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6. MELASTOMA L. 野牡丹屬

Shrubs; branches and branchlets strigose or villose. Leaves oblong or lanceolate, 3-7-nerved, petioled. Flowers terminal, solitary, clustered or panicled, showy, generally purple, 5- rarely 6-7-merous; calyx-tube with simple, rarely with peniculate hairs, the lobes deciduous; petals equal in number to the calyx-lobes; stamens twice as many as the petals, very unequal, alternate, the longer ones with purple anthers having the connectives long-produced at base and terminating in two lobes, the shorter ones having yellow anthers, the connectives not produced but with two tubercles in front; ovary more or less united to the calyx-tube, 5-(rarely 6-7-) celled, the apex bearing bristles; style filiform, simple; ovules very numerous; placentas axile. Fruit coriaceous or somewhat fleshy, dehiscing irregularly; seeds minute, very many, curved through half a circle, minutely punctate.

Species about 100, southern Asia and Pacific islands. Three species in Taiwan.


1. Leaves 2.1-3 cm long; flower solitary; fruit with spreading scaly hairs… 3. M. intermedia

1. Leaves 5-12 cm long; flower umbellate; fruit with appressed scaly hairs.

2. Leaves with appressed hairs only above… 1. M. affine

2. Leaves always with appressed and soft hairs above… 2. M. candidum
