1. 葉密或疏被毛 (上或下表面或兩面)。
2. 葉下表面明顯被毛。
3. 葉緣具三角狀銳齒之小裂片……………7. B. laciniata巒大秋海棠
3. 葉緣具鋸齒或淺齒。
4. 葉先端尾狀漸尖,重鋸齒緣;葉柄長2-5 cm;托葉線狀披針形………3. B. buimontana武威山秋海棠
4. 葉先端漸尖,淺齒緣;葉柄長8-25 cm;托葉卵形..9. B. nantoensis南投秋海棠
2. 葉下表面光滑或極疏被毛。
5. 葉緣具小裂片狀,疏或重齒緣…………6. B. formosana水鴨腳
5. 葉不具小裂片,不規則鋸齒緣…………10. B. ravenii岩生秋海棠
1. 葉光滑。
6. 植物體無地上莖,葉與花序由地下莖長出。
7. 落葉性;托葉三角形,宿存;地下莖呈鏈珠狀.2. B. austrotaiwanensis南台灣秋海棠
7. 常綠性;托葉卵形,早落;地下莖棒狀……5. B. fenicis蘭嶼秋海棠
6. 植物體具地上莖。
8. 植物體具橫走地下莖。
9. 葉呈不規則剪裂狀……………12. B. tarokoensis
9. 葉不裂,不規則細齒緣…………………4. B. chitoensis溪頭秋海棠
8. 植物體無橫走之地下莖。
10. 葉披針形,短於12 cm,窄於4 cm……11. B. taiwaniana台灣秋海棠
10. 葉長橢圓形,長於12 cm,寬於5 cm。
11. 果無翅;葉下表面暗灰色………1. B. apter圓果秋海棠
11. 果具3翅;葉下表面紫紅色…………8. B. lukuana鹿谷秋海棠
3. Begonia buimontana Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agr. 5: 353. 1933; Liu & Lai in Fl. Taiwan 3: 792. 1977. 武威山秋海棠
A succulent herb; horizontal rhizomes lacking; stem glabrous or sometimes remotely pilose. 40-125 cm high, to 26 mm in diameter; stipules glabrous, caducous, ovate to broadly ovate, to 23 mm long, 18 mm broad, the apex acuminate, the margins entire. Leaves alternate, obliquely ovate-lanceolate or ovate, 8-22 cm long, 4-8 cm broad, the apex caudate-acuminate, the base unequally cordate, the margins irregularly doubly serrate, densely scabrous hirsute on both surface, especially dense along midribs and veins, the veins 5-8, sometimes villous; petioles slender, 2-5 cm long, loosely hirsute; stipules linear-lanceolate, 7-16 cm long, 1.5 cm broad, pilose outside. Bracts in pairs, thickly papery, glabrous, caducous, narrowly ovate to ovate, to 24 mm long, 17 mm wide, the apex mucronate to acuminate, the margins entire. Cymes axillary, 2- to 3-flowered; peduncles slender, 5-7 cm long, 2 mm in diam. Staminate flowers with 4 tepals, pink, the two outer tepals larger, obovate, 12-14 mm long, 8-13 mm broad, hirsute outside, the two inner smaller, oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, 6-13 mm long, 4-6 mm broad; stamens numerous, the filaments 1.5-2.8 mm long. Pistillate flower larger; tepals 2, spathulate, 1,8 cm long, 0.8 cm broad; ovary triangular, 1 cm long, glabrous, unequally 3-winged, the abaxial wing erect, much protruded, 12-19 mm long, 11-16 mm wide, the lateral wings much narrower, 4-6 mm long, 10-14 mm broad; styles 3, branched, the stigma papillose. Seeds minute and very numerous, broadly ellipsoid, 0.35-0.38 mm long, 0.19-0.22 mm thick, the apex rotund, the seed lip nipple shaped, the micropylar and constricted.
Endemic with a restricted distribution at altitudes between 1,000 and 1,600 m in southern part of the Central Mountain Range of Taiwan.
Known from Pingtung, Kaohsing and Chiayi Counties. PINGTUNG: Wuweishan, Matuda 322(Type, TAI!); Lai & Lo 197; Mt. Peitawushan, Lai 9891.