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5. MEDINILLA Gaud. 野牡丹藤屬

Branching shrubs, erect or scandent; branches terete, angular or winged. Leaves opposite or whorled, entire, often fleshy, glabrous or nearly so, longitudinally 3-9-nerved. Flowers in terminal panicles or lateral simple or compound cymes, white or rose, with or without bracts, 4- or 5- rarely 6-merous; calyx-tube ovoid or cylindric, the limbs truncate or obscurely toothed; stamens twice as many as the petals, equal or nearly equal (rarely unequal); anthers opening at the top by a pore; connectives not (or very shortly) produced at the base but having two appendages in front and a spur behind; ovary inferior, 4-6 celled, usually glabrous at the apex; styles filiform; ovules very many, the placentas axile. Berry crowned by the limb of the calyx; seeds very many, ovoid or subfalcate. Species about 400, tropical Africa, Madagascar, India, China, Taiwan, Pacific islands and northern Australia; two species in Taiwan. KEY TO SPECIES 1. Leaves 5-nerved; branch nodes densely surrounded with appendages; inflorescence terminal… 2. M. formosana

1. Leaves 3-nerved; branch nodes sparsely surrounded with appendages; inflorescence axillary… 1. M. hayataina

21.酸腳杆屬 Medinalla Gaud.


約400種,分佈於非洲熱帶、馬達加斯加、印度至太平洋諸島及澳大利亞北部。我國約16種,1變種,分佈于雲南、西藏、廣西、廣東及臺灣等省區。 本屬有的種果可食。
