3. GREWIA L. 田麻屬
Trees, erect shrubs or climbers more or less covered with stellate hairs; main stems usually few, in clusters or single, much branched; bark grey or brown, lenticellate, longitudinally short-grooved, thick and fibrous; wood soft, light; pith obvious. Leaves simple, alternate, sometimes distichous, variably ovate to oblong, mostly unlobed, serrate-dentate, rarely entire, 3-5-palminerved, both surfaces covered with stellate hairs, scabrous, petiolate, stipulate; stipules 2, narrow, sharp, entire. Inflorescence peduncled, axillary, oppositifolious or rarely terminal, solitary or clustered, umbellate; flowers hermaphroditic, actinomorphic, small, pedicellate, bracteolate; calyx valvate; sepals 5, free, deciduous, densely hairy without, usually glabrous within; petals 5, free, deciduous, much smaller than sepals, usually glabrous without, glandular at base within; glands surrounded by a tuft or whorl of hairs; gonophore elongated or not, densely pubescent at apex, otherwise glabrous; stamens many, free, inserted on apex of gonophore and around ovary; filaments glabrous; anthers dorsifixed, dorsally curved, 2-thecate, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary superior, ciliate, 2-4-celled, each cell with 1-2(-8)-ovules in 2 rows; style distinct, slim; stigma slightly or deeply 2-4-lobed. Fruit drupaceous, green, glabrous or tomentose, fibrous, entire or mostly 2-4-lobed, the lobes oblate, 1-4-celled; pyrenes 1-4, 1-4-seeded, with spurious partitions between seeds; seeds albuminous. About 70 species distributed over tropical Asia, extending to Africa and Australia, and a few species in eastern Asia, beyond the tropics. Four species found in Taiwan, growing on sunny hillsides.
KEY TO SPECIES 1. Leaves densely covered with soft tomentose hairs and grey on lower surface, prominently oblique at base; fruit not lobed, subglobose, covered with hoary tomentose hairs… 2. G. eriocarpa
1. Leaves covered with rigid hairs and greyish-green, not oblique or slightly so at base, fruit 2-4-lobed; each lobe oblate, glabrous.
2. Leaves small, 0.6-1.2 cm long, 0.4-0.9 cm wide; petioles short, 1-1.5 mm long… 3. G. piscatorum
2. Leaves large, 1-14 cm long, 1-7 cm wide; petioles long, 3-16 mm long.
3. Stamens very short, 1-1.5 mm long; style exposed above anthers, stigma T-shaped in side view… 1. G. biloba
3. Stamens long, 4-4.5 mm long; style hidden among stamens; stigma not T-shaped in side view… 4. G. rhombifolia
- Grewia biloba G. Don 厚葉捕魚木;大漢山林道、卓蘭、七佳、關子嶺、
- Grewia eriocarpa Juss. 大葉捕魚木;扇平;三民鄉 二溪山溪谷;仙坑山 大樹;曾文水庫東口堰,高雄縣大崗山
7.扁擔杆屬——Grewia Linn.