1. Tetrastigma alatum Li 翼柄崖爬藤
A vine, the branchlets slender, glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 3-foliolate; leaflets membranaceous, petiolulate, unequal, ovate to oblong, 7.5-10.5 cm long, 3.5-5.5 cm broad, the lateral ones 6.5-8.5 cm long, 3.5-4.5 cm broad, apex acuminate, base very obliquely truncate, coarsely and irregularly serrate, glabrous on both surfaces, lateral veins slender, about 6-8 on each side of the midrib, subconspicuous on both surfaces; petiolules 4-12 mm long, sometimes winged; petioles 2.5-4.5 cm long, glabrous, sometimes membranaceous-winged; stipules broad, persistent; tendrils leaf-opposed, umbellately 5-6-branched at tip. Flowers unisexual, double or triple umbellate; primary peduncles 3-7 mm long, dark puberulous, slender; calyx obscurely lobed; petals ovate to oblong, about 1.5 mm long, persistent, at length reflexed; disc fleshy; ovary 2-celled, style short; male flowers and fruits unknown.
Endemic, known only from the northern part of Taiwan.
TAIPEI: Tanaka & Simada 13569. HSINCHU: Simada 351.
A distinct species with membranaceous deeply serrate leaflets and often winged petioles, petiolules and peduncles. The flowers are in compound umbels.
2. Tetrastigma dentatum (Hayata) Li 三腳虌草
Vitis dentata Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 30: 62. (Mat. Fl. Form.) 1911. A vine; branchlets shortly yellowish tomentose or sometimes somewhat glabrous. Leaves stipulate, 3-foliolate, broadly triangular in shape, membranaceous, 10 cm long, 13 cm broad; leaflets oblong to ovate, glabrous on both surfaces or the lower surface paler and brownish-tomentose along the veins, apex obtuse to acuminate, base oblique-rounded, 7.5-9 cm long, 2.4-4.5 cm wide; petiolules 5 mm long; petioles 3.5 cm long. Cymes leaf-opposed, 4 cm long and broad, attached to the branchlets nearly at an angle of 90 degrees; pedicels 1.5-2.5 mm long, pubescent. Female flowers with complanate calyx, lobes obsolete, triangular, pilose; corolla spreading, 2 mm long, lobes 4-5, valvate, ovate-triangular, apex acute, connate at the back and shortly horn-shaped; ovary conical, 2 mm long, with a very short style, stigma 4-5 lobed, crowned. Berry globose, 8 mm long.
Endemic, at the medium altitudes throughout the island.
TAIPEI: Taipei, Suzuki s. n. 1929. ILAN: Ito 16164. HSINCHU: Inowuei, Sasaki s. n. 1929. MIAOLI: Tunghsiao, Suzuki 20484. CHIAYI: Mt. Alishan, Nakazawa s. n. 1932. KAOHSIUNG: Matuda 16166. PINGTUNG: Kuraru, Matuda s. n. 1917. TAITUNG: Yamamoto & Mori s. n. 1937. HUALIEN: Tailukotashan, Suzuki 9265.
圆脐组 Sect. Orbicularia C. L. Li
三叶崖爬藤 Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg
草質藤本。小枝纖細,有縱棱紋,無毛或被疏柔毛。捲鬚不分枝,相隔2節間斷與葉對生。葉為3小葉,小葉披針形、長橢圓披針形或卵披針形,長3—10釐米,寬1. 5—3釐米,頂端漸尖,稀急尖,基部楔形或圓形,側生小葉基部不對稱,近圓形,邊緣每側有4—6個鋸齒,鋸齒細或有時較粗,上面綠色,下面淺綠色,兩面均無毛;側脈5—6對,網脈兩面不明顯,無毛;葉柄長2—7. 5釐米,中央小葉柄長0. 5—1. 8釐米,側生小葉柄較短,長0. 3—0. 5釐米,無毛或被疏柔毛。花序腋生,長1—5釐米,比葉柄短、近等長或較葉柄長,下部有節,節上有苞片,或假頂生而基部無節和苞片,二級分枝通常4,集生成傘形,花二歧狀著生在分枝末端;花序梗長1. 2—2. 5釐米,被短柔毛;花梗長1—2. 5毫米,通常被灰色短柔毛;花蕾卵圓形,高1. 5—2毫米,頂端圓形;萼碟形,萼齒細小,卵狀三角形;花瓣4,卵圓形,高1. 3—1. 8毫米,頂端有小角,外展,無毛;雄蕊4,花藥黃色;花盤明顯,4淺裂;子房陷在花盤中呈短圓錐狀,花柱短,柱頭4裂。果實近球形或倒卵球形,直徑約。0. 6釐米,有種子1顆;種子倒卵橢圓形,頂端微凹,基部圓鈍,表面光滑,種臍在種子背面中部向上呈橢圓形,腹面兩側窪穴呈溝狀,從下部近1/4處向上斜展直達種子頂端。花期4—6月,果期8—11月。
作者檢查了存放在英國邱園標本室 T. alatum Li 的同號模式標本,發現部分葉柄或有時花梗有狹窄翼翅系偶然變異,這在臺灣崖爬藤 T. formosanum(Hemsl. )Cagnep. 某些個體植株上也有此現象,依據作者考察花和其他營養器官特點,應屬本種。