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4. Berchemia lineata (L.) DC., Prodr. 2: 23. 1825; Li in Fl. Taiwan 3: 651. pl. 763. 1977. 小葉黃鱔藤

A low shrub; branchlets more or less pubescent. Leaves papyriferous, ovate to obovate, variable in size, about 1-1.5 cm long, 7-9 mm broad, more or less rounded at both ends, glabrous on both surfaces, dark above, pale beneath, the lateral veins 5-7 per side, parallel, prominent; petioles pubescent, about 1 mm long. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, racemose or fasciculate, 2-3 or more-flowered, more or less pubescent; flowers white, sepals 5, linear, about 1.5 mm long; petioles lanceolate, about 2.5 mm long. Drupe ovoid, bluish black, 6-7 mm long, 5-6 mm broad; pedicels 4-5 mm long.

S. China, Tonkin to the Ryukyus, Taiwan, from open scrub land along the seashore to forests on mountain slopes.

TAIPEI: Kungliao, Lin 10720. ILAN: Tali, Kuo 1083. HSINCHU: Hsienchiaoshih, Sasaki s. n. 1927. MIAOLI: Lungken, Kao 7394. PINGTUNG: Santimen, Ou 10840. TAITUNG: Sanhsientai, Lin 10996.

Like Berchemia formosana, this is a very variable plant.

ヒメクマヤナギ Berchemia lineata

ヒメクマヤナギ Berchemia lineata