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1. Leaves small, usually not more than 4 cm, distinctly obovate.

2. Leaves rounded to slightly emarginate at apex… 6. E. oldhamii

2. Leaves acute at apex… 5. E. obovata

1. Leaves more than 4 cm long, lanceolate to oblong-ovate.

2. Leaves chartaceous.

3. Leaves acute to acuminate at apex; petioles short, 6-8 mm long.

4. Leaves silvery underneath… 7. E. thunbergii

4. Leaves brownish underneath… 2. E. glabra

3. Leaves rounded to obtuse at apex; petioles long, 1.5-2 cm long… 8. E. wilsonii

2. Leaves thickly or thinly coriaceous, obtuse to acute or acuminate at apex.

3. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, large, 4-12 cm long and 2-3.5 cm broad, acute or acuminate at apex, the margins usually not revolute.

4. Leaves broadly ovate, 2-2.5 times as long as broad, acute at apex… 3. E. macrophylla

4. Leaves lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, about 3 or 4 times as long as broad, acuminate at apex… 4. E. morrisonensis

3. Leaves elliptic, smaller, 4—5 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm broad, rounded to obtuse at apex, the margins usually revolute… 1. E. formosana

Insufficiently known species… 9. E. formosensis



1. Flowers 1-3 in a fascicle, axillary at the leaves and/or bracteoles.

2. Plants evergreen; bracteoles present in the inflorescences on the short branches of the year… 5. E. oldhamii

2. Plants deciduous; bracteoles absent in the inflorescences on the short branches of the year… 9. E. umbellata

1. Flowers solitary, axillary at the leaves and bracteoles.

3. Leaves less than 4 cm long… 6. E. tarokoensis

3. Leaves more than 4 cm long.

4. Leaves coriaceous.

5. Leaves obtuse or rounded, partially covered with scales on the abaxial side; style stellate-haired… 2. E. formosensis

5. Leaves acute, completely covered with scales on the abaxial side; style glabrous.

6. Leaves broad-elliptic to elliptic, with spreading scales; flowers brownish-yellow… 4. E. grandifolia

6. Leaves obovate, with bowl like scales; flowers whitish-yellow… 1. E. formosana

4 Leaves chartaceous.

7. Leaves ovate (very rarely elliptic to orbicular); fruit 1.8-2 cm long… 8. E. triflora

7. Leaves elliptic or obovate; fruit 1.4-1.8 cm long.

8. Scales mostly brown; style glabrous; fruit 1.4- 1.8 cm long, red orange… 3. E. glabra

8. Scales mostly silvery; style stellate haired; fruit 9-1.3 cm long, red.........................7. E. thunbergii
