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3. Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq., Enum. Pl. Carib. 22. 1760; Liu & Lo in Fl. Taiwan 3: 707. 1977. 菲島垂桉草

An erect perennial herb or shrub, 1 m high or more; bark greyish-brown, lenticellate; old stems rough, glabrous; young shoots and floral axes terete, slender, densely covered with simple and stellate pubescence. Leaves membranaceous, broradly ovate, variable in shape, 4-8 cm long, 3-6 cm wide, acuminate at apex, obtuse or rounded, rarely subcordate at base, 3-nerved, irregularly serrate-dentate, usually glandular at serrations, slightly or obscurely 3-lobed; upper surface covered with simple pubescence, green; lower surface covered with stellate pubescence, greyish-green; upper leaves usually oblong; petioles 0.5-6 cm long, slender, pubescent. Inflorescence axillary, sometimes terminal; cymes of 2-3 cymules in lax clusters; peduncles 1-2(-3) mm long; pedicels 2-3 mm long; bracteoles narrowly elliptic; buds oblong, 4 mm long or nearly so, with apical appendages 0.5 mm long, pubescent; sepals 5, linear, apiculate, 6 mm long, green, slightly covered with stellate pubescence without, yellowish-brown and glabrescent within; petals 5, narrowly elliptic-obovate, yellow, subequalling sepals; gonophore rather slender, short; glands oblong; stamens 15 or more; filaments glabrous, retrorsely serrate; ovary ovoid, about 1 mm long; spinules numerous, recurved upward; style 3-5 mm long, slim; stigma acute, 3-lobed or nearly so. Capsules spinose, indehiscent, generally orbicular, 3-5 mm in diameter at maturity, glabrescent or slightly pubescent; spines 50-75, 1.5-2 mm long, slender, sparsely retrosely pilosulose at base 1/2-2/3 of length, hooked at tip, conically enlarged at base; locuci 3, 2-seeded in each; seeds 6 rarely all mature.

The Philippines and tropical regions of the New World. Taiwan, growing in fields and waste places in the southern part of the island. Flowering time from October to January.

CHIAYI: Chungpu, Mori s. n. 1934; Mt. Alishan, Hayata & Sasaki s. n. 1912.
