阿里胡颓子 Elaeagnus morrisonensis Hayata
- 常绿攀援灌木,枝细长,密被锈色鳞片。叶革质,披针形至矩圆状披针形或长椭圆状卵形,长8-12厘米,宽2-3厘米,顶端急尖,尖头钝形,基部圆形或钝圆形;全缘,上面光滑或微被鳞片,干燥后带黑色,下面密被银白色和散生少数褐色鳞片,中脉在上面凹.下面甚凸起,侧脉7-12对,细弱而直,与中脉开展成50度的角,上面不甚明显,下面略凸起;叶柄长10-12毫米,具淡褐色鳞片。花银白色,密被银白色和散生少数锈褐色鳞片,常3-4花簇生叶腋短小枝上成短总状花序;每花基部具一细小锈色苞片;花梗长3-4毫米;萼筒漏斗形或钟状漏斗形,长8-9毫米,下部宽2毫米,上部宽5毫米,裂片4,三角状卵形或拒圆形,长2 3毫米,宽1.5毫米,顶端急尖或钝形,内面具柔毛,包围子房的萼管矩圆形,长2-4毫米,喉部收缩后扩展;雄蕊4,着生于裂片下部弯缺处,花丝极短,三角形,基部扩大,长0 .5毫米,花药深褐色,矩圆形,长1.3毫米,顶端尖,基部箭形;子房卵形,长、1.3毫米,无毛,淡白色,花柱增厚,丝状,长8毫米,弯曲,深褐色,具淡白色鳞片。果实长椭圆形,长20毫米以上,具锈色鳞片,成熟时红色。
4. Elaeagnus grandifolia Hayata, Ic. Pl. Form. 9: 90. 1920. 慈恩胡頹子 Pl.393
Scandent shrubs; young branches and buds covered with silvery-brown scales. Leaves coriaceous, slightly revolute, broadly elliptic to elliptic, 6-12 cm long, 3-6 cm wide, acute at the apex, acute to obtuse at the base, the lateral veins 5-6 pairs; petioles 0.8-1.3 cm long. Flowers silvery brown, solitary on the long branches and in a shortened raceme on the short branches; perianth-tube 6-6.5 mm long, the lobes 4, triangularly ovate, 3-3.5 mm long; stamens 4, the anthers elliptic, 1.4-1.5 mm long, the filaments 0.8 mm long; style 5-6 mm long, glabrous, the stigma glandular-papillate. Fruit broadly elliptic to elliptic, 1.6-1.8 cm long, red; seed about 1.6 cm long.
Endemic. In the thickets of the central mountains at the altitudes ranging from 700 to 2,000 m.
ILAN: Taipingshan, Hayata s. n. (Type of E. grandifolia Hayata). NANTOU: Tungpu to Kuankao, Lu 24004. TAITUNG: Wulu, Lu 23999. HUALIEN: Lanshan, Lu 13050.