3. CISSUS L. 粉藤屬
Deciduous or evergreen shrubs climbing by tendrils, rarely herbs with tuberous roots. Leaves alternate, more or less fleshy, simple or compound. Flowers perfect of polygamo-monoecious, 4-merous, in usually umbel-like cymes, opposite a leaf or terminal. Petals expanding; disc cupular, 4-lobed or of 4 distinct glands; ovary globose; styles filiform with a minute stigma. Fruit a 1-2-seeded berry.
1. Leaves compound, pedately 5-foliolate, glabrous… 2. C. lanyuensis
1. Leaves simple.
2. Plants glabrous throughout.
3. Stems terete; leaves broadly ovate, 5.5-10 cm wide, somewhat glaucous beneath… 4. C. repens
3. Stems 4-angular, with broad wings at the angles; leaves long-ovate or cordate, 3-5 cm wide, glabrous but not glaucous beneath… 3. C. pteroclada
2. Plants clothed with a rust-colored pubescence; stems terete or slightly furrowed; leaves orbicular-cordate… 1. C. adnata