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2. GARCINIA L. 福木屬

Trees or shrubs, mostly glabrous, with translucent glandular canals or brownish resin canals and yellow opaque exudate. Leaves opposite, entire, lateral nerves numerous, close and parallel or ± distant, usually branched, alternating with the glandular canals but crossed by resin canals. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, cymose. Flowers usually polygamous or plants dioecious. Sepals 4-5, imbricate or decussate. Petals 4 or 5, greenish-white to yellow, imbricate, equilateral, deciduous in female flowers. Stamens in 4 or 5 antepetalous fascicles or apparently not fascicled, many, filaments slender to stout, free or ± united or fascicles ± united to form a lobed or conical synandrium; anthers dorsifixed or ± immersed in a synandrium, dehiscing variously, without gland on connective; staminodes various or absent; sterile fascicles present and free or united, or absent. Ovary 2-5(-12)-locular, placentae axile, each placenta 1-ovulate, in male flowers rudimentary or absent; styles absent or very short; stigmas 2-5(-12)-lobed, peltate, or forming a uniform mass. Fruit a 1-4-seeded fleshy berry, with tough epidermis; seeds large.

Over 200 species, pantropical (when the American species of Rheedia are included); three species in Taiwan.

KEY TO SPECIES 1. Flowers 5-merous; petioles with pseudo-ligule, puberulous 3. G. subelliptica

1. Flowers 4-merous; petioles without pseudo-ligule, glabrous.

2. Flowers in terminal panicles; male flowers with anthers at apex of stamen fascicle; leaves mostly obovate to oblanceolate with markedly prominent veins 2. G. multiflora

2. Flowers axillary, solitary; male flowers with anthers almost all along stamen fascicle; leaves ovate to elliptic with scarcely prominent veins 1. G. linii
