. morii
6. Leaves 5-7 cm long; petioles 0.5-1.5 cm long.......15. R. pseudochrysanthemum
5. Leaves thinly coriaceous; flowers red, 2-3-clustered; plants of the lower altitudes, in broad-leaved forests.
6. Leaves 10-12 cm long; bud scales pubescent; calyx ciliate on the margins .......20. R. tanakai
6. Leaves 7-10 cm long; bud scales glabrous; calyx not ciliate ............2. R. ellipticum
4. Leaves thinly coriaceous, ovate to oblong-ovate, 2.5-6 cm long, 1? times or less as long as broad.
5. Plant deciduous, nearly glabrous; leaves greenish beneath, usually 3, crowded at top of branches; stamens 10, nearly equal........9.R. mariesii
5. Plant evergreen, with appressed, straight hairs; leaves pale beneath, usually 5 or 6, crowded at top of branches; stamens 10-12, unequal ......21. R. tashiroi
1. Shoots with appressed, flattened, brownish bristle-like hairs; leaves dimorphic, the spring and summer leaves different in shape.
2. Stamens 5, sometimes 4 or 6; flowers generally pink.
3. Plants hairy; flowers terminal; fruit long, over 10 mm long.
4. Leaves comparatively long, 3-5 cm in length; filaments and style villous; anthers not apiculate ……………………………………….7. R. lasiostylum
4. Leaves shorter, 0.4-3 cm long; filaments glabrous or slightly pilose; style glabrous.
5. Leaves larger, 2.5-3 cm long; filaments glabrous; anthers apiculate………………………… 1.R. breviperulatum
5. Leaves much smaller, 4-14 mm long; filaments slightly pilose; anthers not apiculate . .17. R. sikayotaizanense
3. Plant nearly glabrous; flowers lateral; fruit short, less than 8 mm long.........14. R. ovatum
2. Stamens 5-10; flowers red, rarely pink or white.
3. Shoots densely covered with glandular hairs; bud scales viscid on the inner surface; corolla wide-funnelform.......13. R. oldhamii
3. Shoots densely clothed with flattened appressed hairs; bud scales not viscid; corolla funnelform to campanulate.
4. Leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate; style villous at base………...5.R. kanehirai
4. Leaves ovate to obovate or ovate-lanceolate.
5. Styles villous at base; corolla pink; leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate ……………………………………………….16. R. rubropilosum
5. Styles glabrous; corolla red, rarely white or pink; leaves ovate to elliptic or obovate-lanceolate.
6. Leaves elliptic-oblong or oblong-obovate, 2-5 cm long.
7. Leaves chartaceous, strigose beneath, the margins flat; corolla red . . 18. R. simsii
7. Leaves subcoriaceous, densely strigose beneath, the margins revolute; corolla pink………………………………………19. R. taiwanalpinum
6. Leaves ovate to obovate-lanceolate, about 1.5 cm or less long.
7. Corolla larger, about 2.5 cm long and 3-4 cm across; stamens included.
8. Dwarf prostrate shrub; corolla larger, about 4 cm across .... 11. R. nakaharai
8. Erect shrub; corolla smaller, about 3 cm across...........8. R. longiperulatum
7. Corolla smaller, about 2 cm long and 2 cm across; stamens slightly exserted …12. R. noriakianum