1. Shoots with appressed, flattened, brownish bristle-like hairs; leaves dimorphic, the spring and summer leaves different in shape.
2. Stamens 5-10; flowers red, rarely pink or white.
3. Shoots densely clothed with flattened appressed hairs; bud scales not viscid; corolla funnelform to campanulate.
4. Leaves ovate to obovate or ovate-lanceolate.
5. Styles glabrous; corolla red, rarely white or pink; leaves ovate to elliptic or obovate-lanceolate.
6. Leaves elliptic-oblong or oblong-obovate, 2-5 cm long.
7. Leaves chartaceous, strigose beneath, the margins flat; corolla red 18. R. simsii
6. Leaves ovate to obovate-lanceolate, about 1.5 cm or less long.
7. Corolla larger, about 2.5 cm long and 3-4 cm across; stamens included.
8. Dwarf prostrate shrub; corolla larger, about 4 cm across 11. R. nakaharai
8. Erect shrub; corolla smaller, about 3 cm across 8. R. longiperulatum
8. Rhododendron longiperulatum Hayata 大屯杜鵑 (大屯滿山紅)
An erect shrub, many-branched, the branches appressed-furfurescent-strigose. Leaves chartaceous, variable in size, ovate to ovate-oblong and oblong-lanceolate, 1-2.5 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm broad, the apex acute, with an apiculate tip, the base acute to acuminate, the margins entire, revolute, the upper surface green sparingly strigose, the lower surface pale, densely furfurescent-strigose along the veins, the secondary veins 2-3 per side, inconspicuous; petioles to 2 mm long, furfurescent- strigose. Flowers terminal, 1-3, 1-2-bracteate; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes obtuse, 2.5 mm long, 1.5 mm broad, densely strigose without; corolla scarlet, funnelform, about 3 cm long and across, deeply 5-lobed to the middle; stamens 9-10, unequal, included, the filaments slightly pilose at base; ovary cylindric-ovoid, 1.5 mm long, pubescent, the style glabrous. Capsules cylindric-ovoid, 8-15 mm long, pubescent.
Endemic. Northern Taiwan, in grasslands at 700-1,000 m in the Tatun Range. Flowering in late March and April.
TAIPEI: Tatun Range, Shimada s. n. in 1910 (Type coll.), Murakami 157, Sasaki s. n. in 1924.
11. Rhododendron nakaharai Hayata 中原氏杜鵑
A low prostrate shrub, many-branched, the branchlets densely covered with appressed-furfurescent-strigose hairs. Leaves mostly crowded at top of branches, chartaceous, polymorphic, short-petiolate, ovate to oblong, 1-1.2 cm long, 0.5-1.2 cm broad, the apex acute, apiculate at the tip, the base acute to attenuate, the margins entire, revolute, the upper surface green, scattered appressed-strigose, the lower surface pale, densely furfurescent-appressed long- strigose along the costa and veins, the secondary veins 2-3 per side, indistinct; petioles to 1 mm long, furfurescent-strigose. Flowers 1-3, terminal; pedicels, about 1 cm long, densely long-furfurescent-strigose; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes obtuse, densely long-strigose without; corolla scarlet, funnelform, about 3.5 cm long and 4 cm across, deeply 5-lobed to the middle; stamens 9 or 10, unequal, or sometimes 5-6, the filaments slightly pilose at base; ovary pubescent. Capsules globose or ovoid, about 8 mm long, pubescent.
Endemic. Northern Taiwan, in grasslands at 700-1,000 m in the Tatun Range. Flowering in June.
TAIPEI: Chihsinshan, Nakahara s. n. in 1915 (Type coll.).
18. Rhododendron simsii Planch 唐杜鵑
A shrub 1-3 m high, many-branched; young branches densely appressed- strigose, the hairs gray to brown. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-elliptic, persistent or half-persistent, very variable in size, 2-5 cm long, acute at apex, cuneate at base, sparingly strigose and dull above, more or less strigose beneath especially along the veins. Flowers 2-6-clustered at end of branchlets; calyx to 5 mm long, densely strigose and ciliate, the parts ovate to lanceolate; corolla rose-red to dark red, funnelform, 3.5-5 cm across; stamens 7-10, as long as the corolla, the anthers purple; style exserted.
Widely distributed in temperate regions of mainland China. Taiwan, confined to the southern tip of the island in the primary forests of Hengchun Peninsula. PINGTUNG: Hengchun, Furukawa s. n. in 1910.
289. 杜鵑 Rhododendron simsii Planch.
落葉灌木,高2(-5)米;分枝多而纖細,密被亮棕褐色扁平糙伏毛。葉革質,常集生枝端,卵形、橢圓狀卵形或倒卵形或倒卵形至倒披針形,長1.5-5釐米,寬0.5-3釐米,先端短漸尖,基部楔形或寬楔形,邊緣微反卷,具細齒,上面深綠色,疏被糙伏毛,下面淡白色,密被褐色糙伏毛,中脈在上面凹陷,下面凸出;葉柄長2-6毫米,密被亮棕褐色扁平糙伏毛。花芽卵球形,鱗片外面中部以上被糙伏毛,邊緣具睫毛。花2- 3 (-6)朵簇生枝頂;花梗長8毫來,密被亮棕褐色糙伏毛;花萼5深裂,裂片三角狀長卵形,長5毫米,被糙伏毛,邊緣具睫毛;花冠闊漏斗形,玫瑰色、鮮紅色或暗紅色,長3.5-4釐米,寬1.5-2釐米,裂片5,倒卵形,長2.5-3釐米,上部裂片具深紅色斑點;雄蕊10,長約與花冠相等,花絲線狀,中部以下被微柔毛;子房卵球形,10室,密被亮棕褐色糙伏毛,花柱伸出花冠外,無毛。蒴果卵球形,長達1釐米,密被糙伏毛;花萼宿存。花期4-5月,果期6-8月。
產江蘇、安徽、浙江、江西、福建、臺灣、湖北、湖南、廣東、廣西、四川、貴州和雲南。生於海拔500-1 200(-2 500)米的山地疏灌叢或松林下,為我國中南及西南典型的酸性土指示植物。
本種與皋月杜鵑 R. indicum (Linn.) Sweet相似,但不同在於後者的雄蕊為5;葉較小而狹窄,邊緣具細圓齒,易於區別。
作者仔細研究了方文培教授發表的莢蒾葉杜鵑 R. viburnifolium Fang和美麗杜鵑R. bellum Fang et G. Z. Li以及譚沛祥發表的雙色杜鵑 R. bicolor Tam 和長條杜鵑 R. petilum Tam 的模式標本和付模式標本的特徵;與杜鵑 R. simsii Planch. 的區別甚微,極難於分開,故將前四種歸併于杜鵑之中較為合理。
映山红组 Sect. 2. Tsutsusi Sweet
那克哈杜鹃 Rhododendron nakaharai Hayata
產我國臺灣北部。生於海拔700-1 000米的草叢中。模式標本采自臺北。
映山红组 Sect. 2. Tsutsusi Sweet
长鳞芽杜鹃 Rhododendron longiperulatum Hayata
本種與臺北杜鵑R. kanehirae Wils.相近,但不同在於後者的葉較大而狹窄;花較大,花柱基部被少許糙伏毛,易於區別。