2. VIOLA L. 堇菜屬
Perennial herb. Leaves alternate, petiolate; blade suborbicular to linear-lanceolate, the margin serrate to crenate; stipules free or adnate to petiole, persistent, usually fimbriate or serrate, sometimes nearly entire. Flowers axillary, bisexual, zygomorphic, solitary, with a pair of bracteoles in the half of the peduncles; sepals 5, nearly equal, entire to denticulate, with appendages at base, persistent; petals 5, unequal, the lower one spurred at base, the lateral pair often bearded inside; stamens 5, connivent around the gynoecium; anther 2-celled, subsessile, connective produced into an apical appendage, the lower two bearing appendages projecting into the spur; ovary 1-celled, glabrous or pubescent, ovules numerous, on 3-parietal placentas; style straight or geniculate at base, filiform to conspicously clavate, often lobed or more or less dilated at apex, with a openning of stigmatic cavity terminal or anterior and subterminal. Fruit a 3-valved capsule, globose to ellipsoidal; valves boat-shaped, usually with thick rigid keels. Seeds numerous, ovoid or ellipsoidal with crustaceous testa. More than 400 species, chiefly in temperate regions throughout the world. 18 taxa and one doubtful species in Taiwan.
1. Flower yellow; leaves reniform to broadly ovate, apex rounded or obtuse… 4. V. biflora
1. Flower purple or white.
2. Plants without stems or stolons; stipule adnate to petiole more than 1/2 of length.
3. Stipule adnate to petiole, less than 2/3 of length; basal petal rounded at apex; rhizome long creeping, nodose; leaves triangular-ovate… 13. V. senzanensis
3. Stipule adnate to petiole, up to 3/4 of length; basal petal truncate or emarginate at apex; rhizome short, stout.
4. Roots dark brown… 10. V. mandshurica
4. Roots white or yellowish brown.
5. Spur slender, 2.5-6 mm long; lateral petals usually beardless… 5. V. confusa
5. Spur short, up to 3.5 mm long; lateral petals bearded.
6. Upper petals usually bearded… 3. V. betonicifolia
6. Upper petals beardless… 9. V. inconspicua ssp. nagasakiensis
2. Plants with stems or stolons.
7. Petioles winged; basal petal shortest, acute or acicular at apex.
8. Flower less than 1.5 cm across; plants with stems and stolons.
9. Leaves cuneate or shallowly cordate at base; lateral petals usually bearded… 6. V. diffusa
9. Leaves cordate at base; lateral petals usually beardless… 15. V. tenuis
8. Flower more than 1.5 cm in diameter; plants without stems.
10. Leaves ovate, lateral petals beardless… 11a. V. nagasawai var. nagasawai
10. Leaves triangular-ovate, lateral petals bearded… 11b. V. nagasawai var. pricei
7. Petiole wingless.
11. Basal petal truncate or emarginate at apex
12. Flowers small, less than 1.5 cm in diameter… 2. V. arcuata
12. Flowers large, more than 2 cm in diameter
13. Spur slender, more than 4 mm long; basal petal longest, emarginate at apex.
14. Leaves orbicular to orbicular-cordate, rounded or obtuse at apex… 7a. V. formosana var. formosana
14. Leaves cordate, acute at apex… 7b. V. formosana var. stenopetala
13. Spur rounded, less than 2 mm long, basal petal shortest, truncate or emarginate at apex.
15. Leaves membraneous, usually hirsute; lateral petals usually bearded… 1a. V. adenothrix var. adenothrix
15. Leaves chartaceous to subcoriaceous, usually beardless… 1b. V. adenothrix var. tsugitakaensis
11. Basal petals rounded or obtuse at apex.
16. Lateral petals bearded; style papillose at apex; capsule globose… 13. V. shinchikuensis
16. Lateral petals beardless; style smooth at apex; capsule ellipsoid.
17. Leaf-blades cordate, usually as long as or shorter than wide… 8. V. grypoceras
17. Leaf-blades triangular ovate, usually longer than wide… 12. V. obtusa var. tsuifengensis