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1. 幼枝被毛。

2. 葉柄長1-5 mm。

3. 葉柄被毛。

5. 葉長為寬之3倍以上....................................................................2. S. arisanensis

5. 葉長為寬之2.5倍以下。

6. 幼枝綠色;葉紙質 (葉側脈3-5對)..............................................4. S. chinensis

6. 幼枝褐色或灰褐色;葉革質 (葉側脈4-8對)。

7. 葉柄被平展毛;葉被剛毛....................................................26. S. trichoclada

7. 葉柄被短伏毛;葉被短伏毛或光滑無毛。

8. 葉柄具狹翼;葉上表面光滑無毛.................................18. S. morrisonicola

8. 葉柄無翼;葉上表面脈上被疏柔毛....................................9. S. formosana

9. Symplocos formosana Brand, Pflanzenr R. Heft 6: 67. 1901; Li, Woody Fl. Taiwan 740. 1963. 臺灣灰木

Evergreen shrubs or small trees; bark dark brown, smooth. Twigs dark brown, terete; young twigs grayish brown to ferrugineous, short pilose to villose. Terminal buds ovoid, with a few scales, appressed hairy, the apex acuminate and slightly curved. Leaves: blades coriaceous or thinly coriaceous, elliptic, ovate or lanceolate, 2-7 cm long, (0.7-)1-2 cm wide; apex acute, acuminate or caudate with apiculate tip; base cuneate to short attenuate; margin more or less recurved, crenate to glandular dentate with teeth 2-5(-6) mm apart; upper surface shining, glabrous except the pilose midrib; lower surface dull, sparsely appressed hairy; midrib slightly prominent or sulcate on upper surface, prominent beneath; nerves (4-)5-7 pairs, slightly prominent beneath; petioles appressed hairy, (1-)2-3(-4) mm long. Inflorescence axillary, a simple spike or a short-pedicelled raceme, (5-)10-20(-28)-flowered, 1-3(-4.5) cm long, the axis grayish brown, villose; pedicels up to 1 mm long; bracts ovate to widely ovate, keeled, 0.7-1 mm long, apex acute or obtuse; bracteoles 2, ovate to widely ovate, 0.7-1 mm long; both persistent, adaxially glabrous, abaxially appressed hairy. Flowers: calyx tube glabrous or rarely sparsely appressed hairy, 0.5-1 mm high; calyx limb ca. 1 mm long; calyx lobes imbricate, orbicular to widely ovate, apex obtuse, 0.5-1 mm long, outside glabrous or sparsely appressed hairy; corolla deeply 5-lobed, white, often tinged red-violet at apex of lobes, 3-4 mm long, lobes elliptic; stamens 18-35, pentadelphous; disk 5-glandular, pilose; style glabrous, swollen at base, 2.5-3.5(-4) mm long; ovary 3-locular, with 4 ovules in each locule. Fruits black, ovoid, 3-4.5 mm by ca. 3 mm, persistent calyx lobes forming a blunt beak; stone ovoid, smooth, 3 mm by 2.5 mm; mesocarp and endocarp thin; seed 1, curved, with curved embryo.

Distributed in the Ryukyus, Taiwan and S. China; in Taiwan 700-2,000 m altitude.

ILAN: Taipingshan, Suzuki s. n., 3819, 12338; Nanhutashan, Suzuki et al. SH17698, Masamune & Mori s. n.; Chuifeng, Kao K3134; Shenmihu Nat. Res., Liao 1763. HSINCHU: Chilanshan, Chen 152; Nanhutashan, Yamazaki et al. 529. NANTOU: Musha-Santinozyo, Masamune et al. 2349. CHIAYI: Suisharyo-Hunkiko, Hayata s. n. (Type of S. suishariensis Hayata); Tienyunshan, Peng 8814. KAOHSIUNG: Tona, Huang 10249; Nanfenshau, Chang 10014; Sanping, Huang 478, 530. HUALIEN: Chungyangchienshan, Fukuyama & Suzuki ST16315; Hopin, Kuo 8198; Kueilin-Chilaishan, Huang s. n.; Jusui forest Rd., Wang 678.

I treated S. microcalyx Hayata as an endemic species to the Ryukyus in 1993, but I cannot find significant differences between S. microcalyx and the plants in Taiwan and S. China which bloom in spring having small bracts.


