杯托组 Sect. Cylicodaphne (Nees) Hook. f.
竹叶木姜子 Litsea pseudoelongata Lion
常绿小乔木,高达10米;树皮褐色。幼枝灰褐色,有灰色柔毛。顶芽卵圆形,鳞片外 面被丝状短柔毛。叶互生,宽条形,长7-12厘米,宽1-1.5厘米,有时达2.5厘米,先端 钝尖,基部急尖略下延,薄革质,上面绿色,略有光泽,下面粉绿色,有时带锈黄色,幼时有柔毛,羽状脉,侧脉每边15-20条,在上面不甚明显,下面略突起,中脉在上面下陷,下面突起;叶柄长5-9毫米,初时有柔毛。伞形花序常3-5个簇生在枝顶叶腋短枝上,短枝 长5-10毫米,或更短;苞片4-5;每一雄花序有花4朵;花梗短,被柔毛;花被裂片6,有时4或8,卵形或椭圆形,外面有柔毛,内面无毛,有香味;能育雄蕊9,花丝短,有柔毛;腺体长椭圆形,近于无柄;无退化雌蕊。果长卵形,长约1厘米,先端尖,果托浅杯状,直径约4毫米,边缘有圆齿,外面有短柔毛;果梗短,长约2毫米,有灰色柔毛。花期5-6月,果期10-12月。
9.李氏木薑子 Litsea lii Chang in Month. Develop. Sci. 3(11): 1954. 1975; Chang in F1. Taiwan 2: 441. 1976.
Small evergreen trees; branchlets terete, brown, glabrous to puberulent; buds oblong, sericeous, acute, 2-3 mm long, 1-2 mm across; sprouting shoots violet, whitish-gray pubescent; young leaves violet, grayish-yellow hirsute beneath, soon glabrescent. Leaves alternate, chartaceous, linear-oblong, lanceolate to oblanceolate, entire, 7-9 cm long, 1.3-2.3 cm broad, acute, acuminate to caudate at apex, acute to cuneate at base, glabrous and nearly flattened above, somewhat rusty-glaucous beneath, lateral veins 7-10 pairs, nearly flattened above, somewhat rusty-glaucous beneath, parallel veins at base of blade, veinlets indistinct or elevated and reticulate beneath; petioles 6-9 mm long, nearly glabrous. Fruiting inflorescences umbels, axillary; peduncles ca. 3 mm long. Fruit ellipsoid, 3 mm long, 2.5 mm across, glabrous; receptacles puberulent outside; pedicels 1-2 mm long.
PINGTUNG: North Tawushan, Pingtung, Chen s. n.; Shinsuiying, Shen & Tsou 881.
70.大武山木姜子 李氏木薑子 Litsea lii C. E. Chang in Fl. Taiwan 2: 441. 1976.
小喬木。小枝圓柱形,被短柔毛。芽長圓形,被絲毛,銳尖,長6-10毫米,直徑2-3 毫米。葉長圓形或披針形,長6-9釐米,寬1.3-2.3釐米,先端銳尖,基部銳尖或楔形,革質,上面無毛,下面在中脈基部被長柔毛,側脈每邊約5條,上面稍為突起,下面明顯突起,小脈下面明顯突起;葉柄纖細,長7-10毫米,被短柔毛。果序腋生,呈傘形;總梗長3毫米。果橢圓形,長3毫米,直徑2.5-3毫米,無毛;宿存花被片外面被短柔毛,先端截形;果梗長1-2毫米。(標本未見,摘自原描寫) 產我國臺灣(屏東大武山)。生於海拔2400米的林中。
張慶恩認為本種近於Litsea morrisonensis Hay.[=玉山黃肉楠Actinodaphne morrisonensis (Hay.) Hay.],但不同在於葉近于無毛,小脈在葉下麵明顯突起,果序有較長的總梗。我們看來,兩者區別特徵並不明顯,況且後者已移入黃肉楠屬,因此本種能否建立,若能建立宜置於何屬的問題均應加予考慮。由於我們未見標本,附志於此,留待考訂。