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Sambucus sieboldiana (Miq.) Blume ex Schwer.

Sambucus sieboldiana Blume

Sambucus nigra L.
Sambucus species Siebold & Sieboldiana
Sambucus racemosa L. var. sieboldiana Miq.

Sambucus sieboldiana Blume var. major Nakai

Sambucus sieboldiana Blume var. buergeriana Nakai
  1. 原 寛 東亜植物註解 (9) Hiroshi HARA Comrnents on the East Asiatic plants (9)

Nakai, Tentamen systematics Caprifoliaceae Coll. Sci. Tokyo XLII art. 2. p. 9 (1921) Sambucus sieboldiana Blume var. buergeriana Nakai https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/31488#page/512/mode/1up
