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2. LORANTHUS Jacq. 桑寄生屬(榿寄生屬)

Parasitic shrubs, sometimes dioecious. Leaves opposite, simple, entire, often short-penninerved. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, in spikes, adnate to peduncles, bracteoles absent; outer perianth limb short truncate or 4-6 dentate; inner perianth segments 4-6, free, patent, spreading, brightly colored; stamens 4-6 inserted on perianth, anthers basifixed, 2-4-celled, cells parallel, longitudinally dehiscing; pistil 1, rudimentary in male flowers, ovary inferior, stigma obtuse or capitate; disc wanting; rudimentary stamens present in female flowers. Fruit a 1-seeded drupe. About six species, Europe to eastern Asia; two species in Taiwan.


1. Leaves oblong, flowers unisexual, plant dioecious; perianth 2-3 mm long; anthers 4-celled… 1. L. delavayi

1. Leaves elliptical, flowers bisexual; perianth 3.5-5 mm long; anthers 2-celled… 2. L. kaoi
