2. Thalictrum myriophyllum Ohwi in Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 2: 156. 1933; Liu & Hsieh in Fl. Taiwan 2: 510. 1976. 密葉唐松草 Pl.271
Perennial herbs; stems branched or rarely simple, erect, 20-70 cm tall, sparsely velutinous at first, soon glabrous; roots fibrous. Radical and lower leaves long petiole, tetraternate or tetrapinnate to pentaternate, leaflets 81-240, ovate or obovate, sometimes elliptic, chartaceous, 2-8.1 mm long, 1-7 mm broad, base cuneate, obtuse or truncate, sometimes oblique, entire, 3-lobed, dark green and glabrous above, glaucous and sparsely velutinous beneath along venation or glabrous; nerves elevated on both surfaces, margin thickened beneath; petiolulate; petiole base widely sheathing stipules membranaceous. Cauline and upper leaves biternate or triternate, segments sometimes larger than on lower parts. Inflorescence corymbose-paniculate, terminal or lateral. Flowers greenish, pedicel sparsely velutinous; sepals 4, elliptic, 2-3 mm long, 1.3-1.5 mm broad, apex acute or obtuse, dentate, 2 or 3-veined, almost glabrous, caducous; stamens 25-40, 1.8-2.5 mm long, anthers elliptsoid-linear, 0.5-0.8 mm long, filaments linear dilated above, whitish, connective retuse; carpels about 20, glabrous, 1.5-1.7 mm long, sessile. Style persistent, recurved-circinate. Achenes fusiform, glabrous, deeply striate, 2.5-2.8 mm long, sessile.
Endemic. Forests and forest margins and open areas, in the central mountains, Hsuehshan and Yushan above 3,000 m altitudes.
ILAN: Mt. Nanhutashan, Ohwi 4188 (Holotype, KYO!).
7.密葉唐松草 Thalictrum myriophyllum Ohwi
莖高34—70釐米,有稀疏短柔毛,變無毛,分枝。基生葉和莖下部葉有較長柄,為四回三出複葉;葉片長5—10釐米;小葉紙質,小葉卵形、倒卵形或近圓形,長3—8毫米,寬2.5—5毫米,基部楔形或圓形,三淺裂或有時不分裂,裂片全緣,表面無毛,背面有白粉,沿脈有稀疏短毛或變無毛;葉柄長2.4—5.8釐米。莖上部葉較小。花序圓錐狀,有稀疏的花;花梗長達l釐米;萼片約4,綠黃色,脫落,橢圓形,長2—3毫米;雄蕊約25,花藥狹橢圓形,長0.5一O.7毫米,頂端微尖,花絲長2—2.5毫米,上部倒披針形,心皮5—12,無柄。瘦果紡錘形,長2—3毫米,有8條縱肋,宿存花柱稍拳卷。 7月開花。