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1. ACTINOSTEMMA Griff. 合子草屬

Annual to perennial vines; tendrils bifid or rarely simple; leaves simple; monoecious, or rarely dioecious. Flowers with pedicels articulate in the middle; calyx lobes 5, segments linear-lanceolate, subsaccate at the base; corolla actinomorphic, rotate, lobes 5, segments lanceolate. Staminate flowers in axillary panicles or rarely single flowered; stamens 5, free, inserted to the central discs, with short filaments, all anthers 1 locular, loculi oblong; pistillodes absent. Pistillate flowers solitary or clustered, with long pedicels; staminodes 3-5, glanduliform; ovary subglobose, style short, thick, stigmas 3-lobed, reniform. Fruits small, ovoid, conical at the apex, green, echinate, circumscissile-dehiscent above the middle. Seeds 2-4, small, ovoid, compressed, testa rugose, margin denticulate.
