2. Elaeocarpus japonicus Sieb. & Zucc.薯豆
An evergreen tree. Leaves thin-coriaceous, elliptic or oblong, acuminate at apex, with obtuse acumen, obtuse to subrounded at base, 6-10 cm long, 2-3 cm broad, glabrous, slightly shining above and minutely black-tubercled beneath, the margins obscurely crenulate-serrulate, the midrib slightly impressed above, prominently elevated beneath, the lateral veins 5-6 on each side of the midrib, the veinlets reticulate, slightly elevated on both surfaces; petioles about 2-3 cm long, glabrous, slightly swollen at the top. Inflorescences axillary, racemose, the rachis slightly pubescent, or glabrescent; pedicels 3-5 mm long, pubescent; sepals ovate-oblong, about 5 mm long, 2 mm broad, acute at the apex, oblong, slightly pubescent; stamens about 8, the anthers sometimes 3-4 dented; linear, obtuse at the apex, about 4 mm long, the anthers awnless; ovary villous; style much shorter than the stamens. Fruit ovoid, 7-9 mm long, about 5 mm across.
China, south Japan and the Ryukyus. Taiwan, in forests at low altitudes throughout the island.
TAIPEI: Shihlin, Tanaka 72607. ILAN: Tayuanshan, Kao 78662. MIAOLI: Kuo & Kao 72603. TAICHUNG: Pahsienshan, Chuang et al. 73609. NANTOU: Sun Moon Lake, Chang 3683. PINGTUNG: Hiiranshan, Chang 4730, Chioka, Ou 2456. This species is well known by its entire petals but we have found recently the specimens Ou 2456 are kept in the Department of Forestry, Chung-Hsing University with petals, cut into 3-4 teeth.
- Elaeocarpus japonicus コバンモチ