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2. Actinidia callosa Lindl., Nat. Syst. Ed. 2. 439. 1835.

2a. var. callosa. 硬齒獼猴桃 Pl.316

Tall climbing to 7 m or more long; glabrous or young branchlets tomentose, dark gray to reddish brown, with distinct conspicuous long yellowish lenticels; pith of branchlets solid, firm, light orange, pith of branches irregularly lamellate. Leaves chartaceous, ovate, ovate-oblong, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, ca. 6-15 cm long, 2.5-9 cm broad, acute to acuminate at apex, rounded, cuneate-rounded to subcordate at base, serrulate or subentire, glabrous or tomentose in vein axils on both surfaces, lateral veins 5-7 per side; petioles slender, 1.5-5.5 cm long, reddish or green, strigose or glabrous. Inflorescences axillary cymes, 1-5 flowered, the pedicels nearly glabrous, 5-20 mm long, bracts minute; flowers white; sepals 5, oblong or ovate, rounded to obtuse at apex; petals 5, broadly oblong-ovate to oblong-lanceolate, rounded to obtuse at apex, cuneate and contracted at base; ovary subglobose to oblong-ovoid, densely tomentose. Fruit subglobose, oblong-ovoid or ellipsoid, ca. 2-3.5 cm long, 2-2.5 cm across, glabrous, grayish green, obscurely lenticellate.

S. Asia, from S. China, Taiwan, Indochina and India to Malaysia. Taiwan, in thickets and forests at low to medium altitudes.

TAIPEI: Matsao, Yangminshan, Peng 8644. ILAN: Taipingshan, Peng 7872. TAICHUNG: Tahsuehshan forest road, Peng 619. NANTOU: Fenghuangshan, Peng 607; Meifeng, Wang 80. TAITUNG: Chin-shui-ying, Yang 23728.

  • Actinidia callosa var. pubescens Dunn
Malaysian Biological Diversity Clearing House Mechanism
eFlora of India

斑果组 Sect. Maculatae Dunn

硬齿猕猴桃 Actinidia callosa Lindl.

大型落叶藤本;着花小枝长5-15厘米,一般8-12厘米,直径2.5-3毫米,洁净无毛,个别有极少量硬毛,皮孔相当显著,髓淡褐色,片层状或实心,芽体被锈色茸毛;隔年枝灰褐色,直径3-5毫米,干时有皱纹状纵棱,皮孔开裂或不开裂,髓片层状。叶卵形、阔卵形、倒卵形或椭圆形,长5-12厘米,宽3.5-8.5厘米,顶端急尖至长渐尖或钝形至圆形,基部阔楔形至圆形或截形至心形,边缘有芒刺状小齿或普通斜锯齿乃至粗大的重锯齿,齿尖通常硬化,腹,面深绿色,完全无毛,仅个别变种有少量小糙伏毛,背面绿色,完全无毛或仅侧脉腋上有髯毛,叶脉比较发达,在上面下陷,在背面隆起呈圆线形,侧脉6-8对,横脉不甚显著,网状小脉不易见;叶柄水红色,长2-8厘米,洁净无毛,仅个别变种有少数硬毛;花序有花1-3朵,通常1花單生;花序柄7-15毫米,花柄11-17毫米,均无毛或有毛。花白色,直径约15毫米;萼片5片,卵形,长4-5毫米,无毛或被黄褐色短绒毛,或内面薄被短绒毛,外面洁净无毛;花瓣5 片,倒卵形,长8-10毫米,花丝丝状,长3-5毫米,花药黄色,卵形箭头状,长1.5-2毫米;子房近球形,高约3毫米,被灰白色茸毛,花柱比子房稍长。果墨绿色,近球形至卵珠形或乳头形,长1.5-4.5 厘米,直径1-1.7厘米,有显著的淡褐色圆形斑点,具反折的宿存萼片。种子长2-2.5毫米。

产长江以南各省区,西起云贵高原和四川内陆,东至台湾省都产。本种是一个庞杂的 大类群,形态种种。其共同点是近全体无毛,仅部分的脉腋和花序花萼等处被毛;枝、茎较 坚较直,干后多呈泥黄色,叶干后也多呈泥黄色;果呈或长或短的乳头形。

斑果组 Sect. Maculatae Dunn

台湾猕猴桃 Actinidia callosa Lindl. var. formosana Fin.et Gagn.



1. Actinidia arisanensis Hayata 阿里山獼猴桃

Tall climbing shrub to 5 m or more; branches dimorphic, the spring shoots glabrous to densely strigose, with narrower glabrous or sparsely setose or densely strigose leaves, the summer shoots flowering, strigose to glabrous, with generally broader nearly glabrous leaves; pith very small, brown, lamellate. Leaves chartaceous, ovate-oblong to ovate, 8-15 cm long, 3-9 cm broad, acute to acuminate, cuneate-rounded to subcordate at base, usually unequal, sparsely and finely denticulate, glabrous or strigose on both surfaces, the dary veins 5-7 per side; petioles slender, 1.5-4.5 cm long, strigose or glabrous. Inflorescences in axillary cymes, 3- or 4-flowered, the pedicels nearly glabrous, 5-10 mm long; bracts minute; flowers white; sepals 5, oblong, rounded at apex, about 4 mm long and 2 mm broad; petals 5, oblong-ovate to oblong-lanceolate, about 7 mm long and 3 mm broad, rounded at apex, cuneate and contracted at base; ovary subglobose, densely tomentose; styles about 4 mm long. Fruit subglobose, about 2.3-3.5 cm across, glabrate, lenticellate. Endemic. In thickets and forests at altitudes of 1,160-2,260 m.

TAIPEI:Suzuki 4379, Keng & Kao s. n. in 1953. ILAN: Suao. Wilson 11122; Taipirn;-shan, Wilson 10255. TAICHUNG: Pahsienshan, Liu et al. 480. CHIAYI: Kawakami & Mori 1751. Mt. Alishan, Hayata s. n. in 1913.

This is a very variable plant, with dimorphic spring vegetative and summer flowering shoots. The young sterile shoots may be strigose, bearing densely strigose leaves, or with nearly glabrous stems and leaves sparsely strigose above only, or with nearly glabrous leaves. The flowering shoots bear larger broader leaves, generally strigose all over the upper surface.
