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4. Grewia rhombifolia Kanehira & Sasaki 菱葉捕魚木

An evergreen small tree or shrub, 5 m high or more; bark brown, sparsely lenticellate; branches terete, greyish-brown; young shoots yellowish-brown, covered with stellate hairs. Leaves chartaceous, rhomboid or ovate-elliptic, 1.2-14 cm long, 1-6 cm wide, usually acute or slightly obtuse at apex, tapered or obtuse at base, 3-nerved, serrate or dentate; both surfaces green, scabrous, covered with brown stellate hairs; nerves distinct below; petioles 0.3-1.5 cm long, brown, hairy, enlarged at apex; stipules 2, subulate, 0.3-0.7 cm long. Umbels solitary, oppositifolious or rarely axillary, wholly covered with stellate hairs, yellowish brown; peduncles straight, slim, 6-17 mm long, enlarged at apex; pedicels straight, slim, 4-9 mm long; bracteoles 2, cuneate; buds obovate, 4.5 mm long, 4.0 mm thick, longitudinally ribbed and grooved; sepals 5, obovate-oblanceolate, 7-9 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, acuminate at apex, truncate at base, hairy without and within; petals 5, broadly ovate, 1.5-2 mm long, 1.1 mm wide, glabrous without, glabrous within; glands prominently surrounded by tufted, hoary hairs; gonophore short; stamens numerous; filaments slender, 4-4.5 mm long; ovary globose, ciliate; style slender, 3.5 mm long; stigma longitudinally 4-lobed; style and stigma shorter than stamens and hidden among them. Fruit drupaceous, 2-4-lobed, the lobes oblate, green, dark brown at maturity, glabrous.

Endemic. Growing on open hills at low altitudes. Flowering time from April to October.

TAIPEI: Kuangyinshan, Sasaki 12157; Tanshui, Sasaki s. n. 1932*. ILAN: Chiaochi, Liao s. n. 1960. HSINCHU: Shimada 1255C. MIAOLI: Cholan, Liu & Kao s. n. 1957. TAICHUNG: Pahsienshan, Liao s. n. 1957. CHANGHUA: Pakuashan, Shimada 6154B. TAINAN: Kuanmiao, Chen & Kao 3115. KAOHSIUNG: Wuweishan, Sasaki s. n. 1918. PINGTUNG: Chauchiu, Sasaki s. n. 1935; Wanking, Lo 16.

This species is very similar to G. biloba Wall. But is easily distinguished from the latter by the pollen grains 2 times larger than those in the latter and by the styles being shorter than stamens and hidden among them.

6 葉下麵常變禿或有稀疏柔毛,決不被茸毛。

7 葉較小,寬1-4.5釐米,基部楔形,稀為圓形,花瓣長1-2毫米。

8 葉中等大,寬2-4.5釐米。

9 葉菱形或卵形,基部闊楔形或圓。 菱葉扁擔杆 Grewia rhombifolia Kanehira et Sasaki

9 葉橢圓形或倒卵狀橢圓形,基部楔形或鈍。 扁擔杆 Grewia biloba G. Don

8 葉小,寬1-2釐米。 海岸扁擔杆 Grewia piscatorum Hance