2. Symplocos arisanensis Hayata, J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo (Mat. Fl. Formosa) 30(1): 187. 1911. 阿里山灰木

Evergreen small trees; twigs dark brown, terete; young twigs brown with appressed or patent brown hairs. Terminal buds ovoid to subulate, with the same indument as young twigs, the apex acuminate and usually curved. Leaves: blades coriaceous, narrowly (often obliquely) rhomboidal, oblong or lanceolate, 5-10 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, apex acuminate to long caudate with apiculate tip, base often subequal, cuneate, rounded or obtuse, sometimes slightly cordate, margin slightly recurved, crenate-serrate with teeth (1-)2-4(-6) mm apart; upper surface shining, glabrous except midrib or rarely sparsely setose; lower surface dull or glossy, sparsely appressed hairy or setose; midrib sulcate of slightly prominent at the base above, prominent and appressed hairy or setose beneath; nerves 6-10 pairs, slightly prominent beneath; petioles with appressed or obliquely patent hairs, 1-3(-4) mm long. Inflorescence axillary, a simple spike or a shortly pedicelled raceme, 4 to 20-flowered, 1-5 cm long, the axis villose with same indumentum as young twigs; pedicel to 1(-2) mm long; bracts semi-orbicular to ovate, keeled, 1.5-2.5 mm long, apex obtuse or acute; bracteoles 2, ovate to triangular, ca. 1.5 mm long, both persistent, adaxially glabrous, abaxially appressed hairy. Flowers: calyx tube glabrous, 1-1.5 mm high; calyx limb, 1-1.5 mm long; calyx lobes imbricate, ovate , 1-1.5 mm long, glabrous or abaxially appressed hairy, apex obtuse; corolla deeply 5-lobed, white, the lobe elliptic, ca. 4 mm long; stamens ca. 25; disk 5-glandular, pilose or rarely glabrous; style glabrous, swollen at base, 4-6 mm long; ovary 3-locular. Fruits obliquely ovoid to globose, crowned by persistent calyx lobes, 5-7 mm long excluding calyx limb, 4-5 mm in diameter. Distributed in Taiwan and S. China; in Taiwan 1,500-2,100 m altitude. TAIPEI: in laurilignosis inter Sansho et Suigen, Suzuki 8622; Lupei, Hsieh 673; Bunzan, Suzuki ST17910. ILAN: Taipingshan, Feung & Kao 5066, Sasaki s. n., Suzuki 3817; Nanhutashan, Kuo 5109, Yamazaki et al. 402; Chilanshan, Kuo 8177; Yuangyanghu, Leu 2023. TAOYUAN: Pallin to Tamanshan, Yang 1267, 1270; Lalashan, Peng 14641. HSINCHU: Yuenyanhu, Kuo 8473. MIAOLI: Tongshiishuishan, Wu & Cheng 1298. TAICHUNG: Anmashan, Liu et al. 418; Wuling Farm, Yang et al. 6124. NANTOU: Sanlinchi, Huang & Tsou 9989; Chiti, Chen 4317; Hsitou, Liu et al. s. n.; Honghuangshan, Liu et al. 637. CHIAYI: Alishan, Sasaki s. n., Hayata s. n., Faurie 1456, 1748, Nimandaira, Hashioka s. n. KAOHSIUNG: Chuyunshan, Ou et al. s. n. HUALIEN: Mukua-shan, Nakamura 4631; Chinshui-shan, Nakamura 3347; Fong shan branch, Taroko Forest, Liu et al. 60; Chungyangchienshan, Fukuyama & Suzuki ST16131; Mt. Daroko, Keng & KaoK2718. The plants in S. China have more dense indument sometimes with patent hairs as in S. trichoclada Hayata.

球果山矾组 Sect. Bobua (DC.) Brand

光叶山矾 Symplocos lancifolia Sieb. et Zucc.

小乔木;芽、嫩枝、嫩叶背面脉上、花序均被黄褐色柔毛,小枝细长,黑褐色,无毛。叶纸质或近膜质,干后有时呈红褐色,卵形至阔披针形,长3-6(9)厘米,宽1.5-2.5(3.5) 厘米,先端尾状渐尖,基部阔楔形或稍圆,边缘具稀疏的浅钝锯齿;中脉在叶面平坦,侧脉纤细,每边6-9条;叶柄长约5毫米。穗状花序长1-4厘米;苞片椭圆状卵形,长约2毫米,小苞片三角状阔卵形,长1.5毫米,宽2毫米,背面均被短柔毛,有缘毛;花萼长1.6-2毫米,5裂,裂片卵形,顶端圆,背面被微柔毛,与萼筒等长或稍长于萼筒,萼筒无毛;花冠淡黄色,5深裂几达基部,裂片椭圆形,长2.5-4毫米;雄蕊约25枚,花丝基部稍合生;子房3室,花盘无毛。核果近球形,直径约4毫米,顶端宿萼裂片直立。花期3-11月,果期6-12月;边开花边结果。

产浙江、台湾、福建、广东(海南)、广西、江西、湖南、湖北、四川、贵州、云南。生于海拔1200米以下的林中。日本也有分布。 叶可作茶;根药用,治跌打。

H. P. Nooteboom(见文献引证)将H. Migo应用McClure 13164号花标本建立的Bobua austrosinensis Migo归并于Symplocos sumuntia Buch. -Ham. ex D. Don,但后者的叶卵形或狭倒卵形,边近全缘,干后不呈红褐色等特征与 H. Migo 应用的模式标本显然不同。作者看见了H. Migo应用的模式标本,叶千后呈红褐色,边缘具锯齿;花萼裂片卵形,顶端圆,背面被微柔毛,与萼筒等长等特征与本种相同,应属于本种无疑。
