3. Melastoma intermedia Dunn in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 38: 360. 1908; Keng & Li in Fl. Taiwan 3: 855. pl. 841. 1977. 水社野牡丹 Pl.459
A shrub. Leaves elliptic, 5-nerved, 2.1-3 cm long, 1.2-1.9 cm broad, obtuse at apex, obtuse at base, with appressed hairs above, along veins beneath, slightly serrate at margin. Flower solitary, terminal. Calyx 9 mm long, 5-lobed; petals 5, obovate, 3.2 cm long; stamens 8, unequal; ovary ovoid. Fruit ovoid, 8-10 mm cross, 7-8 mm long, with spreading scaly hairs.
Southern China and Taiwan. Taiwan, around the area of Sun Moon Lake at altitude 500-700 m.
NANTOU: Lake Suisua, Kudo & Sasaki s. n. 1929; Lienhuachih, Kudo & Yamamoto s. n. 1929.