Undershrubs or herbs, erect or more or less creeping, usually densely hairy; hairs stellate or simple; stems rough; pith obvious. Leaves simple, alternate, variably lanceolate to broadly ovate, entire or 3- or (5)-lobed or partite, irregularly serrate, with basal serrations usually glandular, 3- or 5-palminerved, petiolate, stipulate; stipules 2, usually large and persistent, rarely fugacious. Inflorescence cymose, usually axillary, sometimes terminal, generally consisting of numerous aggregate dichasia, peduncled, bracteolate; buds oblong; flowers pedicellate, hermaphroditic, actinomorphic, generally 5-merous, rarely 4- or 6-merous; sepals valvate, with apical appendages, usually pubescent without, glabrous within; petals sometimes absent, free, imbricate, shorter than sepals, usually ciliate at base, glandless; gonophore short, sometimes obsolete, bearing 5 manifest glands opposite the petals; glands sometimes united into a full ring or sometimes absent; a ciliate membranaceous urceole usually crowning the apex of gonophore and surrounding base of stamens; stamens (8-)10(-12); filaments free, surrounding ovary; anthers 2-thecate, introrse, more or less dorsifixed, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary superior, sessile on gonophore or infrequently borne on a very short gynophore, ellipsoid to orbicular, covered with many short, straight to recurved and hyaline spinules, 2- to 5-loculate, cells 2-ovulate; style filiforrm, the stigma entire or shortly 2- to 5-lobed. Fruit capsular, mostly sessile on slightly accrescent gonophore, covered with many tubercles, bristles or spines; spines elongating from the pericarp, glabrous or pilose, generally with hyaline, straight or hooked tips; fruit indehiscent or loculicidally dehiscent, (2-)3-5-locular or falsely 6-10-locular, the cells 2-seeded, infrequently 1-seeded and occasionally 1-celled with 1 seed by abortion; seeds pendulous, compressed-ovoid to pyriform, albuminous; embryo straight; cotyledons flat, foliaceous. About 150 species distributed pantropically, especially abundant in tropical America, Australia, and S. Africa. Four species in Taiwan. KEY TO SPECIES 1. Spines of fruit hooked at tip.
2. Spines of fruit glabrous… 1. T. bartramia
2. Spines of fruit pilosulose or pilose.
3. Leaves broadly ovate, slightly 3-lobed, not tailed at apex, spines of fruit pilosulose, nearly glabrous… 3. T. semitriloba
3. Leaves elliptic-ovate, rarely or not lobed, tailed at apex spines of fruit obviously pilose… 2. T. pilosa
1. Spines of fruit straight at tip… 4. T. tomentosa